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Application Comments posted by ScourgeOfOrders

  1. Sybastian was born in the farmlands near to Helena, Cascadia. He was brought up under two loving parents as a farmer – he lived there in peace, doing his farming until the War of the Two Emperors had occured. This had brought war between Cascadia and the Empire against a lot of other people. During this he fled away to the country side as he did not want to be conscripted in to the war and risk his life for those who would not risk their life for his. Therefore, he came back to his farm in secret after the war was ended and was won by the Cascadians. This marked his spur for wanting to do more, and that is what he wanted to do – to become more than a farmer and not be a coward again, like join the military or something. This is where his journey on Arcas would begin.

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