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Posts posted by Rythion

  1. A clean, crisp piece of white parchment falls out of the letter upon its delivery. It is marked by the scrawlings of one with unkempt handwriting, but curiously, well-formed sentences.


    ((MC Name: Rythion))
    ((Discord: Rythion#3811))
    ((Timezone: GMT))


    What is your name?

    Why seek membership to the Mages Guild?

    I have a great interest in the secrets and mysteries of the world. I seek to learn because it calls to me. The learning of new knowledge, of discovering new things, creating new solutions, it is my only addiction.
    What arts, if any, do you currently practice?

    What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance?

    I believe all men should not only take, but also give in return. Once I have learnt enough to be of service, it would be my honor to be archmage so that I may return the favor an help the guild in return with its administration.
    When should you be contacted for an interview?

    ((Anytime, mainly GMT 9am to 11pm hours)

  2. The Miner’s Guild



    An age-old organisation, for those full of avarice and ambiton.


    The Miner’s guild was founded by Rythion Soulus, originally an low-born mixed Heartlander child. Arriving in Helena broke and penniless, his ambitious mind began searching for ways to generate substantial income. Upon finding hearty demand from nobles and military men for irons, golds and other valuables, he soon become a personal supplier of bulk iron to many important customers. As his name spread, he soon found the work outpaced his own capabilities alone, and so he began enlisting others, new recruits to help fill contracts and bring these nobles and military men the resources they needed. Today, a whole team of miners, spread across Arcas, works hard for some of the best pay provided by any job, to fill important exclusive contracts and make their own fortune.


    Apply either below or through personal message, providing your name ((IC & Roleplay)), address ((Discord)), and home city.


    Welcome to the Miner’s Guild.

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