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Posts posted by mupu53

  1. Tuatha was sitting on her bed. She had been there for some time, thinking about everything that had happened after she came back to Haelun’or. She was still a teenager and yet she had gone through so much.


    She was sick, she had been for her entire life. It was a respiratory disease and there was no cure yet. She knew she would die one day so she knew she had to live her life to the fullest. There was still so much she wanted to do. For now though, with so much going on. She just wanted to relax and not think about it.


    She sighed and pushed herself off the bed. After standing up, she walked over to her desk and sat down, planning to read something. Maybe history. As she looked at the books, she let out a cough.

    This was normal. She coughed quite a lot, considering she had a serious respiratory condition. This time though, it was a little bit different. 


    “I.. I- can’t b-breathe..!”


    She said aloud, trying to do something, call someone, anything. Her words came out shaky and choked. 


    She tried hard to calm herself down, regain her composure and breathe. But- no matter how hard she tried. She just couldn’t. 


    Her mouth agape, she was audibly choking and wheezing. She tried to speak again, but failed. Even if she had.. nobody was home. She was alone in her room, dying.


    Tears ran down her cheeks, she was in pain. She had read that death would be painless and peaceful but all she felt was the burning of her throat as she scratched at it as a feeble attempt at breathing.


    It’s all over now.


    She knew it. She would die here, not with her family, not her friends… just herself.


    She cried, letting out all her remaining air to form a choked, wrangled scream.


    It echoed through the house, and into the street.


    She had breathed her final breath.


    [OOC. Sorry it’s so sudden, I don’t really rp as this character anymore so bye bye. :) Also- thank you to everyone who helped me learn how to role play and stuff. I learned a lot. This is also my first PK post so if there is anything I should add that I forgot, sorry about that]

  2. - Looking For Family -



    I’m a human living in Oren and I’m looking for family. You can be blood related or adopted in the family, either works for me! I can provide a comfortable home and anything else you need. I also don’t care about your race, I welcome you with open arms as long as you are fine with me being a human. 


     - Family -


    Nayeli- mupu53 



    ((If you wish to join the family, message me on discord [mupu53#6046]))

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