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Posts posted by elitemaster030

  1. Natalya Wilenski

    "Expression is the Truest Reflection of the Soul."



    Character Theme

    ~The Basics~


    Maiden Name: Natalya Wilenski


    Date of Birth: SA 133


    Age: Seventeen


    Race: Highlander 


    Age of Appearance: She looks of age, but could be mistaken for younger. 


    Height and Weight: 5ft 8, 124lbs.


    Build: She sports a very slim build, with little muscle or weight on her body. 


    Complexion: She has a very pale complexion, with a few small freckles lining above her cheeks. 


    Hairstyle: She sports long, curly blonde hair that is usually kept in a messy ponytail running down her back. Natalya will always allow her hair to be free flowing, when not performing her work. 


    Eye Colour: Copper. 


    Distinguishing Features: She sports a large scar on her right knee, and a birthmark on her lower back in an almost wine stain like appearance. 


    Clothing: Natalya enjoys dressing comfortably and practically. She does enjoy bright patterns and colours, but if the outfit restricts her movement then chances are she would avoid it. 


    Voice: She can be soft and well spoken, her voice sporting an almost songlike quality. 




    Tropes:  Natalya is a very expressive person, who feels her emotions as deeply and easily as she draws breath. At times this can be a great blessing, as she is no stranger to speaking her mind or empathising to the plights of others. But at times she can become prone to deep bouts of sadness and emotional burnout, that leave her feeling isolated and alone. 


    Most Common Mood: Inspired. As a natural storyteller and imaginative soul, Natalya finds herself constantly inspired  by new surroundings, new people and the often mundane aspects of daily life. She is constantly writing, drawing or trying to craft something together to fill her time - even if it distracts her from the more real aspects of the world. 


    Persona/Mask: Natalya is a very upbeat and driven individual by nature, and she always tries to see the positives in any situation that she might find herself faced with. But at times, she does struggle with her emotions - becoming overwhelmed by the sheer gravity of what she is feeling. In these moments, she retreats into her shell, and can become quite distant to those around her. 


    Insecurities: She often finds herself afraid of being ridiculed for being 'stupid' or 'foolish', as she often is naïve to the ways of the real world - outside of her art and work. She is afraid that others will view her as too emotional. 


    How do they see themselves?:  She see's herself as being a very fun, caring and outgoing person - always trying to be nice to people and make friends, even when at times they probably deserve the opposite. She does not think of herself as being a great beauty, or the most intelligent person in the room - but she knows that she has her good aspects, and she plays to her strengths. 


    How do they believe they are perceived by others?: She hopes that others see her in the same way she see's herself, but to a degree she suffers from an anxiety that people misjudge her. 


    What is their greatest regret?: Her deepest regret is running off with her childhood love, Ivor, to only realise that he was using her. She left her family and home, all that she knew, because she was too trusting. 


    What is their life philosophy?: All emotions are to be expressed, felt and experienced. To hide from your emotions is to hide from yourself. 


    Positive Personality Traits:




                                                              Open Minded.

                                                             Hard Working.


    Strong willed.





    Negative Personality Traits: 

    Honesty (Both a Positive and Negative)








    The Sound of Running Water.

    Natural Spaces.



    Crowded Taverns.

    The Smell of Ale.

    Theatre and Performance.





    Black Haired Men.




    Warm weather.

    Poor Conversation.


    Corsets and Restrictive Gowns.

    Rude Men.

    Sight of Blood.



    History to be added at a later date. 










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