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Barony of Arenisca

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Posts posted by Barony of Arenisca

  1. File:JavierdePelear.jpg

    The Baron de Pelear, circa 50 S.A.





    On this day, the 13th of the Amber Cold, 61 S.A, it is with heavy hearts that we announce the death of our beloved Javier de Pelear. He passed away in his sleep, taken by a sudden stroke that was unable to be attended to in time. Arenisca's physicians have determined that the cause of this sudden stroke was caused by an increased amount of mental stress, which caused increased blood pressure that inevitably led to the end of the aging Baron's life. Before his passing, the Late Baron had arranged for his will to be announced publicly upon his demise, and it reads as such:


    1. Alejandro de Pelear, eldest son of Javier de Pelear, will inherit the title of Baron of Arenisca with Josue de Pelear, second eldest son, being named Heir.

    2. All Mina possessed by the Late Javier shall be divided equally between his Issue, that being Alejandro, Josue, Bianca, Claudia, and Cesar de Pelear.

    3. Josue de Pelear shall be knighted and dubbed Sir Josue 'The Loyal'.

    4. Cesar de Pelear shall remain with his Legal Mother, Frisket Monet-Vanari within Elysium until he is to come of age

    5. All of the Late Baron's issue shall be afforded housing within Arenisca should they wish for such


    We ask that all friends and family of the Late Baron join together in celebrating the life of Javier de Pelear, and will soon gather together for the funeral, which shall be arranged by the children of the Late Baron. 



  2. Hyspia.png


    Viva Hyspia

    Issued on behalf of the Hyspian People

    On the 14th of the Amber cold in the 60th year of the Second Age



    House Guenevere - 3 votes

    House de Rivera - 2 votes

    House de Pelear - 1 vote


    With an undisputed majority of the votes, the House of Guenevere has been elected to bear the title of Protector of the Hyspians and is charged with serving as the cultural head of Hyspia. Should an independent Hyspian state be formed, the House of Guenevere will be entitled to be considered for its new Royal Family.




  3. O0ym4Tveow3xhTQZ0yF9yzoLBbxJez2xbqmCTbwzk0WCacwFDlEgH_g9NVcDUvSj81a3R5g8MGzhQGKqt4ubWbPTRxxhy9In5F4TcJlZ2AXZsfZXGt7MtLMXm5k-7Q2CmxhEwqJ2


    Firme en Armas

    Issued by decree of His Lordship, Javier de Pelear

    On the 13th of the Amber Cold in the year 60 of the Second Age




    In light of recent events, and following the discussion in the previous Hyspian Summit, it is decided that another gathering of the Hyspian families must be called in order to elect a family that will serve as the cultural head of the Hyspian People. Should a family be chosen, said family will receive the title Protector of the Hyspians and will be entitled to leadership should any independent Hyspian state be formed. As last time, all following family patriarchs are invited to send their votes to the Barony of Arenisca so that they may be counted and a new cultural head announced.


    The invited families are hereby invited to vote and are eligible for election:


    1. House de Rivera and its Patriarch, Cesar de Rivera II

    2. House Mendez and its Patriarch, Carlos Mendez

    3. House Monet-Vanari and its Matriarch, Frisket Monet-Vanari

    4. House Guenevere and its Matriarch, Emerald Guenevere

    5. House Espinoza and its Patriarch, David Espinoza





    Javier de Pelear, Baron of Arenisca




    By order of His Royal Majesty



    The First Hyspian National Army, shortened to the "HNA" or simply the Hyspian National Army, is the military force of the Kingdom of Hyspia. It is responsible for the defense of all territories belonging to Hyspia and is the under the direct command of the King himself. For many years, the Army has served under the Kings of Hyspia to ward off threats both internal and external and has succeeded in bringing peace and stability to the Hyspian realm. 





    Carlos Mendez leading the Hyspian Army during the Hyspian-Bandit war.


    By the decree of King Cesar I, the Hyspian National Army was formed and organized by Lord Carlos Mendez to combat banditry, and then reformed under King Cesar II and Vicente Murietta after Hyspia became a separate entity from Osanora. After the second reformation, the new Lord Marshal went on to establish a new command structure which is what the modern day Army follows.



    The King of Hyspia is the sole ruler of the Kingdom of Hyspia. He holds the highest authority within the Army and is responsible for choosing a new Coronelon should the Kingdom require a new one. This title is currently held by King Cesar II.



    The Coronelon is the second highest authority in the military. Only answering to the King himself, the Coronelon is responsible for the organization and training of the soldiers under his command. He has the ability to restructure the Army's chain of command, issue new uniforms, and plenty more all with permission from the King.  This rank is currently held by Coronelon Vicente Murietta




    The Men-At-Arms of the Army, a rank most often held by Knights and Soldiers who have proven their valor. While not often having any power to command the soldiers below them, the new Coronelon is often chosen from those holding the Bastion rank. Men in this rank are often very experienced, having served in the Army almost all their lives. It is the Coronelon who is responsible for giving soldiers this rank.


    (No Uniform yet)



    The average footsoldier of the HNA, they make up the bulk of the King's forces and are the day-to-day soldiers you shall see patrolling or guarding Hyspian lands. This is the rank that all fresh recruits are given as well, and upon ranking up the title of the rank is kept. Without the brave fighting Regulares, the Kingdom would not be as stable as it is today.




    Without the brave enlistees of the Hyspian National Army, Hyspia would not be the stable land that it is today. For that, it is the wish of the Crown to encourage all able-bodied Hyspians interested in gaining glory and serving the King to enlist in the Hyspian National Army. To do so, you may approach a known member of the HNA and request to join. From there, you shall be brought to an officer of the HNA and be welcomed in with open arms. We hope to see you within our ranks soon enough!




    Vicente Murietta, Coronelon of Hyspia

    Cesar Julian De Rivera, King of Hyspia and Count of Osanora.


    OOC: If you want to join without having to find an officer IRP, fill out this form below.


    RP Name: 

    RP Age: 

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