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Posts posted by YankeeJack

  1. Thamer's spirit sees her pass away sitting a top the rubble where his soul remains trapped. He gives Mehreen a chuckle and a wave, as her spirit moves on to the place after life. A final moment from her old, fat Amu before he withers away from view to wander in limbo alone, forever.

  2. Whispers of Death from the Deep Desert




    From the lands of the Emirate come the whispers of the great equalizer. The Mudeer al-Maliaah has been found dead outside the gates. Tales of the grisly scene spread as far as the frozen north often as passing news by travelers among the common folk. The details from the stories often conflicted. Some said assassins came from the shadows, others blamed random acts of violence, and some even whispered suicide. The farther they were from the Emirate the more outlandish the stories became. The only thing these stories shared was that they all claimed that the man once named Beorhtric Wright, who later in his life became known as Thamer 'Ahmar' Al-Hadad, was dead.

  3. (Please forgive any misunderstandings I have of pvp rules here I'm recalling from old rules and I am not completely up to date on the changes regarding a few things.)

    I support the idea of couriers in place of birds with the new notes plugin, but I want to be able to make full use of them. They aren't going to be useful in the context of pvp and in some crp if no one gets to send a courier to sneak away to rally others. The point of the birds for conflict RP was you could get help before pvp was called, and often got trapped at a disadvantage because no one else could join pvp after it was called. This rule has always been a little off to me as it handed select groups a perfect advantage. Rally close to 10 people and attack those you outnumber. I'm fine with abushes and fighting larger odds, so long as players getting attacked have the option to surprise them mid way through with reinforcements should the pvp last that long for them to arrive or catch them before they leave.


    If the goal is to make conflict dynamic and fluid then the conflict itself needs to have options. Mid pvp rallies are one way how I see this happen, but it has to be a tactical choice with advantages and disadvantages. Couriers should have to follow certain rules that allow them to be intercepted rather than just SS'ing away from behind walls. If they are even allowed to SS at all, perhaps having to travel a certain distance before SS can be used, but even then they can only SS to CT if they are going to. The courier also should have to be part of the pvp making it so that if players are going to send one they have to sacrifice a player to do it. The time the courier is away getting help is time they are not fighting. Passersbys should also be disallowed from rallying people for either side as this opens a door for metagaming, unless certain rules can be made to allow three groups to pvp simultaneously without two secretly just helping each oocly resulting one getting away and the other wiping out the other. Ultimately the courier has to be from the original group, and only 1 courier can be sent per group. 


    I don't think this alterative, if given enough thought and discussion than what I have spouted here off the top of my head, is going to break things. Getting caught on the road is not going to be a good time to send a courier usually (Sidenote: I also know travelling isn't common and I believe that is another thing that needs to be addressed. SS pillars or warping to the hubs really needs to go and I think of the two it should be the SS pillars but that is another topic.) Couriers are also likely to have a significant failure rate (which is kind of how it would go in reality), BUT at least it's an option on the table. When it does succeed however; it could make for a really neat forum post for whoever won because of reinforcements.

  4. The Blooming of a Persistent Flower 

    J99x5EK2kNZDMa6qR_8J47lDQtx8xfkURXNd1YaRKaLK_C4q9y7Rwcuc9lzx3-Kugs_lf-gcMeMzTXVd4a54wAbTmvO1Uc2SRb0xx3YuSiTEzk8PMNQvPZXtPm0w2rCyVpJR5QKc                                       UWdmdl3fr6l52kpdIJ66PtDm5tP_RxZKcnl84YQ0DU7mrst8oXOAGZBYnhX-oHI3yUtZhc1pLEasiLJDIHIAMV6lRevlN8YToNQ8GEPClWbL3LZ6J_ERsk2Qw5Jk4-xAP-eDBPY0


    After an eternity has passed, the day has finally come for Thamer Al-Hadad and Zahra Al-Hattan to join together and walk the path of life together.


    All friends of the Hattan and Hadad families are welcome to attend the ceremony in two months' time. The ceremony will take place in the masjid. After that, celebrations will start in the town center.


    [OOC] The wedding event will be Saturday, August 21, 2021 at 5pm est in the Fahkr Oasis.

  5. The Golden Sun Cooperation

    Merchant Codex I.




    Merchant Articles


    I.      The Council of Head Merchants (CHM) exists as the supreme body. All power derives from their judgement in the cooperation. Only they can sponsor new members and allow them to join the GSC.


    II.     To secure the reputation of the GSC, all merchandise must meet a certain quality that sits only just shy of perfection. In an effort to secure this reputation, all artisans must purchase the raw materials for their craft from CHM approved suppliers. A compiled list of these suppliers will be made for public access within the GSC headquarters and regularly updated when changes are made.


    III.     Every three years, merchants must submit all their ledgers to their appointed representative on the CHM. Repeated failure to submit these forms may result in punishment at the discretion of the CHM. The ledger formats will be provided to all merchants. All other formats will not be accepted.


    IV.     The GSC exists to protect the merchants under its umbrella. For this reason irreconcilable disputes between GSC merchants should be handled through the CHM. The CHM is to act as a neutral third party and lay the issue to rest for good. If found guilty of retaliating against a fellow merchant after CHM judgement has been made, punishment of the guilty party will follow.


    Head Merchant Articles


    I.     The role of the Head Merchant is to work with their peers to guide the GSC merchants to greater opportunities. Head Merchants are appointed to oversee the selection of merchants they sponsored. These merchants are who they are to represent on the council. 


    II.     Whenever the CHM must come to vote certain regulations must be followed for a vote to be considered valid. All Head Merchants must be notified two months in advance of when the council will vote by the party bringing the proposition as well as provide a complete copy of the proposition to all other Head Merchants. All Head Merchants are required to attend or send a letter of their decision in advance. Should any amount of council members choose to abstain to vote and a tie is the result, the abstaining council members' votes are to be counted as a vote against the proposition.


    III.     Articles overtime need to be changed or removed, and sometimes new ones must be drafted to allow a GSC a place during the change of time. These changes to the codex are the usual way CHM authority manifests. To prevent overreaching of the CHM however; the council may only pass article changes after a grievance has been made by the lower merchants, and if the proposition wins the majority vote.


    IV.     The CHM has the authority to vote on changes to the list of approved suppliers, any new recruits to the GSC or new Head Merchants without the need to wait for a grievance to be made by a lower merchant.


    V.     The Head Merchants of the CHM are not above the rulings of the CHM itself. All regulations they pass are to be followed by themselves as well or face the same punishment. 


    Signed into effect on the 21st of Snow’s Maiden in the year 38 of the Second Age.

  6. The Golden Sun Cooperation (GSC)




    The official announcement of the Golden Sun Cooperation would travel by word-of-mouth across the desert and and even further to continental lands. The merchants would speak of a loose collection of merchants working together for the benefit of each other. Exclusive trade deals and cheap goods offered only to merchants and craftsmen of the GSC.

      Founder and Head Merchant of the GSC, Thamer ‘Ahmar’ Al-Hadad, has made the Fahkr Tribe the home of the Golden Sun Cooperation. The growing cooperation already has begun it’s growth with the Emir, Hakim Al-Hattan, entering into the GSC as the second Head Merchant and Caravan Master. Hakim's daughters both followed shortly after becoming local merchants of the GSC with other prospects appearing from within and outside the tribe.


    A new Sun is rising and it's golden rays shine brightly on the Fahkr Tribe.



  7. Craps




    At the craps table guests can play an unlimited amount of times, but can only place a max of 10 mina on each round and minimum of 5 for standard games. A high stakes game double previous values to a max of 20 and minimum of 10. If the bet is won player earns a value worth 1.5x the worth of the bet made on that round. A round constitutes a first roll up until the bet loses or wins. To keep dealers aware of what is going on they will do all the rolling for the rounds at their table.




    • Dealers make two D6 rolls for each roll made after tokens are collected.

    • If the first roll is 7 or 11 the bet wins.

    • If the first roll is a 2, 3 or 12 the bet loses

    • Any other value establishes a point value

      • To win with a point established the same value as the point value must be rolled again before a 7 is rolled or before the third roll.

      • If a 7 is rolled or before the point value or the point value isn’t rolled in 3 rolls the bet is lost.

  8. The Game of Golden Sun Blackjack




    Dealers and guests draw two cards to start the game. The goal is to beat the dealers hand without going over 21. Max bets on a standard game is 10 mina per game with a minimum of 5. High stakes games double the previous values to a minimum of 10 and max of 20. Winning bets earns players worth 1.5x of their betting value. On each turn you have the option to ‘hit’, 'double’, or ‘stand.’





    • To start off both dealer and players make 2 d11 rolls

    • Rolling a value of 21 on the first two means you got a blackjack

    • A ‘Hit’ means you draw a card.

    • To ‘Stand’ means to keep your current cards and end your turn

    • To draw a card make a single d11 roll

    • Doubling is like a ‘hit’ only you get two cards instead of one

    • Going over 21 at any point means you bust and lose the bet

    • Dealers keep hitting until they reach 17 or higher.


  9. The Fahkr Incident



    For the past decade the Deòrhyrst clan, Clan Wright, has maintained an uneasy trust with the Fahkr Tribe. With trade being the main benefit Beorhtric made sure to keep up his end of a bargain bringing constant goods to trade with the tribe even despite their failures to uphold their end. On one of his many diligent runs to assess inventory he was met by a member of the Hamad. A vile inner faction of the Fahkr. Barely anything more than savage animals with next to no sense of honor or righteousness.


    Conversation quickly spiraled into petty insults by the Hamad, and even challenging the faith of a devout man. Blades clashed at such an insult, and to the dismay of Clan Wright ended in Beorhtric being beaten in a duel at the hands of cruel trickery. Now he licks his wounds whilst meditating the meaning of the blunder. 


    No matter the conclusion an already existing rift grows between the entire Fahkr Tribe and any faithful Deòrhyrst.

    This may be a catalyst for growing rivalries.








    (OOC: Thanks to chrisoulis777 for the good rp.)

  10. Deórhyrst/Deórhyrstas Culture






    The culture/religion is composed mostly of warriors, farmers, and merchants. All of whom are religious zealots with various cults being the most fervent in their faith to the gods. They lived in isolation until clan wars forced most into migrations toward current nations. The people are human supremacists with the most common demographics being Highlanders and Heartlanders. Farfolk members often only have a place among the faithful as converts, usually forced. The Deórhyrstas hate the other races due to religious values viewing them as the children of cowards or weaklings.




    The Deórhyrstas are a foreign and hardy folk. In the far northern lands among the fjords they lived and fought amongst each other. There has never been a prominent kingdom before the Second Age when clan wars came to a head causing great migrations of weaker clans and exiles to the major continents including Almaris.


    General Values


    The average Deórhyrst are a deeply religious people. Zealotry is what keeps this religion alive in the hearts of its believers. No room for compromise is the common mindset for most believers when dealing with those outsiders who they call the Dwolla. All true men and women of the Deórhyrst abide by a short but strict code of honor with severe punishments guaranteed for breaking it. These virtues are called the Ambhetness and are taught to all boys and girls taught the Dómbóc.


    A people bred for war must show discipline to survive and and with clans often fighting for dominance an unspoken rule was adopted. All offensive wars or raids must end by the time of the first snows. The warbands always return to their hearths by the first day of winter with most choosing to return even earlier to reap the harvest of the fields. This practice has allowed for seasonal warfare and prevented their population from being turned into nothing but piles of dead on the battlefield.


    The Deórhyrstas are an extremely proud people who are proud to be human and see their fellow man as the pinnacle of creation. They are balance and the chosen of the creator, Bahri, and of his child Wyrd. It is the mission of this the Deórhyrstas to save mankind from other faiths by conversion or death. This view of supremacy leads many to look down on the other races for various reasons. Elves are seen as cowards and frail not fit to fight alongside the gods. Dwarves are greedy who should stay bellow the earth as to not offend the eyes of mankind. Orcs are often given respect for their proficiency in a fight, but their savage ways and failure to live up to the same codes makes them still impure.


    Gendered Values


    In most clans a Deórhyrst boy learns to wield a sword by age nine, and to fight in a pike wall by fifteen. He is taught from the moment he can understand language the importance of the Ambehtness, the code for men. There is great attention put on men and warriors to die by the sword with honor. A wound in the back is a disgrace, and it is seen as dying a cowardly death because you were not facing your opponent or were unable to recognize your true opponents. This train of thought leaves many kings in disgrace and is an easy way for clans to take over another, for oddly enough there is no dishonor in using or being an assassin.


    The Ambehtness



    Save the foeman by blade and blood


    Stray not from love


    Like any nation a family needs a leader


    Confide in a shield brother and no other


    Listen long and speak short and last


    Meet the sword with a braced chest


    Trust in Wyrd for she wills all


    The girls are often taught to use a shield by age twelve, so that they may learn to defend the homes of their future husbands whilst he is away in the Summer seeking fame and riches with the warbands. Particularly combat gifted girls are taught to fight like the boys, and in rare cases permitted to fight with the warbands. As said though this is rare for most clans, and it often requires the clan leader’s direct permission. Female lead clans may be an exception to this rule, but they too are rare with only a few being ever known to exist.


    The Dómbóc



    After marriage no longer can eyes wander


    No family can exist missing a nurturer


    The fires of a home must be welcoming and defended


    Sleight-of-hand will deliver gentle hands success


    Trust in Wyrd she wills all




    For common folk marriage is a one made of choice and freedom. The ceremony is not long but the celebration can last months depending on the individual's wealth. The ceremony itself is rather simple. The man gives his bride a shield to represent her position as the defender of their hearth while he is away. The bride in return gives her husband a sword as a mark of his responsibility to seek glory so that their children might learn to do the same. All of this happens before the highest ranking members of the clans involved along with the High King if one has risen to power. Now these happy and beautiful marriages of choice are only for the common folk. Clan leaders often hoard their sons and daughters as gifts to offer other clans to make peace or forge new alliances. It is not an unusual story to hear of spouses killing each other out of hatred and clan rivalries beginning anew.


    Day to Day and Clothing


    On the surface the Deórhyrstas are like many other people. They gather in town centers and trade markets to talk and share news. They dress for the weather of their settlement or where they are traveling to. Folks tend to their crafts be it trading, farming or or some form of a craft. All have a role to play in their society and the folk work hard to fill that role. 

    Men often dawn tunics dyed with the clan colors and embroidered collars, and on their legs they where solid colored kilt or pants. The wealthier men may choose to replace tunics with a brigandine so that they may walk around proudly as fighters. A leather circlet or a fur hat are other accessories to the male ensemble. All men are expected to grow beards to show their masculinity. It is not uncommon for men who can’t grow facial hair to be disrespected or even forced to follow the Dómbóc instead. 

    Women wear vibrant dresses with their hair grown out long. Jewelry is the mark of a rich woman, and a feather circlet is worn to show the ladies availability. A white feather shows she is available for marriage, while a black feather says she is married. This practice has made courting much more streamlined, and also helps to protect both men and women.




    The primary building material is wood. The only exceptions being the homes of certain cults, like a Cult of Tyw chapter houses, and any walls a clan may have put up being made of stone. The roofs of common folk are often thatched roofs to help keep home insulated. Great Halls are the home of clan leaders and kings. They are long houses with elaborate entrances often with intricate carvings displaying great battles. Inside there is room for a fire pit and seating for the clan. Animals statues take the place of banners as the most common way to show what household owns the land. Practices like this are what makes it more difficult to crush the fighting spirit of a clan. A more difficult task it is to remove a statue than a banner and claim that place as your own.


    View of the Creator, Bahri, and the Gods


    (Quick note here, all these gods will seem familiar to those who read the lore. That's because they are them just renamed by the Deórhyrst. Same characters different name and interpretations.)


    The Creator




    They believe in the creator like many other faiths however they just don’t see him as anything more than the first. Their reverence of him is passive. They only offer small little trinkets as offerings to him as more of a respect rather than a true form of worship. Instead they worship the Primordial Gods Donnar, Vili, Wyrd, and a host of the Wælcyrge and Mares. It is these gods that have sway over their lives while Bahri, their name for the creator, is dead and gone. No more can he offer them blessing. Unlike Bahri the living gods still have sway over mortal fates.


    Primordial Gods




    Wyrd is the pale skinned Goddess believed to deliver death to mortals on the day Wyrd has deemed. If she offers you an honorable death in battle you are raised to join the Einherjar. There the Deórhyrst dead are to fight with her brother Donnar at the breaches of Irminsul against the Eotan. It is she who inherited the whole of creation and breathed life into mortals. It is for this reason that she alone decides the day they are returned to her.







    Donnar is the mighty one who fights back the void where it breaks through Irminsul, the Great Oak that protects creation from the chaos of the Void. It is through his effort creation is safeguarded making him a well loved deity among the Deórhyrstas. No cult has shown to worship him, but is possible all Deórhyrst men who seek a good death are worshippers of him.



    (Artwork from Games Workshop: Warhammer Fantasy)




    Villi is the most loved god for her gentle nature. She is the sweet and kind sister of Donnar and Wyrd. She was the one who helped their father Bahri in his creations and stokes the fires of Muspelheim at the start of each morning giving light to all creation until she goes to bed again, and only the light from embers of Muspelheim shimmer off Wyrd's pale skin. She smiles down at creation watching with such delight.




    The Wælcyrge and Mares




    Frouwa is a collector and shepherd of the dead who present themselves to her. It is with these mortal dead that she wages a war on her rival Surtr as a way to comfort them, for a Deórhyrst there is no greater comfort than a battlefield, except maybe a mug of ale. Ever on they wage war in the heavens with one another after Surtr’s attempt to conquer the mortal realm. As for the dead who do not wish to join her she escorts to them to Wyrd who then may send the souls to Donnar.




    Tyw is a zealous crusader who seeks to purify the mortal realm of all corruptions. His view on the subject of said corruption is not a forgiving one. He and his followers seek to exterminate the faithless, the craven, the undead, and worshippers of Surtr. He calls for the removal of the the unnatural, the unneeded, and the unsafe. Tyw appears as a radiant Silver Stag in stories, and it is for this reason his followers often bear a stag as a symbol of their mission.




    Hveðrungr is reclusive and rarely deals with mortals. His nature to hide his motives inspired the Deórhyrstas to do the same. They do not often openly lie, but this does not mean they won’t hide the truth with silence or listen through a cracked door. It is this that they owe to the sequestered Wælcyrge.




    Vindlér is another defender of mortals like Tyw, but he does not demand the faith of his followers in prayer, offerings or zealotry. Instead he demands they lead their lives according to his rules of order and vigilance. Many take head of his model and choose to act as missionaries for the faith.




    Fænir is another reclusive god mostly due to his shame of being tricked by Surtr, but his pursuit of knowledge has inspired the Deórhyrstas to follow and seek knowledge in its rawest forms. He is hailed as a god of the scholarly pursuits. Very little is known about him, but the one thing known for sure is that it is he who made the dragons and also the one who locked them away.




    Worship of this Mare is strictly forbidden. Worshippers are hunted with extreme prejudice and the promise of a slow death. No mercy is awarded to the craven that worship the deity that sought destruction and enslavement of the mortal races. He is the pinnacle of evil and his followers and presence are treated as such.


    An Overview of the Cults of the Gods


    For most Deórhyrst their faith plays a prominent role in their life, but even the average man who is zealot by most other standards doesn't compare to any of the cults who give themselves over to the divine to completely embody the will of a god of their choice. The cults are fervent defenders of the faith. Others who have ascribed to anything other than the Deórhyrstas should not speak their faith. A regular Deórhyrst is hard enough to convert. A cultist will likely attack on the spot without warning or feign understanding to plot against you.


    Cult of Wyrd


    The Deórhyrstas revere one main deity above all others, Wyrd. In their eyes it is she who inherited all of creation from the creator, Bahri. She is the god of death, poetry, and lords. Despite being the chief god she commands the smallest host of monks who devote themselves to her teachings. The Cult of Wyrd, also known as Wyrd’s Ravens, are known to offer willing or unwilling human sacrifices to her to provide the blood that flows in the river Gjøll. The sacrifices happen every twelve years at the beginning of Spring. The sacrifice is hung from a tree and stuck like a pig. They are then left hanging to bleed into a special trough that represents the river of blood. The cult is secretive and an ominous entity among the clans. Members can be spotted clad in black cloaks with silver chains around their waist. Common folk are wise to avoid eye contact with the Ravens. No lord or king of the Deórhyrstas has sway over these shamans of death, and crossing them is seen as crossing Wyrd the Grim herself. Thankfully Wyrd’s Ravens often keep to themselves tending to the Deórhyrstas corpses for mummification in the sacred burial mounds. Only those approached by members of the cult are allowed to join and learn the mummification arts of the Grim Ravens.



    (Art by Hasbro: Magic the Gathering: Cryptolith Rite Card)


    Cult of Vili


    The Cult of Vili leads a sizable cult of exclusively women. It is under Vili’s teachings do women learn to be the most desirable wives, and nurturing mothers. These women train as seamstresses, cooks, and are taught the value of feminine traits. They are soft spoken around men and attentive hosts to any guests to their hearth. Make no mistake though any who threaten their home will learn the phrase, “Hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn.” Like many Deórhyrst women they know how to use a shield and will not hesitate to clobber a rude guest over the head from behind with it. These women are also fierce defenders of their husbands honor. To speak ill of her husband is to speak ill of her and her children, so a sharp tongued lecture is all any back-biter can hope to get away with. The Cult of Vili are the pinnacle of the average Deórhyrst man’s ideal woman. These women are the silent enforcers and the most pure according to the Dómbóc. Headed by a High Mother it is she who decides who are pure.


    Cult of Frouwa


    The Cult of Frouwa are a well sought after cult due to their practices. These female warriors seek service in life to Frouwa in hopes of reaping the Goddess’s boon. Upon death in battle they believe they may be offered a place amongst her guard the Disir. With Frouwa being the goddess of honor, fertility, and motherhood they look to sire a son or daughter whom they may raise to become a great hero or another member of the cult depending on the sex of the child. The Cult of Frouwa often seek out powerful human kings, or well known fighters to seduce. After they are pregnant they will return to their temple without even a word to the father. If the father was not of the faith he is wise to stay away if he hopes to have any kids ever again. There they will bear their child, and it will be raised by the cult with the members acting as it’s many mothers. This practice earned them the name of Frouwa’s Daughters. When in their temple they wear white gowns and flowers woven together into bracelets and circlets, but anywhere else they are clad head to toe in leather armour and furs with flashy, well maintained spears. Any woman who knows how to fight may apply to train with these elegant and deadly female warriors.




    (Art by Dustplat)


    Cult of Tyw


    The Cult of Tyw is one of the most prominent and respected cults in daily life, and like the Cult of Wyrd is feared for its zealous members. Tyw is the god of justice, balance, and purity. He is by far the most zealous of the Wælcyrge. His followers share this trait with him, and as such are as likely to flog anyone they deem dishonorable in the street as they are to breathe. They wear heavy plate armour and wield massive two handed war-axes at all times when patrolling the streets. These monks are the local law enforcement for many of the larger clans, but their loyalty is to the Grand Judge of their chapter. Clan kings or queens often appoint a Grand Judge to the position of Marshal to gain their loyalty and have a reliable garrison to enforce their will. Traditionally only the most devout who prove themselves just and honorable to the chapters Grand Judge may join. Different chapters exist and infighting has happened on rare occasions. The feuds are often over differences in interpretation on how to dole out punishments for the craven. Despite this you can rest assured none are pushing for leniency just various methods of pain and death. And it is woe to the man that dares betray his oath to Tyw for he will find no comfort and spend the rest of his days looking over his shoulder. This cult views it as their duty to keep all Deórhyrstas on the path and to punish those who dare leave the faith.



    (Deer Knight by SM Chun)


    Cult of Vindlér


    The Cult of Vindlér are close allies to the Cult of Tyw due to the close relation ship between the two gods. They often build their temples close to the chapter houses. Both cults seek to guide and uphold the codes and teachings of the gods. These two devout groups of worshippers are easily considered two sides of the same coin. Unlike their violent ally, the Cult of Vindlér are uncharacteristically peaceful for any Deórhyrst. They long brown robes that drag across the ground with the common brigandine over the top, and travel to foreign controlled lands. It is during these journeys that they seek new converts to Deórhyrst. They often do this by staying with the local population and growing close with them. The monks eat and drink with the Dwolla all while discussing their differences and highlighting the nature of the Deórhyrst. When they feel like a convert is possible the potential new Deórhyrstas are invited back to the respective temples under the cults protection. It is here the Monks of Vindlér really get to work. They treat and pamper their guests to show the hospitality of Deórhyrst culture. The guests are even treated kindly by other members of the clan and other cults out of respect for the noble work of Vindlér’s followers. As a matter of fact disrespecting these cults warrants the rather of the Cult of Tyw. After the visit is complete the monks escort the guests back to their homes ensuring their safety, but also ending the protection until the next invitation is made. Members are the most devout Deórhyrstas and are declared worthy by the Grand Monk of the temple.


    Cult of Fænir


    The final clan and easily one of the most respected is the Cult of Fænir. Fænir is the god of wisdom, history, and stewardship. His followers are the teachers, advisors, and scholars of the Deórhyrstas. While all men of the Deórhyrst are expected to grow beards, the Cult of Fænir, or the Unknowers, grow beards so long they drag on the ground to represent the vast well of knowledge they possess. If they are women they will grow their hair to touch the ground instead. No matter the sex of the the Unknower they all wear decorative bone headdresses. Stone temples are built to act as lecture halls, libraries, and homes to the members. All Deórhyrst, even members of other cults, often seek the monks in these stone temples when in need of advice or knowledge. Typically any can join this cult, but it often requires years of study before they can be accepted by the members. One must be fluent and knowledgeable of the stories of the gods, and also must be quick with their words. The Unknowers may seem friendly at first to any outsider, but they too still have a grim side. They often put on a smile for the unfaithful and trick them into coming to their hearths. Ultimately this often leads to being kidnapped and used as a test subject or interrogated for any scrap of knowledge the unfaithful has. All of this done at the order of the leader who is often simply called The Elder. The Elder is as the name implies always the oldest member of the local scholars. 


    (No artwork shown here is owned by me. If known the artist was given credit under the image.)

  11. I support an economy system that is going to actually force people to have to earn their money. This way the server doesn't grow stale again with nothing but annoying nobles everywhere you look, or peasants that somehow managed to buy a full suit of armor.


    However I don't think taxing the settlements for every tile and improvement will create a stable economy. I understand if rply it's suppose to be maintenance for the settlement but this is rp no one will have the time. With the new struggle of the economy and crafting I think settlements and nations are already going to struggle maintaining any form of military or administration. Keeping them armed and paid will likely be a problem. Adding a regular black hole for their finances is just gonna bring everyone to their knees unless it's Oren.


    This is my only issue. Everything else just makes sense and creates a more enjoyable experience because the big powers could actually fail if they don't watch how they spend. There becomes incentives for people to not start a war for the sake of activity and rp. Rp actually will have merit.


    Poor people will exist and nobles will exist. You can still roleplay if you aren't a rich noble or a savy merchant. If you want family to you can still do that and it isn't hard. Things like serfs and slaves become a reasonable thing to see. Both don't have to pay money to a government because they own nothing, but you can still make a story out of it. Marrying rich people is also a thing. So to another comment I saw no not everyone has to get a degree in economics to play the server you just have to learn how do something other than pretend to be rich and actually create unique compelling characters.

  12. The Frozen Bloodline Has Grown




    I, Bernhardt 'Al-Barrid' Kaltblütig, Wazir of Finance for the Sheikhdom of Al-Faiz, have found a bride, one now called Edda Kaltblütig. Our union marks the beginning of another great house of Al-Faiz.


    In celebration of young love-- Al-Faiz will be celebrating in one Saints Day, and the houses across all the Great Desert of Korvassa are invited to attend this momentous occasion. I implore all to come and pay respect to our benevolent host and Sheikh Ameen Al-Nabeel, Leader and Protector of the Farfolk, and Sovereign of Korvassa. His generosity has allowed these festivities.


    Furthermore, prepare for a rigorous game. In honor of the first Kaltblütig to serve under the Nabeels, Perditus Kaltblütig, we shall be hosting a wrestling tourney of the nobles, princes, and knights after the feast.


    Signed                 Bernhardt Kaltblütig 


    “Anger so cold the deserts freeze.” – Perditus Kaltblütig



    (OOC: Event will happen at 3 PM, EST on Tuesday 4/7/2020.)

  13. MC Username: Ragnineorak

    Discord: Ragnineorak#3981 (This is my actual discord but people always seem to have an issue adding me, so sorry if there are complications.)

    Category Wished to Work On: Armament/Transport

    Why?: From attending science classes in college I have a slightly more intimate knowledge of chemistry and physics, and wish to bring it to LoTC in a unique and interesting way.

    What I want to see from the categories?: All I really want from any category are reasonable advancements that come with benefits, and comparable downsides to said benefits.

  14. MC Name: Ragnineorak

    Character's Name: Hecket

    Character's Age: 12


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


            I'm applying to make a Wonk character. The Wonks are frog/toads people that aren't quite Descendants. This means they are essentially intelligent animals, and can't practice soul intensive magic.

           Wonks can live to be 120 years old and prefer to live near water. Their skin does dry out faster as they age, so as they get older the more they'll need to stay near water.

          Tribal Wonks speak in Ribbish while Reformed Wonks can speak Ribbish they prefer to indulge heavily in the Descendant cultures around them. All Wonks, minus a few exceptions, are generally peaceful with Tribal Wonks living on their own worshipping the spirits Akathro, Eathruz, Urin, Rinsdat, and Tagnir.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

             I do not.


    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:

             I agree.


    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:

             I understand.


    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             No I have not.

  15. Perditus bangs his sword and shield together above his head. The clamouring would resound through the streets of Al-Faiz accompanied by his victory scream, that more resembled a wild beast. “THEIR FRIENDS HEADS SHALL BE THE ONLY TRIBUTE FOR THEM! I CURSE THEIR FALLEN SOULS AND DEEM THEM DISHONOURALBE!” he’d scream in mix of fury and joy.

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