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Posts posted by panda_second

  1. From my experience as an orc player who tried to rp in celiunor and shelved the elven character because of the war I can “see” what the administration team is saying. The Celiunor community is super toxic. This isn’t just my opinion but the opinion of many others. Joining their vc is a nightmare.


    HOWEVER, the administration has failed to provide evidence to twi and that’s absolutely absurd. The fact that the administration team needed “time” to write a response shows doesn’t help their case. They argue that this decision was “well thought out” and “every admin agreed” yet it took a day to respond to the community on why they were banned. All of the information, if not more should have been told to Twi after their ban. She shouldn’t have to know why she was banned THE SAME TIME as the whole community. The administration team on this server really need to think about how they interact with their community more. Stop acting as if you are untouchable gods. You’re not. You say “oh we are just humans behind a screen” yet when a whole community questions your decision you respond “We are the administration and know what is best” what kind of double standards is this? 


    All and all I can see the possibility of what the admins say being true, but regardless this shines a light on how much the admins need to shape up. 

  2. This should be a wake up call to the players if LOTC. Staff on the server should not be put in a post as a reason for a player leaving. It’s so ******* sad that this happened. I’ll miss you a lot man. Take care. **** those retards that ruined your rp and threatened you. 

  3. Bunk sat on his beach chair enjoying the last few days of his vacation. He has been kept in the loop of things going on back home. “Wub duh ***… mi gone fur a bit and Latz do diz?!” He grunted in disapproval before packing up his beach chair and luggage. He now prepares to return home, wherever that was.

  4. 18 hours ago, Masouri said:


    III. The High Princedom of Malin’or shall not take responsibility for Ferryman actions taken outside the context of the war, including against parties uninvolved in the war.


    Bunk squinted upon reading this clause “Wub duh zkah… diz iz nub how diz wurkz… Latz wuld think duh Ferryboys wuld know bettah” 

  5. Inked2022-02-18_22.38.37_LI.jpg

    [!] A very detailed drawing of a red goblin crying his eyes out would be depicted here.

    The following text would be posted around many cities in Almaris, specifically on Orenian and Krugmar's notice board.

    "Mi wuz juzt trying to buy home in Ilandria when mi wuz met with racial slurz like Greenskin. Dey called all duh orcz 'greenskin trash' upon mi entrance and said dat wi only cause truble. Mi an mi pal were denied a home becuz ub mi skin color. Den dey threatened uz tu get out or dey would skin uz.  Azh ub duh twigiez even went zo far as tu  say: 



    Mi, a dizabled war vet, whu faught wib Oren in dah wagh, waz treated wib raczist remarkz zuch az diz frum Orenz own vazzlez!" Mi am dizguzted at duh behavior mi waz given by dem. It wuz unprovoked and unezzezary. Mi write diz tu show bruddas.

  6. Inked2022-02-18_22.38.37_LI.jpg


    [!] A very detailed drawing of a red goblin crying his eyes out would be depicted here.

    The following text would be posted around many cities in Almaris, specifically on Sedan's outer wall.


    "All ub duh Sedaners are RACISTS! Mi and mi friend wuz juzt minding mi own buizznus when a RACIST SEDAN KUB racially profiled mi! Mi wuz juzt wanting to show mi home off to dem! Dey called mi ugly and zaid mi hab big teeth! Den another Sedaner cum and alzo racially profiled mi, saying mi am luring dem out ub city. Juzt becuz mi am red, nub mean mi bad! Mi am friendly! Mi hab never hurt nub one in mi life."



    Signed Bunk

  7. Ohbother once said to me in voice chat, I am not biased. And I believe her! She has said many times that she said if I commented that she would be my pocket mod, and I believe her! So to make things short, adding Ohbother to the mod team would be a great start to the new year! #OhbotherForMod




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