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Coal VIP
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Posts posted by AccioRed

  1. Anastasia Dokar would read the paper, sitting in a small chair in a far away cabin. A small tear would drop onto the paper. She slowly folded the paper, hand shaking as she placed the paper on the table. A shaky whisper would leave her mouth, "I'll miss you, friend."

  2. The amount of anger I have is massive right now and definitely cannot be expressed in a forum post/comment but here we are. Settlements have been lied to countless times. The world team has been treating us as an afterthought or a joke. We just want a gosh darn roleplay spot already without having to completely redo our build again.


    Edit: We don't even have a place to roleplay on our land. We were supposed to have a boat during the in-between map but that didn't happen. And then we were supposed to have our boat during the beginning of this map and they still haven't even given us that.

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