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Ms. Lo Ssier

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Posts posted by Ms. Lo Ssier

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Anisia Summerfield


    Character's Age:

             26 yrs old


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):

             N/A - Musin


    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Musin are a small, pacifistic branch of rodent people who have split from their ancestors, the Ratiki. Once considered runts and used as slaves, the Musin have evolved into thoughtful scavengers, typically known for their proper demeanors and adorable appearances! They are tiny--even smaller and weaker than halflings and dwarves--weighing less than 30 pounds and standing no taller than 2'6", however, they more than make up for their daintier constitution with extreme dexterity. In response to their small bodies Musin have a proclivity to compulsively clean themselves. This is to prevent parasites, such as fleas, from making a home out of their silky fur and diseases from riddling their bodies. 

    Musin are known to hate wasting anything, often repurposing scavenged or "stolen" items into something useful! Though they might borrow items from others, they generally shy away from conflict and confrontations. Musin are eager to be the first to flee from battle, even when they are a truly curious-at-heart race. 


    The Musin are a relatively new type of folk among other races. What is known of their history is relatively short, only having learned proper record-keeping skills a hundred years ago. The Musins' beginnings are shrouded in suffering and sorrow, their ancestors living their lives as runt slaves to the Ratiki, a cruel and putrid sort of rat-folk. After the Musin were led to freedom, they encountered an unusual man who is referred to as "The Giant." This man taught them language, manners, and kindness, helping them establish their society. The Musin continue to revere The Giant, his teachings still used to this day.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Anisia is a speckle of black among the fields she is so fond of sleeping in. Her fur is a silky mass of charcoal, the only breaks in its coloration are her grey tuft of fur and underbelly. Her eyes are curiously wide to the ways of the world, beady brown eyes always looking up to the sky. She is of a small stature, 1'9 at 20lbs, and has been for most of her short life. Her figure is always donning a bright green poncho sewn from a worn, coffee-table cloth with an off-shade patch on the left shoulder. All of her clothes are brightly colored, though she is most often seen in a pair of coral palazzo pants with its pockets stuffed with trinkets. She wears mismatched stud earrings of different metal types and a proudly polished, golden pendant on her poncho.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:

             I don't have one, but yes


    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:




    The Moonlight Studio Art Displays


    [!] As you slowly feel the gravity pulling you down as you rise from the lift, a sort of wonder begins to tickle at your soul. The lift doors open, and immediately you are bathed in light, let it be the Sun's warmth or the Moon's cleanse. Your eyes are bombarded with eye candy, paintings on nearly every wall and sculptures showcased in the very center of the room; even the very pedestals they are placed on seem to be a work of art, beautiful, intricate patterns engraved into the stone. In the very corner of the room is a small station, where trinkets and artistic goods are sold; each object tastefully placed so each have a spotlight of their own. In the back, and very center, of the room there is a quaint table and chairs, a spot to take in the room and receive portraits; or perhaps a spot simply to share ideas and perspective. The studio gives off a youthful vibe, a place where all thoughts and questions are welcomed.


  3. [!] A painting, thrashing with color and hues, an abstract person can be made out within the shapes and brush strokes. Lines and splotches run their tracks across the canvas, it is chaos and confusion.
    In the corner is the signature, J.S.


    (Art does not belong to me, I got the picture off of Google, and am using it in rp. -Might delete later.)

    Shozah's painting.jpg

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Ji' Shozah


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):

             N/A - Born as a Kha' Pantera


    Transformed form:

             N/A - Doesn't transform


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             N/A - Current - Murag Dram


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Born on the night of a young moon, Shozah, had been blessed with the talent of creation; the world has always left him in awe, the beauty, the horrors, the strange, the simple, all had fascinated him and he was obsessed with preserving these beauties in his creations. Countless hours spent on paintings, drawings, and sculptures, his hands moved with purpose and grace, but apart from his hours of art there was also experimentation. What would happen if I mixed these two colors? Could smell affect the perspective of my art? How does this work? How are our bodies moving? Constantly he'd ask himself questions, studied everything he could for the improvement of his art. 


    But his fascination grew too much for him, it consumed him until it was too late. It was a bear, he set his eyes upon a bear, its danger called out to him, he yearned to understand how it felt, how it moved, how its powerful claws would feel on his skin. He approached the great beast, it reared onto its hindlegs in warning, but Shozah was far to curious to heed its warning. That day, his curiosity cost him his sight, his eyes both clawed out in bloody fashion. He had laid on the forest floor for days, he was nearly starved by the time he was found, and his eyes swarmed by flies; he was lucky that they had laid eggs, the maggots had eaten away at the dead, infected, flesh. At first it devastated Shozah, his sight that he valued oh so much, was now gone, no longer could he seen the wonders of the world, but it would be soon that he would discover that his loss of sight was a gift. He could hear things that he wasn't able to hear, taste, smell, and feel, with one sense gone all the others went into hyperdrive. Once he had made this discovery, he asked 'why?', why do my senses become stronger, why am I feeling these things I haven't been able to before? With his new found vision he began to explore more profusely, as a traveling artist with a knack for curiosity, he tried anything new without fear, learned as much as possible, as for the betterment of his art. 


    The daemon, Metztli, was always a great inspiration for Shozah, he wished to have been able to see her beauty, to transfer it onto paper, for her image to become immortal, he admired her drive for creation, which always seemed eerily similar to his own. Despite the stories of her committing horrendous experiments, he still found her quite admirable, and thankful, for if she hadn't done those things he wouldn't exist, here in this beautiful world. 



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    Shozah wears a sculpted clay mask with painted on eyes, there are no eye-holes, and blue markings. The mask is expertly constructed and appears hand-made, underneath his mask his eyes are grey and are made of glass, scars rake down his eyes, which seem to have been made by a large, four fingered, beast. Tied onto the left side of his mask is a small bell, the string used is bright red. He wears thin robes, (to prevent over-heating) which are adorned with leather straps that have the purpose of holding down stray flaps, and a small pouch that contains paper, graphite pencils, paint brushes, and small containers of paint. His color palette consists mainly of blues, as if to compliment the way his black fur has a blue tone when hit with light. At the back of his head, a portion of his fur is outgrown and tied into a small pony-tail. His tail has one accessory, a gold ring that fits snugly around the half mark of his tail. 


    He stands at 6ft and 3 inches, and weighs 190 pounds, his build is relatively muscular. His fur remains pitch black, except when hit by a direct light-source, it would appear to have a blue sheen during these moments.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:

             I don't have one


    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. I forgot to mention my persona being a whitewash orc, I already got lightly scolded for choosing such a difficult route when I’ve just started playing, and it’s kinda too late to change that (hehe). 😅 but like I said I enjoy a challenge, and I am in no way refusing tips for role playing as a whitewash.

    so I’m afraid I’m unable to visit Krugmar, cause I will definitely be killed. 

  6. Salutations! I’m a fairly new player, in both Minecraft and Lotc, but I am very eager to learn and accept the many challenges ahead. A little bit about myself: I enjoy reading, particularly fantasy and romance genres as well as various manga, I like to spend my time drawing or painting, and have a stubborn habit of being shy around strangers and overbearing towards friends. I’m a foodie at heart and will gladly partake in any conversation involving anime, food, cats, one’s interests, and video games, so hit me up anytime! I prefer she/they pronouns, currently reside in California 😁, and 16 years old. You can call me Kass, K, Ms.Lo, or whatever you’re comfortable with, I don’t mind. (What else?) Oh, and my persona is Murag Dram - the orc.


    I look forward to role playing on the server and getting to know y’all. 

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