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Posts posted by Ofrider

  1. Jorg would read the missive, frowning, but taking it, jaw moving left and right in thought, war in Haense against the arrogance of the high elves, mysterious letters in the mail, Rebellion in Talon, Krugmar trying to call him back? What does this mean? Why is the world turning upside down? There was only one thing to do, protect his clan and stand for his friends if called upon, and Klan Iron'Heartz, in either case, would answer

  2. https://imgur.com/a/wgFTyyE (This contains all the Photos for the build, more can be taken and the build can be found on the Haense build server as well as the planned location! :D)

    Lair PRO MC Name:


    Lair Name: Kharzi Iron-Hold


    Proposed Lair Locations (Highlight 3 on the map): (Please refer to the Imgur link, the first three areas are posted within the link  along with the exact areas from my perspective in game)


    Lair Lore (could link to an existing creature or other lore) (1000 words minimum): There was an Orc called Jorg, viewed as an unusual one, considering today's standards. An orc that used to live in Krugmar, along with his brothers and sisters. One that represented what an Orc should be - honorable, brave, and strong. However, he was unlike his people; he was tender-hearted and gentle. He was eager to acquire knowledge and experience outside of his homeland, in the vast nations of the elves, dwarves, and humans, amongst other strange and fantastical things amid his countless journeys and deeds. Although, in doing so, he discovered that not all things are quite what they seem to be. 


    He was unlike his kind, for they raided like bandits; they pillaged cities and villages of the helpless, just for the coin, for food and things that shone, rather than something challenging to face. They enslaved the weak and vulnerable, lying would make them stronger, but instead, it only weakened them more and more. The orcs spoke of honor, but acted against their own words, backstabbing, lying, cheating… Whatever this was, it was far from the way Jorg had been taught. In his eyes, it was not what orcs should truly be.


    His efforts to change the crude ways of his kind proved to be futile; Jorg attempted to set an example for the Orcs, but upon the dwarves' declaration of war, his kin eagerly took the opportunity. Despite the dishonor behind the Orcs’ actions, Jorg was the one reprimanded, for trying to stand for Rex. He tried to stop his kin from taking the Goldhand, and ultimately saved her life… but not that of his kingdom. They came like a hammer upon a poorly wrought anvil - Krugmar cracked. Jorg witnessed his brothers wither away right in his arms. He sought out the friends they made, but everyone simply shook their heads… In the end, he was all alone. Too wounded to continue defending his kin, he had to watch his mother, and his six siblings die, tortured in front of him before a dwarf, a Grandaxe, saved him for what should have been his death. Much to his dismay, the Orcs were bloodthirsty. They sought revenge. But how could they? Their women were murdered, their cubs were butchered, and the elders slaughtered...what revenge? They had to build, bury their dead. But instead of mourning, his skin sought more bloodshed, more violence, and more decay. He alone was left to bury the dead, and he did, over many days, grave by grave. He eventually lost count of them, but he remembered their faces, each one, and how they died, and to this day, it still haunts him.


    He sought death, and when he couldn’t find it, he left. Krug was no longer his home, but a place of violent thieves and murderers. No longer was it a place for what it means to be an Orc; the spirits did not smile there, and in the case that they did, they were not spirits with righteous intentions. He left in search of a purpose, of anything, what was he without Krug? He had no more family, his clan was so besmirched with dirt that to say it with pride brought only pain and sorrow… this needed to change, and so he decided to make the change himself.

    Iron’Heartz was then created - a new clan, a new family for him. To teach the ways he knew, the ways he thought were best. A new path for what it meant to be an orc, something he felt was true, something he felt Krug had long abandoned. He started recruiting, no longer there to take, but to teach and guide; to be strong one must learn it, so he sought members. One by one he tested them, putting them through trials until he was proud of them enough to call them kin, family. They were orcs despite their race, what honorary should be, and the clan welcomed them as family. Some may call this shame, where are the blood orcs? Like himself, they would come, slowly but surely, and even if he were to die, the rest would carry on Jorg’s legacy of what being a true orc means, so that when Krug does fall, those seeking the path of the Orc would find it. Even if it took forever, he would make sure his clan would last just as long.


    And to have a clan meant that one needed a place to stay, to grow the people, to store food, to smith armor, to have a home! So he sought one, in the mountains beyond where he worked as a mercenary, in Haense, amongst strange trees on high mountain tops, where most would never reach, he finally found traces of an old stronghold, an old dwarven fortress, hidden deep in the mountains. It was perfect, it was the orc way, to take over what was once lost and make it one’s own. Orcs were like weeds, sprouting up in expected spots, even old and forgotten ones.


    He led his clan towards the mountains, where they fought against rogue dwarves, those that deserted from Urugan, as well as animals, well-fed by the bountiful green mountain, tribes of creatures from the deep that rose to raid food from the animals they hunted. And even groups of minotaurs, snorting at the welcomed challenge that was the clan moving into scout for a place to call home.


    Then they found it after an earthquake, revealing the entrance to the old dwarven keep. This particular hold was archaic, more olden than any living dwarf. It dated back generations, back when the deep roads of the dwarves were still strong and well used. It was held by an old clan, now forgotten by time itself in rotten books that held nothing but dust and decay. The hold was supposed to be for scouting, gradually developing into the fort, the deep roads expanding at this point to involve more of the land into what some might eventually call a settlement… Then something came.


    They dug too deep, the caverns too long, the roads too wide, they awakened something, something terrible, and it came up to attack the unprepared and surprised dwarves. Whatever it was, it was winning, and they didn't have any forces from within... it was supposed to be their domain. In the end, they collapsed the mountain and ran out, refusing to let what dark horror awaited below to come to the surface.


    It has been many years, and a recent earthquake revealed what was hidden, the dwarven hold, one empty, overgrown from deep cavern plants, one ripe for harvest for orcs...and something waited for them in there...something deep, forgotten, powerful.

    They would reclaim it, building massive shrines in the name of their spirits, calling it home, a place that would one day become a legend in Orc history, as the grand home, of Klan Iron’Heartz.


    And when it would get taken over, everything would change. From the library filled with orc history, to teachings on blacksmithing, about spirits, a great collection of books of all races, to learn, replacing old dank books, too soaked in humidity to be read, other recovered that could be recovered


    The forge was remade, what was once cold was re-born. The strength of dwarven forges combined with orcish might as technologies mixed in weird ways. Seeds and gardens were planted for there to be life...something that orcs rarely did, so new life could grow and feed the ever-growing clan.


    A great throne room was re-done, a great fighting pit, of the ancient art of those blessed by Arwa was made, called a Sumo pit, a place for those to train was made. Rooms made for all arts and crafts. A hold truely fit for generations of Klan leads to come. 

     (That is the link to the Clan lore page! Please enjoy, this contains more lore about the clan in general) 

    Lair Build and Infrastructure (photos required): (Please refer to the Imgur link)


    Why can you not accomplish the niche of this lair’s roleplay in an existing settlement or nation? (We expect a substantial answer for this, not just ‘I don’t like them’).


    It is a perspective on Orc culture that would not be allowed in Krugmar. Additionally, due to roleplay events, Jorg is no longer part of Krugmar, but continues to view himself as an honorable Orc and desires to instill Orcish values in his own derivative way, and perhaps even have his own family. This lair would allow for a welcoming and controlled environment, where casual and friendly roleplay may exist without political or violent (unless necessary) interference. It aims to cultivate Orcish culture amongst players of other nations and races, integrate honoraries into an Orc clan and experience  Orc roleplay, which tends to be limited to Krugmar. Our lair provides a unique setting for both those part of the clan, as well as those who simply wish to visit.  


    What does this lair add to the greater world around them?: Clan Iron'heartz is one of the largest Orc clans outside of Krugmar, demonstrating a neutral environment for many, if not all, races and nations. Our laid build has considered its members and has allowed access to the deep roads for its dwarven participants, which in turn may open roleplay opportunities and is also a strategically built area with events in mind. The deep roads are highly connected to spiritual lore and thus expand possibilities of religious roleplay, and intends to share the beautiful orcish lore that is otherwise confined to Krugmar. 

    The location in question is in tile 143 I think

  3. Jorg laughs, he was in the desert, around a small fire marked in paint , dancing around, shaking gord rattles, he would need all the help from the spirits he could get. The night around would be filled with laughter, chanting, and rattling amongst the fire as the spirits were praised

  4. LOTC too me is an escape. A place where I can stuff my worries and be in a different reality where I can slay dragons and go on grand adventures with friends along the way. It may not be the MOST fun sometimes with its own issues, but I don't need to worry about my own issues. I can pretend that I don't have to worry about my own issues and live in a fantastical world where I can wash my frustrations in dragon slaying, silly rp to cause a laugh, or even something somber so it feels like I'm writing an epic story. Something I wanna do sometime, even though I'm not very good at writing.

    To me this is a place where I can bring joy, as I find I have more fun when I rp with people who are having fun, so if I can bring fun too people, they'll bring fun too me, and the story continues, as not only do you brighten your day, you brighten other peoples day.

    So really, this is to me is like a wardrobe to Narnia, All I have to do is sit now, and I'm some where else having an epic adventure, my worries left behind.

  5. Through smoke and haze, Jorg steps forwards to mark upon a stone

    "Mi, Wargoth of Klan Iron'Heartz welcomes Ighaz 'Brave kub' to the path of Uruk

    They have proven themselves through trials, deeds, and honor

    And Mi iz proud to mark them as brudda

    His full name: Karl Amador, first of honorary of Klan Iron'Heartz"


    ((This post and others will be continuation of those part of Klan Iron'Heartz, or so close they might as well be part of the Klan, Congratz Giambro))

  6. Jorg sat there, on a hill, edge of a thick rock, he held his hands together, a shovel nearby as he looked at the rolling hill, empty besides for a bunch of rocks, grass and snow. In another place, near Krug, there was another hill, this one of sand and clay. There, layed many graves, so many, each marked with how they died. Jorg stood up after a moment, picking up his shovel, moving towards the top of the hill. He started to dig.

    A small hole made, A boulder was placed in, using the shovel to bury the dirt. He would bend down, pulling on a chisel as he started to work

    "Knight of Haense, Brow Hair, Called Maria, krimped klomping demons

    May they find Ztar'nubgosh, Kezt smile on her bravery, for she krimped honorably"

    Grunted as he stood up looking down, closing his eyes, would things be different if he didn't think too the past? Would someone still be alive if he didn't loss his cool. In Krugmar, he would be yelled at for such lack of discipline...it was only him now, and his own guilt was by far worse then any words that could be thrown at him.

  7. Jorg sharpens his blade, chuckling, it didn't matter her past sins, or what she did, he found her starving, something to be made stronger, and stronger still, and like a blade, it must be re-forged, and that blade, would be her. He had work to do, and would be welcoming in open arms.

  8. Jorg grunted, he had heard of a new city, which ment new people, new things to learn, and more importantly, new recruits for the Klan! He got to packing his backpack immediately 

  9. Jorg was frustrated, he had no home, he simply worked a mercenary, his people and idea passing to dust, what mark has he left besides for his deeds? This has to change, and he’ll deliver this change. Undertaking a new name, starts a new path for Orc kind that adapts to the change


                                                                                                                    The blood of Jorg


    Under a new clan, ment new blood of which was Jorgs. Orcs born into this tribe tend to be on the shorter side, never going past 7'2, sometimes even below 6'0, but despite their shortness are incredibly wide and stoutly built. They tend to be calmer and studious, taking to learning with ease, but they do have their negatives. They are shy and more prone to fits of sudden rage due to their natural enforced willpower when it fails. They stick to greenish hews and big lower jaws with mighty tusks. The hair Black in color with Red eyes with thick skin.


    They hold intelligence, and skill at arms highly. Otherwise they view strength and willpower as attractive/respected. Men generally hold woman that have large appetites and plump/chubby figures as highly attractive, while men are seen more attractive for there skill and knowledge.


                                                                                                                 Clan Culture


    The clan believes in the spirits, in being a true orc, but thats where it stops. They don't go out raiding all the time like other clans. Instead, its about getting better, learning more, being someone. All Iron'heartz are expected to be knowledge on a subject, trained in fighting, and respect those of the clan name as family, even if not be blood. Honor is above all, to bring dis-honor is the worst crime one can commit within the clan. The clan isn't specifically lead by one Wargoth, a council leads with him/her, the council is made up of 8 individuals who hold great respect, skill, and smarts throughout the clan, and discuss things with the Wargoth, Wargoth has final claim however. Leading to a more diplomatic style of leadership. This changes when the council no longer see's fit for a wargoth to be in charge, and then another is elected. Replacing a member of the council requires an individual to be of great respect, to be voted by more then 1/2 the clan, then go through a test of skill against each other, generally a honor klomp/duel. Klomping is common for practice compared to settling issues, though, klomping to settle issues is still the standard or another test of skill. Discrepancies that can't be solved are brought to the council and Wargoths attention. This is rarer though, as members of the clan are to see each other as kin, or very close friends.


    Not just orcs are allowed, Honorary orcs are also allowed in, instead of znagas, thoughs who want to join are takin in are giving a 'squireship' of sorts, learning from the member in question about orc culture until deemed proper by the council that they meet the requirements of being an honorary uruk. From there, more trials remain to become part of the clan. They are open to anyone joining if they show the resolve and strength to go through the trials deemed on them. Those outside of the clan are to be treated well, as members must be honorable and represent the clan at all times. Compared to other orc cultures, they are much more open and friendly.


    However, they are still warlike, and go out of one's way to fight someone better in a friendly klomp is common. Raiding is less, but it can still happen, normally for supplies under one's enemies (I.E. enemies of Hanese) slaves are not taken, as that is dishonorable. Recruitment is driven through asking others, and others asking to learn. Those who are asked are generally viewed by one's being asked worthy of joining the clan, or a lover by chance, though, marring outside the clan is possible, but the kids must be tested before joining. As they were born outside of the clan. 


    Men are well respected for skill, strength, intelligence, and knowledge, along with state of honor, how well crafted their armor is, and how well versed they are on combat. Woman are respected for the same thing, but also on how plump one is, the plumper the better, as that means stronger (According to the fighting style, see latter)


                                                                                                  Codes of Honor

                                                               Besides for following (MOSTLY) the law of Haense besides for that, their strict code of honor which is 


    1.No harm to woman nor children 

    2. No lying, cheating, not stealing, those things are for lesser men and woman.

    3. Don't let thoughts of greed lead you down a path of dishonor

    4: Respect all, even those outside the clan, unless they are dishonorable or have proven their lack of honor

    5. Be humble, there is always something, or someone better 

    6: The spirits are the best, don't praise other gods outside of the spirits and ancestors.

    7: You represent the clan, so your actions represent us, and insults towards your family, is also towards us, stand with family, and we will stand with you.


    Breaking these codes will result in punishment be it tests, duties, exile, or even death within the clan. This is absolute


                                                                                           Joining the Clan

    First, if one is not of orc nature, one must pass the trials of being honorary. This consists of being taught by members of the clan of being a 'squire' of sorts to another clan member who is mentor. They must be taught the ways of being true Uruk which includes.

    1. How to speak properly in Blah

    2. The culture, what its about

    3. The spirits, and ancestors

    4. How to fight, has to be ok, don't have to be the best, but at least must know how.

    5. A test of resisting blood lust (to know uruk curse and to determine will power)

    6. Trusted by the mentor, and others. Including various deeds.

    Once approved by the council and/or Wargoth, they may continue on to joining the clan


    1. To be properly honorable

    2. To see the clan as family

    3. To be skilled in an art or craft

    4. To make their own set of armor to wear.

    5. To be proficient in one weapon style (this can include archery as well)

    Once completed, and approved and accepted by council and/or Wargoth, they are accepted as members of the clan.



    This begins to be taught during the initiation into the clan, so once they are accepted, they generally are well on their way into learning the secret styles of combat from the Clan its-self. If not, then they begin soon as they join.

    For men, this begins with being taught how to use all different types of weapons in their armor, how to move better. mixing countless styles into one. They are generally instructed to take tasks with another member for glory, this is also training as they are showed knowledge and learn from their mistakes if they survive. From there, they are taught by multiple mentors on how to use different styles, and different ideas to implement into their art. This continues until they can make the art their own under their own choice of weapons.


    For woman, this begins when they are thin, or are made to loss weight to show discipline for the style. As it is seen as beautiful and respected to have a plump figure within the clan, a combat style was made to make up for what others see as loss. After they are thin, or thinned, they are made to go hunting, in which they must fight beasts, or others, for food. They must eat everything they catch or gain in their fights, until they can't eat any more. This helps build muscle and speed, while building fat. Every three days, they can come back and break for a bit, but must keep up a large appetite. During the time period in town, they are taught how to use this in a special style which is a mix of sumo and weapon handling, giving superior skill and use of their increasing weight as they get stronger and fatter. The cycle continues until they are deemed fit enough to teach the style and use the style properly be Wargoth and/or Council. Despite the disadvantages of speed loss and bigger form, which could be hard to move around. They gain additional striking power, defense, and use of how to use their weight more to their advantage, and they are harder to move.

    ((Howdy! So, starting a new clan, all joining will be done through RP, if interested, contact me through discord: Ofrider#8532. This is supposed to be fun, and bring it lots of RP, and is open to all be they of any race. Hope you guys enjoy!))

    ((Why is it so OFF! AHHHHHHH))

  10. On 6/8/2021 at 7:18 PM, Nozoa said:



    I still remember you as my favourite newplayer back when I was CT


    glad to see you back dawg

    Heyo Nozoa! Glad to be back myself, lol

  11. H'dub
    Did azh job, gardin kubz...wuz nub fun, kubz zcatter, then goez to thiz Omie ball, lotz of peoplez, waz ztrezzful, nub tell that Mi iz very Nub'hozh at blahin to uderz. Even mate of da Znow Rex waz thar. Wuz nub fun. Mi learnt da yung kub namez Karl, likez an uder kub, triez too 'elp, buzz kub lizten, zhould imprezz 'er with ztrong actionz, iz brudda way.

    Mi went too Albai goi too de-ztezz, mi needz ta klompin zoon. Nub Zhaminz, buzz da Albai are wize, like da Elzarz, learn muchz of da Zpiritz yub? Knew a lizzle, waz azked, "Whaz do lat want to do with lyfe?" It waz frusterztin, mi nub had anzwer...Whaz Jorg want?. Mi thinki 'ad anzwer...buz haz nub...Mi find anzwer...whaz Mi wantz?

    Iz ztill thinkin, met D'Az'oorz, Di'a'nna haz kittin, iz Omie wiz drezz, had ziblin, buz they nub blah, waz zmall...Mi helz it, was naamed Zmudge *rough sketching of a kitten, also done stick man style* Mi been thinkin...Elzar Naffog anz Albai had zimilar quezton...waz Mi wantz? Mi alwayz klomped for Krug...buzz nub longer, Mi krumps for da Znow Rex nowz, mi thinki iz hozh ztart, az leazt get feetiez udder mi...buzz thiz waz Mi wantz till Anceztorz take mi? Nub. Mi wantz to be da Bub'hozh of bruddaz, Be anceztor, have talez of Mi aztionz, journiez, for Omiez, Albai, Ztouz and uruk to know Mi naame, to fearz it, rezpezctz it, or lovez it. I wizh to be waz Mi peepzed, waz my tu'or waz, a her'ro. Mi be her'ro. Zoon, go backz to da Albai, learnz of thar Mojo'z, Mi zhall ztay in da Omie HRA, Klomp and Krimp many thingz thar, iz hozh ztart...firz ztepz.


  12. H'zath
    Mi iz Mer'zen'ry nowz, win 'onor for za zpiritz, anceztorz, agh Mi zelf. Mi wentz to 'old land, with znow, met Znow Rex, waz i'red for HRA, iz now worzen for da Rex oz Znow. Iz 'appy, haz zomething ta Klomp for, Hopez to klomp for da Znow Rex zoon.

    Noze: Znow Rex haz Ztong 'ead, alzo, Omie kubz Zmall, nub ztong az kin kubz...iz weiard.

  13. Futh
    Mi in Bub'hozh Ztoutz goi. Met Albai...An'du'lin? *includes a childish stick figure drawing with pointy ears and robes* blahed thaz Wyrmztal'er (lyke da flyzin liz'rd birdiez thaz breatz firez agh azid? Theyz hosh votarin). Zervin thiz Rex kalled 'Lord of da Zun' Alzo met Elzar Naffog, wanted too blah aboutz zome krimson ed'ct thingi, zmithin armoor azh.

    Wenzt with da Elzar too Bub'hozh mount'ain fort. Omie dezign mi thinki. Blahed abouz fam'ly agh kin, klompin da Nub'hozh, 'onorable, buz wanz too klomp forz za peaz for all. Elzar iz Glob, peaz iz da uder zide of wagh, betta to klomp for kin agh bruddaz thenz for all. Mi refuzed, muzz 'onor in goalz, ezpezkally for za iz zinz, muzz rezpect...buzz nub Mi goalz. Mi jealouz of wazz Elzar haz, bringz za memoriez of uder timz...muzz find zomething ta klomp for, az thar waz wizdom in elzar, Mi kall fool, buzz Mi glob too if Mi nub lizten to Elzar blah. Mi go findz zomethin ta klomp for, ztange, alwayz thinki klomp forz Krug.

  14. Upon soft hides, in the shape of a rudimentary book ,lie the travels and informations of an Orc Called Jorg.

    Strange place...Jorg nub remember how got 'ere...or where mi zultz, ar'or, and zhieldz are. Mi left, explore place, find Goi and Blargh.

    Krug has nub for Jorg, Gorkil left, hear it has nub honor...Krug different now, Jorg must get feet back, get gear, restore armor...it is sad...where Jorg go?

    Jorg remake best armor, Jorg visited many places in new place. Ztoutz still in caves, their armor is tough, heavy, solid, but small, Jorg is big. 

    Jorg found Albai, Armor lighter, Zultz sharp...strangely tough, still swift, but not as tough as Ztouts.

    Omie'z are interestin, found smith in country, solid, nub strong as ztoutz, or swift like Albai, but betta then brudda armor's, like Knights, has shiny armor...Jorg like style.

    Omie'z has many types, Jorg travelled many, Jorg must forge now, must go back to ztoutz, uze bub'hozh smacky called...anvil. Mi peepz there, get best armor, 

    Mi in Bub'hozh Ztoutz goi. Met Albai...An'du'lin? *includes a childish stick figure drawing with pointy ears and robes* blahed that they're a Wyrmstalker (lyke da flyin lizard birdies that breath fire agh acid? They hozh votarin). servin this Rex called 'Lord of da sun' Also met Eldar Naffog, wanted too blah about some crimson edict thing, smithin armor first.

    Went with da Eldar too Bub'hozh mountain fort. Omie design mi thinks. Blahed about family agh kin, klompin da Nub'hozh, honorable, but want too klomp for the peace for all. Eldar is Glob, peace is da other side of wagh, betta to klomp for kin agh bruddaz then for all. Mi refused, much honor in goals, especially for his sins, much respect...but nub Mi goals. Mi jealous of what Eldar has, brings  memories of another time...must find something ta klomp for, as there was wisdom in eldar, Mi call fool, but Mi glob too if Mi nub listen to Eldar blah. Mi go find somethin ta klomp for, stange, always thought klomp for Krug.


    Mi iz Mer'zen'ry now, win honor for  spirits, ancestors, agh Mi self. Mi went to 'old land, with snow, met Snow Rex, was hired for HRA, is now working for da Rex of Snow. Is happy, has something ta Klomp for, Hope to klomp for da Snow Rex soon.

    Note: Snow Rex has Strong head, also, Omie kubz small, nub strong as kin kubz...is weird.



    Did azh job, guarding kubz...was nub fun, kubz scatter, then go to this Omie ball, lots of people, was stressful, nub tell that Mi is very Nub'hozh at blahin to others. Even mate of da Snow Rex was there. Was nub fun. Mi learnt da young kub name Karl, likes an other kub, tried too help, but kub nub listen, should impress her with strong actions, is brudda way.

    Mi went too Albai goi too de-ztezz, mi needz ta klompin zoon. Nub Zhaminz, buzz da Albai are wize, like da Elzarz, learn muchz of da Zpiritz yub? Knew a lizzle, waz azked, "Whaz do lat want to do with lyfe?" It waz frusterztin, mi nub had anzwer...Whaz Jorg want?. Mi thinki 'ad anzwer...buz haz nub...Mi find anzwer...whaz Mi wantz?

    Iz ztill thinkin, met D'Az'oorz, Di'a'nna haz kittin, iz Omie wiz drezz, had ziblin, buz they nub blah, waz zmall...Mi helz it, was naamed Zmudge *rough sketching of a kitten, also done stick man style* Mi been thinkin...Elzar Naffog anz Albai had zimilar quezton...waz Mi wantz? Mi alwayz klomped for Krug...buzz nub longer, Mi krumps for da Znow Rex nowz, mi thinki iz hozh ztart, az leazt get feetiez udder mi...buzz thiz waz Mi wantz till Anceztorz take mi? Nub. Mi wantz to be da Bub'hozh of bruddaz, Be anceztor, have talez of Mi aztionz, journiez, for Omiez, Albai, Ztouz and uruk to know Mi naame, to fearz it, rezpezctz it, or lovez it. I wizh to be waz Mi peepzed, waz my tu'or waz, a her'ro. Mi be her'ro. Zoon, go backz to da Albai, learnz of thar Mojo'z, Mi zhall ztay in da Omie HRA, Klomp and Krimp many thingz thar, iz hozh ztart...firz ztepz.


    Long time
    It has been long since I last wrote, Mi has klomped trolls, met Omiez, agh redeemed the last dishonor I was apart of back in Krug, I have given oath to help the Ztoutz if they call upon me, a gift for the new king. I have also thought, it is time for me to begin anew. To claim a home and raise other uruk, be they of blood or honorary, more is needed...now more then ever. I throw away Gorkil, so much honor, yet so much dishonor, and call myself Iron'heartz, this new clan will lead well. With its creation begins my own legend, and my clans. I hope, in time, that it will be the most famous of clans, and cause a rising of uruk never before seen. But only time will tell.


    ((this will be updates with his travels thus far and his pursits, achivements, ect.... or at least I'll try, each comment I will eventually add to here like a mega story of sorts, this will also show the effects of others and notable interactions with them hopefully))

  15. Hello, for those who know me I used to play Jorg (Orc), I left and planning on coming back. Thought I would post here and say hello! I hope to back on soon, any changes I should be aware of?

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