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Posts posted by Azuras

  1. MC Name: Azuras_

    Age: 22
    Timezone: Gmt 5 (EST)
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: Kuhaica #5021
    Define Meta-gaming in your own words: Using OOC information In character. The best example is looking at someone’s character sheet. Knowing they are an assassin who never reveals their true identity. They calling them out for being an assassin. There is no way for your character to know, but because you read it on their sheet you used that information. Hence. Meta Gaming.
    Define Power-gaming in your own words: Powergaming is basically enforcing your own actions on others without giving them a chance to react. Such as instantly cutting off someone’s hand. Alternatively, it is giving yourself unrealistic powers/abilities.


    Character Name: Aza Tel’Veral

    Character Race: High Elf

    Character Gender: Female

    Character Age: 87

    Physical Description: Aza is fair and slender by high Elven standards, she has luscious golden hair which she frequently styles and beautiful emerald eyes

    Personality Traits/Quirks: Aza is driven to attain Talonnii status, she is calculating, intelligent and determined. Yet she is also vain, stubborn and a narcissist. A constant struggle when this pushes others away.


    Roleplay Scenario: Aza keeps calm as the stranger brashly intrudes in her space, she smiling before responding. “I’m just travelling and have some business here,” she responds pleasantly, keeping her story simple and truthful. An observant person, however, could pick up the slight twitch in her smile as she forces herself to remain pleasant.   “Thank you for the warm welcome” She states, the lie flowing effortlessly from her lips before she moves past the man, not wanting to be associated with someone so brazen and rude. The audacity of some people. 


    Bio: The second child of Evus Tel’Veral and Lennaadne Tel’Veral, two wealthy merchants in the city of Haelun'or who mostly dealt in artisan goods. She was raised in relative wealth, while not luxurious she never wanted for anything material for as long as she could remember. But it wasn’t the material things she wanted solely, a few years after her birth she gained a younger sibling and was forever trapped as the ‘middle’ child. While still shown affection by her parents she was always pushed to the side for her elder sister and younger brother. 


    This resentment for her siblings grew as Aza strove to be better than them in every way, just to gain her parent’s adoration as she remembered. She exiled in her studies hoping for praise from her family, instead only gaining it from some of her peers. This only feeding her growing ego. As the years went by, Aza never ‘grew out of’ the childish need to have her parents praise and when she had reached maturity she sought to become a renown Maehr'sae. And while intelligent and driven, it was difficult for her to make much headway with others striving for the same goal. Instead of mindlessly pushing for something which most of her peers sought, Aza knew she had to do something bold. 


    So, she left her home of Haelun'or behind and went to the human realm of Haense in search of something, anything to give her the edge she needed. In the process of her travels, using her skills gained in both school and her parent’s store to help her. Becoming a travelling merchant in the process and inquiring knowledge wherever she went. A shame that the humans lacked anything truly inspirational. She travelled for decades, in this search of fame and glory and finding none, as her dreams of being recognized by all began to falter, she returned home. Her travels had softened her to the ways of others and even-tempered her more competitive nature. 


    Yet, upon returning home and hearing of the deeds her siblings had done, their great accomplishments and standings. Only once did her parents care to ask about what she had done during her decades away, it was a reminder of why she left. As the days turned to weeks and then into months and years, she had to endure hearing how great everyone else was and the subtle drags of how she wasted all of her potential. This only reigniting her desire to get what is rightfully hers. 

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