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Posts posted by doja_kitty

  1. Charlotte Augusta would toddle down the corridor of the Augustine Palace, singing a nursery rhyme to pass the time as she did most commonly. The rush of several retainers and servants alerted the young Novellen of something gone amiss, though her young mind couldn't have been able to comprehend the event that had only just transpired.


    That evening, the child remained restless, her mind troubled by things one of her age should otherwise never be troubled by. Only a year before, she had questioned whether her grandmama had ever loved her, let alone acknowledged her at all. She hugged tightly to her chest the crimson Tuvmas hat she had been gifted by the late-Empress.

    It troubled her to realize that she would never know the answer to her questions.

  2. Charlotte Augusta would overhear her father reading the announcement to her lady mother, the little Princess overjoyed at yet another event  being held that she could attend. She planned to debut her newest gown and have her flaxen tresses done in a new style. She'd even see if she could find a new friend or two!

  3. Spoiler




     A Tuvmas Card from the household of His Imperial Highness, the Count of Aldersberg 

    - 1798 -




    Their Imperial Highnesses, the Count and Countess of Aldersberg, taking part in Tuvmas festivites, circa 1798




    To the citizens of Providence and the Holy Orenian Empire,


    The time of great feasts and celebration is upon us. A period of the year where we're able to relish in the heartwarming acts of merriment and jubilation among our furs and burning hearths. We decorate our Tuvmas trees and hang garlands from the bannisters, all the while fussing over which cousin or sibling shall get the greater gift on Tuvmas Day.


    The family of Aldersberg calls on the people of our great Empire to keep in mind the true meaning of this season, however. That meaning being family.


    Cherish these special memories made with your mother and father, sister and brother, uncle and aunt and cousins galore. Hold them close to your hearts and wish them well when the holidays are over. You never know when you might see them next. Pray for their health and good fortune, make good cheer while they still are gathered within your homes for this wintery season of Tuvmas.


    Our Tuvmas has been made much brighter especially because of our two young daughters, Charlotte Augusta and Helaine Valencia. In our eyes, they're the greatest gifts one could receive. It has brightened our days to see our girls grow, and this holiday is something we will personally remember for years to come. We hope those whom can count themselves as fortunate as us, as parents to young children, all have a safe and fortunate Tuvmastime.


    Wishing you and yours, a very merry Tuvmas!







    HIH, the Count of Aldersberg, Joseph Leopold 


    HIH, the Countess of Alderberg, Henrietta Maria


    HIH, Charlotte Augusta Novellen


    HIH, Helaine Valencia Novellen

  4. Though without means to give any gifts, the young Charlotte Augusta Novellen would still feel rather giddy in the face of the holiday season and festivities of Tuvmas. The young lady was excited to see all that her cousin Anna had planned, with the prospect of making new friends in the process!

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