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Posts posted by water_is_good_for_you

  1. MC Name (IGN): waterisgoodforu

    Personas (Character) Name:  Astinare Ogesven

    Discord: waterisgoodforu#5718

    Timezone: EST

    Persona’s Race: Adunian

    Persona’s Age: 18

    Any particular skills: Aspiring to be a medic

    Affiliations and Allegiances: Talons


  2. Chapter 1 Page 1: There once was a man named Thorn Black heart, Who had all the drink and ladys he could want, but he was a bitter man no-one knew why but he was but we, we will always know he was. A man who was always wronged bye people that were only interested in money so he decided to earn. Chapter 1 page 2: Money so he could gain that power, But it was a foolish idea instead it made him a angry man no better than the ones he hated he had no friends and family to care for him or love him something a man that was poor in money had which made him rich in reality. Chapter 2 page 3: You see Thorn pushed away his family and never made friends leading him into a depression a sadness so great no man would ever bother to withstand it but Thorn. Thorn was a fighter and a foolishly greedy man who thought money could solve his problems. Chapter 2 page 4: But money only worsened it when he realized there was nothing left for him to do he was a man who’s only goal was to gain more money but he already had all the money he could want he did all he ever wanted and he was excited to tell everyone about his accomplishments and. Chapter 2 page 5: Victory’s but he realized who was he going to tell he has no family and no friends he then realized something something Truly terrifying he had no one who cared for him he had no one who loved him he was really a broke man a man with no love left a man with no true value left in his name he.Was truly a broke man in reality  It was something he couldn't bear so he decided to kill himself and when he did no one knew no one cared and legend has it, he walks the streets as a ghost and if anyone was to ever pass him they would be filled with utter guilt and sorrow To the point where. Chapter 3 page 6: Some people will get so sad they will kill them selves and rumor has it it is the very same spot where he killed him self. No-one knows why he does it but some speculate that it is him trying to fill people with the same sadness he felt so they can understand what he felt and how he. Chapter 3 page 7: Thought before his death and that is the conclusion of this story The End. Page 8: This is a section for me to tell you the moral of this story and it is remember your family's worth because they are the only Mali’thill that will love you as much as them. page 9: and always remember they are worth more than any amount of mina so remember that next time you think mina is all you need to be happy and if you dont you will end up as the man being told of bye the story so thank you for your time and have a good Saints day.

  3. Name:  Valmil Gaeaine
    ((MC Name)):  waterisgoodforu
    Age: 20
    What magic are you trained in, if any? none
    How do you lay claim to the fact that you are pure Mali'aheral? my bloodline only consists of pure Mali’aheral
    How long have you resided within Lareh’thilln?  I have become a citizen recently  
    Will you follow the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya to the letter in the pursuit of arcane knowledge? I swear on my life to follow them
    What magical knowledge do you wish to acquire, if any? I wan’t to learn about every single type of magic out there and master it

  4. MC Name: waterisgoodforu

    Character's Name: Kharmit The Toad

    Character's Age: 22


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Wonk is very similar to the frogs and toads except they are more Humanoid. They have two Sub-types, the Toad wonk and the Frog wonk. The average Wonk toad is 4’1-4’7 and cannot get any taller. The average frog Wonk can be 4’1-5’0 and the average Wonk has bright eyes and can live until they reach 120 but it is possible to live longer if they spend all their time in the water, but they will be very feeble. The wonk is partially warm-blooded, so they won't die if they are cold, but it will be very uncomfortable for them, so they mostly reside in swampy areas that are hot and moist. They have blood that, if it is red, it can give you a little high but, if it is blue it will get you sick. They have four fingers and four toes on each hand and foot, and they have to get into the water every so often so that way they don’t dry up and die: if they are 5-49 they need to get into water every 5 years (5 irl weeks) if they are 50-74 they need moisture every 3 years (3 irl weeks) if they are 75-99 they need moisture every 2 years (2 irl weeks), and when they reach 100-119 they need to moisturize every year (every week) and when they hit 120 they cannot live outside of water, so they usually die and feed the new generation with nutrients. There are 2 types of Wonks- the Reformed Wonks which are, the more sociable Wonks who usually live in villages or live on their own, but the loners are more prone to be aggressive and there are tribal Wonks who are, the more close-knit ones, and they don’t venture out much and are almost stuck in a tribal era, but they are only event creatures.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I Understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. Falhen was a elf Who valued his alone time and did not think highly of others until he arrived to Courland where he only saw friendly faces and people who where more than willing to help him so after a month of living in courland he was happy and was a little more sociable he felt like he was on top of the world until the news of the death of his mentor his only true parental figure reached him and he was overcome with sorrow his mentor taught him everything he knew about this world and he did not cope well he started drinking mead heavily and sitting in his own self pity and sorrow then one day he ran out of mina so his only way of coping was out of the picture so he had no choice but to try and get better but he was to far gone so he decided one day to take his life bye jumping off the roof of his house when he hit the ground he lived painless and paralyzed but he lived but was dying but slow enough for him to think how horrible he felt and how he was scared of how his friends might react to his death so he lied there for 30 minutes thinking of his mistakes before he finally died alone and regretful 

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