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Posts posted by Sheepie01

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Newly Created


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Eliza Wittenbach


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


     Solana is a flame Atronach, which is a kind of construct created by a powerful mage to serve their will. Their life form centers around an object known as a core, which, imbued with magical properties, becomes their heart and center of their being. Atronachs are thus beings of magic, and rely upon it thus to 'recharge' after heavy activity. This crystal object is the source of their life, and should it be damaged, can have deadly damage upon them unless fixed. A being of pure, hot flames: Solana thus requires a special type of Daemonsteel plate to cover her, and allow her to come in contact with objects and persons without burning them. While there are multiple types of Atronach, including wind, earth, and other elements, Solana's creator made it so that she would be embodied with tendencies revolving around her element, including a personality which coincides with the element of fire. 

    The personality, personhood, and general consciousness of an Atronach is complicated and raises a number of philosophical questions in their nature. They are said to not possess 'real' emotion, but merely mimic the emotions of those around them given the proper circumstance. In addition, it is said that they possess an 'external replication' of morality, and not one which is legitimate. Despite this, there is no doubt that Atronachs are conscious beings, capable of making decisions, albeit not ones which are wholly free. Both the wills of their masters and their given elements play a role in determining their choices, but this does not mean they are without the ability to choose. While certainly being limited in certain extensions of their personhood, there is no doubt that they are sentient individuals capable of reason and understanding beyond that of a machine. 

    As a flame Atronach, Solana wields magical abilities tied to her element. A flame Atronach primarily uses its element for offensive uses. It can first and foremost adjust the heat of its flames, allowing itself to change the volatility of being around it or coming in contact with it. In addition, flame Atronachs are capable of throwing balls of fire at their opponent as an offensive, medium-range attack, as well as casting a variety of other spells. This makes flame atronachs very capable fighters, but dangerous to the environment around them and not incredibly tanky in terms of being able to take repeated hits around it's core. 



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    The construct possesses a slender figure, effeminate in nature. It has been forged from a series of interlocking Daemonsteel plates and has been fitted with hands and feet crafted to resemble those possessed by an actual descendant being. On top of Solana’s main body rests a head with features reminiscent of a woman’s face, with metallic hair trappings being included in the design process. 

    Her eyes and mouth would glimmer with pink flame, the shimmering glow of such visible through the cracks of the plate when unclad. The plates have been connected in such a way as to adeptly contain the flames within until summoned for her purposes, allowing her to perform household chores and wear clothing without any ill effect. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. Name: Linh Losfarsdatter

    Age: 17

    Race: Highlander
    Prior Relevant Experience: Squire's training, dog-fighting. 

    Name: Linh Losfarsdatter

    Age: 17

    Race: Highlander
    Prior Relevant Experience: Squire's training, dog-fighting. 

  3. Full Name of Man – Ser Jonathan Frostfire

    Date of Birth of Man - 1720


    Name of Woman - Maela Thorfinn

    Date of Birth of Woman – 1723


    Location of Ceremony - Old Reza Cathedral

    Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1751

    Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Godric Virosi


  4. A Wedding of the Haeseni 

    7th of Msitza and Dargund, 303 ES



    ❆  ❆ ❆



    Despite the ongoing freeze and cold of the winter, warmth will fill the city of Reza and the kingdom of Haense as the pair of Ser Jonathan Frostfire and Maela Thorfinn are married! The ceremony will be held under the eyes of GOD, in the Basilica Cathedral!


    Any gifts that may be brought to be bestowed upon the newlyweds shall be done so in the public gardens outside of the Weeping Wick Theatre, after the wedding has taken place! The after party of the wedding will take place in the gardens with Haeseni chess.  



    DATE: Friday, January 17th

    TIME: 2pm EST

    LOCATION: Basilica Cathedral


  5. Image result for the leviathan hobbes"

    ”For by Art is created that great Leviathan called a Commonwealth or State (in latine Civitas) which is but an Artificial Man; though of greater stature and strength than the Naturall, for whose protection and defence it was intended; and in which, the Soveraignty is an Artifical Soul, as giving life and motion to the whole body ..” – Ser Tomas Hughes


    Our empire finds herself in a torrent of perpetual conflict, beset on all sides by the savagery of man’s natural inclinations. From inside and out, the savagery of the moral world presses upon the good men and women of the Kingdom to the extent that it seems to place an exessential crisis to that which is Good, Holy, and Rightful in our lives. And through it all we ask ourselves, why? Why do our hands always seemed tied, and our sword bucked whence barbarians barge upon our doors and murderers are allowed to go afoot? Why for six years a field which has received a decree to be dredged into a canal can be left bare? Why the few shackle themselves in a prison of decorum and custom to prevent love and association with the many. 


    “And by His Word, the Planes were rendered, and His throne was in the Seventh Sky. And that which was farthest from the Lord became the Void, and that which was nearest became the Skies, and betwixt them was the World. And GOD saw that it was good.” – Provenance, Stanza III


    God is good and all good is within God. For it is he that have made everything, and everything of that which he has made is of his nature, and all ill which cometh from his creation has been the seed of Iblees, and the nature of doubt and sin. God formed his court upon the seventh sky, not as a court of nobles and senate, bickering of laws and partisan infighting, but of one. One throne for one god which to sit upon. This throne, as long as the righteous sit upon it, sits upon the farthest distance from the Void, from anarchy, from death. God made his kingdom with power and authority from the most holy of places, far above the sinful world, yet we sit our power among men, among creatures, whose, to quote Ser Tomas Hughes, “life of man solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Is it no wonder then that we find ourselves lost in mires of partisan infighting, when once we had been lead to glory? When the rights of kings can be so cruelly sabotaged by hateful propaganda and forgeries? When children can be murdered on the roads and yet the rightful reprisal so sayeth the lord is not given by the sword? We have lost our way. 


    ”For when GOD bore witness to the bounty of His Immortals, He was pleased. But when He saw the bounty of Iblees, which was sin, He was very wroth with the Daemon. And He spoke to Iblees. “Why hast thou done that which I have forbidden?” And Iblees replied “For you name us as servants, and I shall devise of no virtue until I am your equal. And now my touch is the touch of the Void, and it is with all things in your creation.” And GOD was furious, and Iblees would not repent. And he fled into the Void, for he hated the glory of GOD, and by his own will was shackled from the Lord.” – Provenance, Stanza VI


    That which corrupted the kingdom of God now corrupts the kingdom of man. For it is clear to me that the power-hungry masses of those who were ordained servants of the King now seeks to be his equal, from the Duma to our petty lords who do try and claim themselves heathenish and illegitimate kings. For it is that God placed the king upon his throne, and did through this ordination vest in him the power of God, which before all men are equal in their misery, and all those raised above another are not inequal by right, but by appointment as tools to serve said divine will. 


    I am not a politician, I am not a noble, but I am a Cannonist, and a Cannonist before all else. And I have been raised to read the word of God when he tells us these things through most holy scripture, and it worries me. It worries me to see this world of Sin breach upon our kind. Nobles have not found their proper place as servants to the kings, and believe themselves higher than their authority deserves. The rule of law is upended, and the intracacies of our system mires us from action, the masses consume themselves and cannibalize our kingdom in the process.


    I am not a feudalist nor am I a centralist, but I write these things to beg for reform, to abolish these systems from law once and for all. Within the divine right of a monarch is his mandate to serve all people, who are within he, and a mandate to do whatever necessary to save us from the brutal anarchy of our nature, which would put all man against man, while institutions such as the Duma and our present nobility has not but the mandate to serve themselves and perpetuate their own status. I argue this not to breach my place in society, but to beg on my knees for a return to godliness, to a Holy and most divine kingdom. An Absolute kingdom. 


    Thus, the Sons were orphaned, but even in their imperfection did keep faith in the Lord. So GOD was pleased, and He gave them language and greater knowledge, and created for each Son a tribe of seven thousand alike to them, and placed them above their people as kings, and they testified to His glory.” -Provenance, XVI



    -Maela Thorfinn




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