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Posts posted by Orsinium

  1. Application:




    Faction Name:

    The Yakuza



    Civilization Type: Raiders


    Faction Backstory:

    The Yakuza originated from the west and journeyed to Chicago a century ago as a large biker gang fleeing their lands. Their leader, Taoko Kazuo, settled Chicago and began creating chaos as his ancestors had done before. Their influence growing quite large by the end of Kazuo’s life before he was succeeded by Yoshinori. From there the ambitious gang leader would lead the Yakuza to their downfall, with territorial gains and prowess lost with every battle made.

    Thus the Yakuza have dwindled in recent years, but one star rises to be the sun of the gang today. His name is Taoko Noboru and while he’s hot headed, the man has still made something of himself. But he doesn’t dabble with the old ways, as instead of being a thoroughbred biker and taking part of the Bosozoku culture, he took an interest to the horrible mess of tin cans that are cars.


    Characters (Minimum 1, Max 5)


    Character 1 (Leader): Taoko Yoshinori

    A man who is barely winning to age. He’s been dubbed the foolish leader of the Yakuza because of his achievement of crippling the gang. Still he holds onto the leadership with all his might so that he may pass it off to his son.


    Character 2 (Custom): Taoko Noboru

    Son of Yoshinori and current sun of the Yakuza; he is the most respected of his peers despite his father’s reputation. Noboru made a name for himself by being one of the few to launch successful raids in recent years.


    Character 3 (Custom): Nishiguchi Shigeo

    The unrivaled mechanic of the Yakuza and a leader more respected than Yoshinori. However, Shigeo has deep loyalties to Yoshinori and that is the only reason he is not the current head of the gang. Shigeo is also viewed as a father-figure to Noboru.



    Discord: Horton#4181

    I saw this FRP and was wondering if you were still taking applications. if so, obviously I’ve got one written up! : )



    The Most Tempestuous 

    State of Orsinium

    Leader: Atuba Gro-Duron



    Winter and Spring  roll through the mountains of Orsinium





         The time shall come. Orsinium was theirs and shall always be theirs; they shall march on Bretons and assert their claim. None shall halt their march northwest to Orsinium, any who do will be met with sword. Atoba will lead his brethren, but not until the winter recedes. Until then his spawn will prove their might; raids will be conducted.


    . . .


    Orsinium is ours! The Bretons shall not halt us; they cannot! Orsimer are strong, and we will prove the might of our people in battle. They do not know the strength of outsiders, of those who are foreign and attack little. They shall, however, and we shall as well. Those who wish to prove themselves to me will do so upon the battlefield; do this and you will please Trinimac himself.


    . . .


         His call to arms to his own strongholds was once more done. The orc asks his people to conduct raids on Bretons and dispose of their grain supply as winter begins to lose to spring. They shall have to wait until harvest in six months…


         This raiding wasn’t entirely to take away from Bretons, but also to give to his own denizens. A way to lower grain prices if possible as the orsimer didn’t need the grain and given in its rise of price it should sell nicely.


    . . .


         Yet soon after these raids began did they halt. The raiders replaced with scouts as the orsimer still continue their preparations. It soons become clear, though, once one realizes the messages that were made between the two nations. However… That shall remain undisclosed until another day.

         But know this: the orcs shall march into Evermore, but as they do they do not raid or pillage. They do not siege and do not slay indiscriminately; no, they march north. Sending scouts forward ahead as their distrustful eyes upon the land.


    . . .


         Atoba never hears of the rumor; that a spawn wants his head. At least he feigns ignorance, for in Atoba’s free time he trains for “battle against Bretons,” urging others to do so if they are not working their own jobs. The spawn of Duron wishing to hasten his march on Evermoore and march to Orsinium’s ruins so that before his last breath he may be the one to reclaim his homeland.





    Orsinium and other strongholds begin fortifying for the coming war

    Raids begin on Evermore, specifying pillaging of fields [Evermore]

    Though they stop suddenly, instead scouts are sent to Evermore [Evermore]

    Atoba rallies his men, marching in the early Summer

    As winter gives way, the camps are once again occupied

    To assert their territory, Atoba establishes small camps along his border [Crowns]

    Any territorial disputes shall be negotiated from the king himself

    Herds begin their making at Atoba’s request


    Typical Happenings


    As Winter loses to Spring, the camps find themselves with new labor. Or rather labor that was once lost-- resources gained by orcish hands stream into the capital. Many of it held in stock to be used in the war effort.

    Under recommendation, an effort to rely more (than normally at least) on mountain herds for food is done. Oxen, goats and any other hardy beast is sought for orcs as a source of food. Though grain and crops in general still dominate the agricultural market.



    Orsinium Relations







    Imperial states are given much more leeway -- they are allowed more free trade and are generally viewed in higher opinion. However, the Forebears seem to be fostering relations with Orsinium quite nicely. As seen with the exchange of information and gifts. Another point of interest are the claimants of Wayrest; it becomes muddled as to whether the orc wishes for Edwyster as King anymore or not… His communication with Hammerfell and Edwyster becomes limited compared to what was.



    Domestic is as expected: the King focusing on his kin rather than the other races that live within his territory. He expects them to pay a small price for protection but generally leaves them autonomous. His kin, however, are of much interest. The King sending wives to his fellow chieftains in order to foster relations. Those within his realm are required to pay taxes but these taxes range from gold to other resources.


    Orsinium Decrees






    A city-orc writes these decrees for the King personally, finding his honor returning with each stroke of ink made upon parchment. The rumbling of Atoba himself behind the scribe as he writes. Atoba’s words becoming ink on paper and laws for his territory are created.



    Grain Embargo

    As of the winter of 4e 201, an increase in the embargo of grain shall be had with trade regarding all states besides those of Skyrim; especially that of Whiterun. This increase will be 7% of the profit, in gold, to each dealing and be instituted in the following year. The embargo will remain in place for an undefined period and is to be instituted in all cities within Orsinium’s borders.


    Free Reign of Dragonstar

    As Dragonstar is not of the same race or culture as the rest of Orsinium, it has been brought that the city shall remain semi-autonomous. The upkeep and well-being of their citizens shall be under Dragonstar’s discretion, as is their military. However if protection against external threats is needed then the orsimer will do so.

    Given that Orsinium is liege over Dragonstar, it will have to pay a portion of its profits to the orcs. Not only this but it will also follow the decrees that are instituted within all of Orsinium’s territory.


    Taxation and Representation

    The taxing of all cities is done independently and squarely; Orsinium will request a certain amount of resources, or a certain portion of the profits, and the settlements are expected to pay this amount. Failure will result in lack of representation and perhaps punishment via blood.

    Representation shall be done via petitions to the King himself. With each petition being seen by the King directly and given proper thought; any petition can be accepted and denied by the King, but will not be able to be accepted by anyone other than the King.


    Upon Property

    Private property is under the discretion of the settlement and its government, however all property may be seized by the state without reason; the state may only seize property if the King has decreed it however.

    Property of a settlement may be expanded if petitioned and accepted by the King, usually the settlement having to pay a price. The king also has the ability to retake a settlement’s property with some of the compensation returning.


    Imperial Embargo

    All states outside of the Imperial’s territory will be required to pay a 5% portion of their dealings. With 3% being sent directly to the crown and the other 2% being held within the settlement itself; if the settlement is a tribe that 2% shall be delivered to the king’s vault instead.


  3. The Most Tempestuous 

    State of Orsinium

    Leader: Atuba Gro-Duron



    Autumn and Winter roll through the mountains of Orsinium





    The rocks echo as they fall from the cliffs; he was nowhere near the land that they’d been gifted, instead Atoba was in the land they deserved. It lay in freezing ruins as the chieftain stood gazing at the once-was city. With longing for his people’s return he turned away. A coat of fur following his step.


    His vacation wasn’t unplanned as he’d been preparing messengers for every direction. There was much to do for Orsinium in order to restore what was lost and he sought to do so. Keeping contact with as many tribes as he could handle along with the many human-folks who deserved his attention.


    Still the trip to Nova Orsinium was merely a distraction for his true purpose during this expedition. Atoba would meet with a long-standing enemy, a Breton, to make peace and business. He’d presented the claimant an offer that was of utmost importance and now sought to bring a close to the deal.




    As the snow fell the stronghold continued to toil away. No weather shall halt an orc’s work and the work that needed to be done shall be finished. The warehouses shall be stocked full of food and firewood for the coming winter, as well as its typical holdings: orsinium equipment, armor, arrows, and other war supplies; barns full of livestock, well fed and fattened up for when the butcher needed more tame meat; and to top it all off gold to fill the vaults and trade for supplies with merchants.




    But this was not all, for the messengers were not just relaying information to other trusted tribes; no, they were relaying hope. Atoba, spawn of Duron would tell of the possible return to Nova Orsinium. The city of their homeland could once more burn with the fires of smiths. To do this, however, they as well must support Edwyster in his claim for the throne. If they do not do this they will have to take Orsinium as they’ve done so in the past: by force.





    Orsinium publicly supports Edwystir’s claim for the throne [Wayrest]

    ^Atoba requests that other tribes do this as well [Orsinium]^

    Stockpiles of war supplies and orsimer resources begin to prepare for Spring

    Atoba meets with Edwystir Moorford to discuss business [Wayrest]

    tariff on grain exportation is instated upon all states except Whiterun [Whiterun] 



    Typical Happenings


    The outposts supplying the stronghold dwindle in numbers as many return for the coming winter. Still a garrison holds the quarries and camps to maintain a small influx of goods; not as sizeable as once was but still a respectable amount.

    Merchants wishing for more contacts are accepted as contacts of the orcs, though they still have to remain outside of the stronghold itself during trade. 



    Orsinium Relations






    Imperial states are given much more leeway -- they are allowed more free trade and are generally viewed in higher opinion. However, the Forebears seem to be fostering relations with Orsinium quite nicely. As seen with the exchange of information and gifts. Another point of interest is the claimant and their proposal to Atoba; Atoba deciding to act upon it and openly support Edwyster in their claim to the throne.



    Domestic is as expected: the King focusing on his kin rather than the other races that live within his territory. He expects them to pay a small price for protection but generally leaves them autonomous. His kin, however, are of much interest. The King sending wives to his fellow chieftains in order to foster relations. Those within his realm are required to pay taxes but these taxes range from gold to other resources.



    Orsinium Decrees






    A city-orc writes these decrees for the King personally, finding his honor returning with each stroke of ink made upon parchment. The rumbling of Atoba himself behind the scribe as he writes. Atoba’s words becoming ink on paper and laws for his territory are created.



    Grain Tariff

    As of the winter of 4e 201, an increase in the tariff of grain shall be had with trade regarding all states besides those of Skyrim; especially that of Whiterun. This increase will be 7% of the profit, in gold, to each dealing and be instituted in the following year. The tariff will remain in place for an undefined period and is to be instituted in all cities within Orsinium’s borders.


    Free Reign of Dragonstar

    As Dragonstar is not of the same race or culture as the rest of Orsinium, it has been brought that the city shall remain semi-autonomous. The upkeep and well-being of their citizens shall be under Dragonstar’s discretion, as is their military. However if protection against external threats is needed then the orsimer will do so.

    Given that Orsinium is liege over Dragonstar, it will have to pay a portion of its profits to the orcs. Not only this but it will also follow the decrees that are instituted within all of Orsinium’s territory.


    Taxation and Representation

    The taxing of all cities is done independently and squarely; Orsinium will request a certain amount of resources, or a certain portion of the profits, and the settlements are expected to pay this amount. Failure will result in lack of representation and perhaps punishment via blood.

    Representation shall be done via petitions to the King himself. With each petition being seen by the King directly and given proper thought; any petition can be accepted and denied by the King, but will not be able to be accepted by anyone other than the King.


    Upon Property

    Private property is under the discretion of the settlement and its government, however all property may be seized by the state without reason; the state may only seize property if the King has decreed it however.

    Property of a settlement may be expanded if petitioned and accepted by the King, usually the settlement having to pay a price. The king also has the ability to retake a settlement’s property with some of the compensation returning.


    Imperial Tariff

    All states outside of the Imperial’s territory will be required to pay a 5% portion of their dealings. With 3% being sent directly to the crown and the other 2% being held within the settlement itself; if the settlement is a tribe that 2% shall be delivered to the king’s vault instead.



  4. The Kingdom of Orsinium

    Leader: Atuba Gro-Duron








    Atuba patrolled his city with a grin upon his face. Peering at one of the forge-wives, a lumberjack, carpenters, and the many others that fill this grand stronghold. He, of course, was grinning because this was his stronghold. He was the chieftain of the greatest stronghold in all of Talrien so of course he had pride.


    The chieftain wasn’t bad at ruling either, as he had kept trade and contact with other strongholds. Even the ones a good distance into Skyrim. Sending some of his spawn to be wives of the chieftains, just as they did for him.


    Speaking of which a few of his spawn were of age to be sent. And thus he began looking for possible suitors via the vague network of trade that had been formed between strongholds.


    Trade between strongholds was common enough, though it seemed the Forebears wanted some of this trade as well. They sent a messenger but he was immediately turned away, as none non-orsimer are allowed within the stronghold’s walls. Instead an orcish messenger of Atuba’s own is sent as an escort for the Forebear.





    I.  The Forebear’s messenger is returned with another [Forebears]

    II.  Three females comes of age prepared for chieftains as gifts     

    III.  A gift of orichalum is prepared for the Forebears [Forebears]       

    IV.  Outside of the Stronghold, lumber camps and quarries are built     

    A.  With adequate orcs delegated to such an effort



    Typical Happenings

    Many spawns of the chieftains look for adventure outside the camp, as many have done before. Not only this but elderly orcs seek honorable deaths in battle. Since the Empire has gained recognition as being kind to orsimer, many who leave draft themselves into the Imperial [Empire] legion.

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