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Posts posted by sir_lark

  1. Anath Blackaxe of clan Grandaxe reads the message read by the sultan and the replay by his high king with anger boiling from his blackaxe blood stands in the center of urguan to make a speech “brothers and sisters of urguan I know you ‘ave read the massage from t’e s’it pile t’at is t’is “sultan ma’ga’nus” t’is black ‘eart w’o ‘as stolen our most ‘olys of relics and using to proclaim its rig’t to rule and seeking not to rule not just us but all free people everyw’ere and by the Brathmordakin and Yemekar w’o but us on t’is world to protected t’em even if they don’t believe in ‘I'm. T’is demon t’inks ‘e will walk over us and win like Hell ‘e s’all we and all races ‘ave foug’t all manner of evils from demons, linc’s, undead and dragons we s’all fig’t ‘I'm on t’e beac’es fig’t ‘I'm in t’e forest and to t’e ‘old of urguan itself we s’all reclaim urgan ‘ammer and will kill ma’ga’nus and burn ‘I'm away till not’ing remains for we are DWED and not’ing will stop us for as my bloodline creed is blackaxe justice unforgiving” as his finished his speech he yells out his bloodline creed with there sword removed from his scabbard raised high in the air.

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