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The Night Owl

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Posts posted by The Night Owl

  1. [!] A figure wearing a hood and robes would walk through the city of Haelun'or in the dead of night. The person would seem to have a stack of papers in their hands as they placed them on every nook and cranny of the city. On the doors of every citizen and the notice board for all to read. Should anyone be awake at this point and catch a view of the visage of this individual all they would see would be the mask of an owl staring back at them.



    To the citizens of Haelun’or,
    It comes with great sorrow that I am posting these missives where all can see. In the hope that my voice can reach out to you and instill some reason within you. Look upon your once great city and see what it has become now: a den for the Azdrazi and their corrupted lord. A powerful force that offered you shelter and protection from a demon menace that has hardly even encroached upon your city at all. Why would they reach out to you not even days after a group of thill were killed by demons. Not when the armies appeared but only when our own citizens were killed, doesn’t this strike you as strange, llir?

        This benevolent Lord - as he’s so put it - offered you his aid to protect you against a Demon threat that exclusively resides within the island of Korvassa for the moment. So, why were these demons so far away from their legions? Though I suppose it matters not at this point other than to point out the strange coincidence that has occurred. The issue at hand, however, is that we have given ourselves over to a tyrannical leader once more. The same force that we once fought and rallied against within our own city to be rid of.

    Now we stand once more under the oppression of a Tyrannical Lord. A corrupted and impure being who has used Haelun’or as a stepping stone to gain and obtain power. He doesn’t care for us or whether we live or if we die. He only desires for his own power to grow and be fueled. His influence spread, that is why a majority of the council that swore to be democratic has sworn their absolute loyalty to him alone. They have given themselves over and become Heralds of Azdromoth and his will forcing it upon the citizens of the Silver City. Do not let your eyes be covered in wool, llir, look upon what is happening in our city. Look at those who lead it, who now only serve their Lord Azdromoth. We fought for our freedom, for our voices to be heard. Do not let the death of our dear Maheral Azorella be in vain. Do not let her death be for nothing as a new dictatorship takes over our city. 

    Stay safe llir, and watch for the corruption that now spreads through our city like a disease. Keep your eyes open to the truth and do not be fooled by the sense of security that you believe you have. Keep yourselves educated and aware, do not be ignorant in these matters.


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya,
    The Night Owl

  2. The figure lays down the missive after reading it, after some pondering on the situation at hand they decide to themselves


    "Perhaps I was fatally wrong about this sickness that seems to plauge my people. No matter I will try to save them from this suffering brought upon them, I will give everything to banish this illness and aid in recovery of those affected."


    After this they'd begin writing, looking over the setting sun, away from the place they feel they foolish shackled themselves to, commenting to themselves "Time to begin again."


    [!] This missive would have been dropped from a black mass of ravens to the citizens of Laureh’thilln on the 9th of Malin’s Welcome, 1738


    A Calling to the Truth

    The Sil’Eldivu’Oem Goal


    I first stepped in the city of Haelun’or, with hope in my heart and desire to bring about a great change for the better of the Mali’Aheral, the Lye, I heard good tales about the good it brought to this world, but sometimes things are too good to be true. I hoped to discover myself and learn how to help the Mali’aheral further themselves and their culture to withstand against time itself. However, I have discovered a shadow, one that left me empty to the core. If you’re a Mali’aheral, I plead you to read these words and if you do not believe me, go out and discover the truth for yourself. As all this information is out there, the truth is waiting to be uncovered.


    This Shadow I found, I have confirmed with multiple sources for it to be true, while no concrete proof can be brought forward due to the somewhat competence and misdirection the Sohaer took to cover his tracks. It would appear actions on himself and against others which were careless, this was what allowed to let this information dribble out, bit by bit, for one such as me to uncover.


    The Sohaer, Dimaethor Visaj, conspired with those who practice Dark Magics. He uses this to dominate, not only the other Descendants but his own people as well. Regardless of your political opinion on the philosophy of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, this is a complete affront to our race. This hinders our progress all so one man can hold power. Dimaethor Visaj had let his own family fall into these practices only to toss them aside so it couldn’t trace back to him, rather than directing them on the Path to Purity. Raewynn Visaj had an affair with a Blood Mage and swore an oath to Iblees, and Elrion Visaj was a Naztherak, the worst part was Dimaethor knew and did nothing about it. They were not the only Dark Mages that Dimaethor knew of, former Okariran, members of the blessed Silver Council, Rosilya Laerin’syr and Crumena Izalith were among them.


    Know this, Dimaethor Visaj, you hold no power over the Mali’aheral any longer, for the truth is being brought to the light. The web of lies and deceit you surround yourself with are being cleared, you know what is coming to you.


    As for you, blessed Mali’aheral, more of the truth will be exposed in due time. For now, let this information absorb and realize that everything you know about Laureh’thilln, is built upon deceit and hypocrisy.


    To you, those who aid in the corruption by staying silent, I implore you to do better for not just yourselves, but our people. Come forth and take the name of Divu’Oem to speak out against this hypocrisy and heresy. We, as Mali’thill, deserve better than the current regime of Haelun’or that casts out those who dare speak against them. You, blessed citizens, are the victims in this, therefore it is up to you to seek redemption. 



  4. [!]

    This missive would find its way across the Silver City,  a few pinned to the noticeboard and the rest in mailboxes 

    It would simply read


    You all forgot. With one blink, it was gone from your mind. Do none of you feel remorse? Do none of you feel empathy?  You ignore the ones hurting, call them ‘ata, and for what? Grieving a friend? Disgusting. You call her a coward for what she did, but do you ever think about your actions? How you suppress people’s opinions to the point where they forget they even have a mind of their own, all because you are scared of the mere possibility of change? ‘Health and Progress’ is a smokescreen. You are slowly regressing, Larihei would be disappointed. She would take one look at the monsters you have become and spit.


    Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya

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