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Posts posted by Frogger16

  1. The night crept upon the small halfling quickly, her addled mind only making the time pass quicker. But there she sat, beneath a tall willow tree, only a day's trek away from the destroyed and deserted Rozania. The smile on her lips shaky and her eyes unfocused but her hand was in the form to write. 


    'To those who may not have known, my years have doubled… As I sit in a place that feels familiar but in my mind I have no idea where I am, I grow weary that my days are coming to an end.'


    The small halfling stopped to draw a shaky breath and blink some wayward tears away as she continued, knowing that this note is important for the people she loves.


    'Since Rozania my mind and spirit haven't been the same. The days fly by now, I don't know my way home anymore, I am starting to lose memories but don't remember which. Even forgetting the ones I live with on occasion, Donna and Marb.'


    She stops again to blurily look at the paper before crossing out the names. A concentrated frown on her face as she tries to think but sighs and continues once more.


    'I remember more though, mostly bad but some good. With this note shall be a series of letters to the important folks I've had the honor to meet and know… I'm terribly sorry that things must come to this. I never thought my time would end this way either. I feel old and I never wanted to feel that way ever. Bless be, safe travels, and don't forget to wander off your path everyonce and awhile.. you never know what adventure you might find along the way' 


    The halfling smiled at her closing line. Then signed her name 'Delphi Wanderfoot' the one thing she felt confident in anymore. She then took another shaky breathe and gave the letters to her snowy owl with a short order.

     "Deliver these to the proper folk, and make sure to be there for my rose bud" 

    The owl flew off quickly as the previous owner drew a couple more breathes before grinning down at the ground below, right before death managed to capture the tortured soul that was Delphi Wanderfoot.


    To Bella,


    I'm sorry this letter will find you in this manner, but I hope you know that even as I forget you. You have been the best thing in my life. I would've followed you anywhere, and most the time expected you to do the same. My life and light always aligned itself with yours by the end. Please make sure that the babes will not know the true way I passed, that I forgot them… Sometimes I can remember lil bears hair but it's dim, Bella. I love you with everything, and I owe you everything.


    To Mellow,


    Hello dear, I miss you. I hope you know that even though this letter may come bearing bad news that knowing you had been the greatest adventure that I never knew I'd have. From knowing Marb and her delightful ways to getting to know you and how much you struggled and fought. You are strong, and of course the one thing that brought humor in my life. Never doubt that you weren't important to my life, you were. Keep Bella happy and safe for me.


    To Per,


    Sweet Per… the one who caused me to leave my husband, the one who brought emotion back into my life, good and bad. No matter how much heartbreak we caused each other, you brought happiness to me as well. I followed you anywhere, found you even while I was losing my memories. I'm sorry that this letter will cause hurt to you, I'm sorry that I came into your life again only to leave it, I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you in ways you needed. But thank you for being in mine for the time you were… my heart will always belong to you my dear.


    To Rosebud,


    Hello my Hawthorne, my heart hurts when I write this letter because my mind only remembered you and your beauty in it's final year, I could not find you. I looked everywhere. I hope you are still alive, and safe. I'm sorry for leaving you, and may Rudy find you and keep you company from here forth. I did love you. Even though it may have felt like I didn't. You were never supposed to be an orphan, and that will be my greatest regret in life. But know that your were cared for, loved, and adored. I'm sorry for everything I may have caused.


    To Otter,


    It's been years since we last met, but I wanted you informed. You were the one who officiated my first wedding, the one who was by my families side during Rozania, and one I would like to call a friend. Please know that if you ever meet Hawthorne, while this name may sound unfamiliar now, keep him safe? I trust you in ways that I don't think others would understand, so that would be my final wish. I appreciated you in my life and hope you find this letter in good will. 


    To Will,


    I don't remember hearing from you last but you brought the most important place to me. Rozania will be my home in heart forever, I miss you but don't know why… you are there right? 


    To Filibert,


    My dear, I think back to when I left and think about the 'what ifs' quite often. I don't remember if we are still talking now. But I remember that you were important to me, and that you showed me love when I didn't deserve it. I hope you are in well health and continuing to help the halflings. I'm sorry that this letter may be confusing.




    To everyone,

    This character has been prolly the best character I've played. I met so many different players while having her as a persona, literally had the most fun with so many of you. As I close up her story I wanted to say that I appreciate the ones who were apart of her story and made the RP fun. You guys helped me create this character and I'll never be more thankful for that. Definitely had so many emotions finally finishing her chapter but what a relief it is to know that I can start a new. I'll see you guys later with a new story!



  2. 26 minutes ago, Veggie said:

    Mellow was not strictly a burrowmate, but he stopped in to nab some cookies. Finding the letter, cookie still in his mouth, he read it over. "Oh," was all he said before haphazardly tossing the letter onto the nearest elevated surface for the next burrowmate to find. 

    Delphi would be cleaning the burrow when she found the letter, surrounded by more odd cookie bits. "Hmm, maybeh movin' is a good idea..." She said with a sad type of tone, but then resumed sweeping off the crumbs of cookie throwing the letter onto the freshly cleaned kitchen counter for the next person to find "W'here are t'ese crumbs comin' from!?"

  3. If one would listen closely, they would hear gut wrenching sobs deep in the tunnels of the homes in Hefrumm. A curled form of a small halfling shook and trembled, pained and heartbroken huffs leaking out from the form. Suddenly the figure grips their hair showing her face- Delphi Wanderfoot. Her eyes puffy and looking unnerved, unsure really. Delphi sat up still gripping her hair in a death-type grip, she looked at herself in the mirror across from her. The image didn't look like her, she whispered out with wide eyes at the image "Momma?"

    "W'y can't ye be bet'er."

    "Ye wonder w'y ye can't be 'appy? W'y evereh place ye live dies before ye? W'y everehon' leaves? W'y ye can neva make a famileh o' ye own?"

    Delphi sat there with an agape mouth, tears running down her face like an abandoned faucet. She didn't-couldn't- say anything, she wished to know why herself.

    "Yer are weak- Ye walk aroun' loike a nitwit an' expec' t'em no' ter take advan'age o' ye- Ye fekin disgrace o' a 'alflin'"

    "Now look a' ye, all alone wit' ou' anehon' o' yer improper 'friends'. 'Ow pathetic- Lil Delphi s'ould've lis'ened ter me w'en s'e had a c'ance."

    "An' now ye see, nobodeh liokes a clumseh, s'upid oaf!-"

    The voice of the late Wanderfoot was cut off with a crash, glass shattering under the mirror and around the well taken care of halfling feet. A few huffs are heard as Delphi looks down at her hand, now bloody, dripping onto the broken shards. The same hand pushes forward to grab one of the shards, cutting even deeper into the hand but gone unnoticed by the mentally gone halfling, with reckless abandon the self made knife slices off one of the long locks of red that surround her. Delphi sobs as she chops off the hair she had been growing since she was a child, the one thing she had that was in honor of her Mother, right off. No care on the jagged edges she left, only wanting to remove another stain she had on her with all she could. Stain's never fully leave, they may not be there that you can see but you know its there... One more slice and down goes the red tree, only leaving a jagged stump. Delphi glanced into the shard, now colored red, to see the reflection of herself. Not her mother looking back at her. She sighed falling back onto the floor and curled up once more, just so she didn't feel so-



  4. Delphi had read the letter over Peralien's shoulder with a soft smile and slightly teary eyes. "T'at ass, get'in me feelin' s'ite" she laughed out before wiping her eyes and penning a letter to go with Per's


    'Dear Will,


    I accept your offer and will gladly follow where ever Peralien takes me. I'm very excited to watch this journey begin, and hope to follow it all the way through.


    -Much care, Delphi Wanderfoot'


  5. 5 hours ago, MonkeNotic said:

    Hey dumb frog, its me, MonkeNotic, Thain of Bramblebury.


    What would you consider to be the prettiest settlement on LotC outside of the BASED REDPILLED BRAMBLEBURY

    Ah hello Mr. Monkebutt THAIN of Bramblebury. I would consider, outside of the beautiful builds of Bramblebury and Knoxville, that Ando Alur and Stygian Hollow to have the prettiest settlements. Super impressive tbh and the lines that they have before you reach them is just *chefs kiss* the best imagery available and makes the experience so much better.


  6. 1 minute ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    I can show you around older maps on the museum server if you want 

    That would be really nice! I find that I get really confused on where to go on the museum server XD basically overwhelmed

  7. 4 minutes ago, ShouHeiKun said:

    Very based take in the freebuild thread, we need more newcomers like you to describe their experience / inhibitors.

    I agree with that completely. I think it's hella important to listen to newcomers experience's with the server. Although, I have seen a good amount of people don't take very kindly to it because of how new we can be, and it can feel like we are invading on their space. Really wish I got to see previous maps and such to have a way to understand both sides on the freebuild discussion but alas I don't think ill be able to relate to the opposing view on that.

  8. Hey! I'm a newer player and I think this is a good way to get some questions in about myself, how I feel about lotc or anything lotc based, or anything else! So ask me anything! (Also I'm bored and I like rep :D gimme)

  9. I voted yes, and as a newer player I sometimes feel like I shouldn't get a voice in subjects like these this time I feel like I should speak up. When I was a soul I thought Almaris was beautiful, the terrain was stunning, the cities I was taken to in places where built to be gorgeous but as a player I quickly found that the terrain as awesome as it may look was often hard to navigate so really appreciating it was hard! I could barely get anywhere! And my first city as a player was Oren, I did see a fair amount of rp here but walking to the city was awful. Very boring nothing to really see except for wheat fields for miles and one little town (that was inactive but a great sight to see!) And when I got to Oren, it had very modern vibes to it. I thought it'd be more realistic medieval high class town with centralized rp (rp was very much everywhere and as a new player confusing to find bc I didn't know the set up of Oren). And when venturing off other places It was harder because there was no signs (because they don't get big settlements to help them with that) and farther out so you got super hungry, I had to buy food because I had yet to learn about voting, And some of these towns where just a manor or something! Nothing good... I think if we had a free build area it'd provide better rp, and make people happier with the state of our map. Freebuild is so nice and lets people be creative without having to deal with taxes for wanting to build on settlement land, waiting to get a response from the leader, or really just having to deal with boring builds being approved but not seeing something fit for your unique style. I really wish this wasn't my first map honestly, and I think the map is the reason a lot of people quit early on unfortunately...

  10. Delphi looks at the paper with a frown "Poor dear, go'a try meh bes' for 'im t'oug' make 'im proud!" she says with a nod of determination, turning to walk away from the noticeboard, its suddenly very obvious she's gonna cause chaos in her new role. 

  11. 16 minutes ago, yandeer said:

    Please add additional information in regards to the limitations and mechanics of Musin!

    Alright will do! Should I include that in the lore area? Also you want limitations of the general race right not ooc? Just making sure before I do it! :D


    -nvm I just added it to lore no biggie, hope that's all good lmk!

  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             N/A- Musin


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The creatures of Musin were once the runts of Ratiki. They were made fun of, and treated horribly from slave labor to being left to die and fend for themselves. A runt named Musin finally did what others hadn't the chance to do which was rise to the top ranks for militia. He saw the injustice of the rest of the runts still being done, and he elected a group of runts to work under him and when the time came where all the warchiefs were away the group ran with four hundred slaves in tow! Although they had to go to a slight war with one of the chiefs because they got caught escaping. Although this happened many managed to escape from the battle unhurt, and Musin the brave killed his enemy with his dagger but died doing so as well... The escaped Musin found themselves in a forest soon after and built a boat from a stolen blueprint, they also named themselves in this time to the Musin name they have today. After setting sail and landing instead on the shores of Almaris, where they met The Giant - a legendary figure, hulking in size when compared to the mousefolk. He taught them to act like humans, dress, speak, and act, although he couldn't stop their thieving ways.


    Musin are a very peaceful race, not by choice but so they survive. They don't have much strength to do much in terms of combat with weapons and a single stab wound would be fatal because of their size. They have quite poor eyesight in the sun and will be forced to squint to see, although in darkness their eyesight is amazing! It's almost natural to them, Good thing is, Musin are dexterous and very agile, seems to do them well when thieving! They also have excellent hearing because of their big and concave ears. Their bunch is very eco-friendly, they love to use recycled goods to build their homes, clothes and other things they may need for their lifestyle, which includes a rigorous cleanliness! They strive to be clean and almost rave about it, we don't need to be Ratiki now do we? Although, they love sweets and anything that will satisfy their sweet tooth so they may get a bit messy eating that syrup, I'd wash a lot too if that was my main meal!

    Musin also have a lesser soul and cannot learn most magics!



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    The height of a Musin ranges from 1’8” (or 50 cm) to 2’6 (or 77 cm). Their tails are as long as they are tall, give or take 3 inches. Healthy Musin weigh anywhere from 20 to 30 pounds. Musin clothing is usually either ill-fitting or shoddy in quality. They will steal and find hints of cloth to use as clothing.


    Honey is a 2'3 mouse with light brown fur and some white/tan splotches as well. They weigh 23 pounds and wear a yellow plaid overalls they made from a picnic blanket, and a light peach shirt they found from bits on sock. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I undertsand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  13. 'If one were to find t'emselves by meh 'ome wi' red 'air t'ey s'ould find t'emselves ready to ca'c' t'ese 'ands!' Delphi finishes off her note angerly huffing as she does so, slumping down in her seat frustrated that her original Strawberry Cheesecake was stolen along with other gifted items.

    "T'e fac' t'ey lef' all t'is red 'air as well! A' disgus'in, t'ey shoul' prolly ge' t'a looked at as well" she mumbles as she goes to tack the note down on the board.


    [!]The note is nailed to the sign! Seems the handwriting is a bit more pointed than usual.

  14. Have only been on for a month crazy enough but the best thing I have been able to experience on lotc? The people. I never expected to meet so many people who just get it and understand me. I haven't been here for very long at all but the fact that I have made lifelong friends and found a place that I can actually go to relax is really nice. Wish more beginners, who quit early, got to experience what I have in a short amount of time. Thanks guys


    Also huge shout-out to Kingo, Space, Disky, and Ontario for being the first couple people I talked to while waiting for my app to be accepted and first rp on the server after Kingo accepted it. Seriously one of my best memories on the server! Especially laughing with y'all about how many apps your had to do and if you could Speedrun to mine. You guys are a big reason why I'm still here. (And my Halfling buds :>)

  15. Delphi would wander to the sheriff's office with a fresh piece of paper. "T'ey bo' would be foine s'eriffs bu' oi trus' Filiber' ta keep Knoxville safe fer sure" she said nodding writing down in shaky script


    Name: Delphi Wanderfoot

    Are ye a village resident?: Aye

    Who do you vote for?:

    Filibert Applefoot [ ✓ ]

    Cuthburt Weedfoot [ ]

    Apples 'er Pumpkins?: Pump'in's!

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