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Posts posted by Squiggles

  1. She'd received his head. A strange choice, as Nin didn't know Zurk as well as she'd have liked and surely there were others he'd been close to. But, in the end, it fell to her to perform the last rights. Fiil'Yar told her of what the Yar clan did, and since it sounded better than what she'd seen Ungri do, that's what she did. Carefully she cleaned the brother's skull, offering prayers to Kor to accept Zurk. Then, once the skull was pristine, she tucked it away into the shrine. "Mi zorry bruddah lat lozt lat'z klomp." she tells the uruk's remains before turning to leave.


    Jalx'Lur, the blind gobbo who long ago tried to help the brother Zurk came upon the shrine of Kor. "It zeemz Ghorza haz zeen our pathz part." She talks to the skull within the shrine "Lat'z path waz difficult, and now? Mi nub be zure what lat may do about it. Lat lozt fayth, lat flatted. Now? Only de zpiritz can guyde lat bruddah. Mi hope lat fyndz ztrength among de anzeztorz, Kor azzepting." The goblin gives a final prayer to the spirit, and adds oil to the lantern representing Kor's own. 

  2. She was simply too young to know all the details, but the Grubgoth of Krugmar listened still to the plea. "Mi behn hopin to bryng mi bruddahz ahnd ziztahz home. Wub dihz bruddah dihd myght behn ah cryme, buht, ihz ahlzo nub de worzt cryme mi haz peeped happehn ihn our goi. Uhtha'z have commihted atrozihtiez ahnd peeperz were turned ohr iht waz forgihvehn aftah ah honor klomp. Who ihz mi to pazz juhdgement ahn anutha?" 

  3. The small goblin Ninskeeq'Ungri would be beyond excited to hear the news. Riding on her fasted wagh-myule to see her friends and allies of Elysium she'd tell them how Krugmar was joining them in arms with the bright eyes of both hope and relief. "Wi guhnna joyn lat ihn de fyght! Mi nub guhnna be goin' ahlone diz tik to help ihn dihz wagh and mi guhnna bryng mi bruddahz and ziztahz ahlong!" 

  4. Once upon a time, the concept of a whitewash was that of a scary, dishonorable criminal. Time passed, Nin learned of the complexities that came with her people and a curiosity was born. Could Ugrad have been redeemed in the eyes of Krugmar? She wasn't sure. Now, Nin would never be. "Mi wizh mi could have heard lat'z ztoriez by de fyre," the gobbo sighs as she sits up on her favorite tree and watches the stars. "Maybi, zuhmday, mi wihll. Kor guyde lat, bruddah."

  5. Question 1: What is one thing you dislike about Orcs/Krugmar? How can it be improved?

    Ha ha you asked for one, you'll get a few. First thing is first: Guests! There are some who visit our city who aren't there to cause trouble and are curious. This is super important in giving an impression on our honor, our culture. It's a chance for outside players to see us and interact outside of the road banditing or the raids. Attacking them, killing them, giving them a hard time leaves a bad impression. While we should be prepared to throw down if the guest acts up, it'd be better it they see us as people. Who knows, that can encourage more visits, or new orcs. 

    The lack of civilians! Orcs have a Spartan-like culture. While that isn't a bad thing I've seen "slice of life" rp mocked by players often. People have also complained about crp? So what does that leave us RP-wise? We need more variety in accepted playstyles beyond shamanism, gooning/chimping, pvp/raiding. We need people who do want to drink their tea, or share stories around a hookah or fire. While we need to be able to fight, it shouldn't be at the cost of other rp! 

    Lack of visibility outside of Krugmar/Raiding! This is a big one. You see elves around everywhere outside their cities. Dwed as well. Nin's one of the few that aren't a whitewash who is consistently seen often and interacts with other races. That's a good thing! I've had a bunch of new players who wanted to be an orc because of Nin. There's no reason others can't as well. We are all cursed, but, what we do to manage that while around others can lead to some real interesting interactions and character development.

    How honoraries are treated. While they are not physically orcs, they went through trials and hardship to prove their worth. They are Orc-lite. They should be treated like one of us in honor of that. That's what honorary means. I've seen in-character harassment over them, and them treated as barely tolerated second class citizens. Wow, what a great reward for all the trials right? People are scared of too many or them getting it too easily? Yet, I see honoraries as invested players. We need players. Playing an honorary easily can lead to making a full Orc in the future as well. Either way, it's a doorway in.



    Question 2: What is one thing you like/admire about Orcs/Krugmar?

    They're an underdog race with major stigma surrounding them and a curse that makes life around others difficult. They explore honor and what it means. They can be noble, loyal, honest to a fault. Every orc is willing to fight and die for something. They also can be endearing, silly idiots. It's a fun balance between serious and silly. The bonds between orcs can run deep, and when one falls, it's tragic and yet, if they went out honorably, it's a triumph. The culture, the exploration of the spirits, these things are all enjoyable!

    Question 3: What do you think Orcs/Krugmar biggest opportunity for improvement is?

    Reach out! Meet others and make bonds outside of the city. We need friends to take home to share our stories with.

  6. "Bahght her bahck dehn banizhed her fruhm de ehlfehzze fruhm wub mi heard." Nin snorts in amusement. "Ehlfz ahre wyld. Why zayve her to cazt her out? Zeemz zihlly to mi." The goblin tries to figure it out for a time, smoking at her pipe as she tries to unravel the mystery of elven thinking. In the end she gives up and goes back to making her pies. "Bah, ihz prahpably de behzt thyng dey dihd fohr her..."

  7. 21 minutes ago, Caelria said:

    Think! Find honor. Stop this needless bloodshed. Sail not to the isle of Karinah'siol for blood but for peace and trade -- as all descendants should -- for while Haelun'or bears not the desire to see your Horde be destroyed, we shall not hesitate to defend ourselves.

    Ninskeeq'Ungri saw the blatant lie in this news and it sickened her. 

    "Dat ihz rich coming fruhm dem. Juhzt de other ehlven day mi vizihted ihn peaze ahnd waz nearly murdered by dem fohr zuch ah zlyght." The small goblin Ninskeeq'Ungri spits on the paper before crumbling it up and tossing it into her kitchen's fire.


    She knew the lies behind the pretty sounding words. Remembered how they lured her to her near death thinking they were being welcoming when she came over to greet a trio. These people would not change in a single elven day. The elves of Haelun'or wanted to sound noble, but they were a cold and cruel people.

  8. Ninskeeq'Ungri had not been to the raid, nor, had ever heard of the one prior. No, the overly curious little goblin had shown up somewhere during the in-between searching for herbs and game and the talk of the elves' beautiful island proved too fascinating to resist.

    She recounts the tale to her friends in the White Bear tavern of meeting three elves, of going up to say hello and following them back with a small voice, shaken by the experience. She talks of them going inside and opening the gate, of her thinking that meant she was welcome to visit, and then Nin gives the chilling details of the guard who then ordered her to stand, head against the bars, to be executed.

    "Ihf mi not mention mi apart uhf Elyziuhm and ztood ihn de blynd zpot of the crozzbow, hi would have zhot mi. Mi commit nub cryme, mi waz nub ah threat. Mi juhzt ah healer who waz out zeekin herbz ahnd huntin game to feed mi famihly. Mi nub evehn cahn ruhn fahzt, mi wearing prozthetihc lehgz! Ahll dat fruhm zayin hehlo."

    After a good hard swig Nin wraps the fur blanket around herself tighter. "Honor... Dey nub have iht."

  9. Ninskeeq'Ungri would receive the news in a haze. Jol... Jol her friend... her guide... her confidant. Years of memories, of times where she needed a friend and Jol was there. How the little goblin would seek her out time and time again. Jol had been this shining light in the life of Ninskeeq'Ungri and the news of her passing hurt worse than being caught up in the bomb's blast herself. There were no words to be given, only tears and broken little sobs within the clinic's recovery room.

  10. Nin read the letter and gave a few slow nods as she churned ideas over in her little grukker mind. The little goblin looooved books. They were the best thing ever! But could she maaake one? Nin was not sure but she could try!


    [!] The following is a sign posted on Krugmar's Notice Board.

    Monkey Mayhem!

    We have a big clan of monkeys that have moved into the goi!

    They are everywhere and it doesn't matter if they are funny,

    they are messy and cause trouble! Keep an eye out for stolen

    items or nests they might have made! Help the worker's guild

    get rid of them: Flat or Catch them, we don't care! Just don't

    keep feeding them, it's not funny anymore. Stop that!

    🐒 🐒 🐒 🐒 [OOC] 🐒 🐒 🐒 🐒

    This is a player run event to catch, tame, or kill monkeys infesting

    Krugmar. This will be ongoing until all the monkey have been dealt

    with. Find nests and items for prizes!

    message TheCheryl [Squiggles#7392]
    or Maiyun [uwu#5154] to interact with the monkeys

    🐒 🐒 🐒

  12. Nin read the missive, her voice echoing throughout the cave of ungri as she informed the ologs of the upcoming battle. Blood would be spilled before the shrines, the ungri stoves lit, and armors prepared. There was a whole lot to do in a short amount of time, but Nin was the grukker and she would see her pack through it all.

  13. "Where zuhmbuhdy guhnna fynd ah whytewazhed Olog, who can read, cahn thynk enuff to follow canon zpiritz, and who doezn't ahlzo need caring fohr?" Nin tilts her head to the side in utter bafflement. "Why de height requiremehnt? Mozt gobboz nub dat tahll... Diz juhzt nonzenze." she grumbles, balls up the letter, and tosses it into the firepit.

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