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Posts posted by TheNobleTitans

  1. The First Strike


    [!] Public letters had been ushered to the Orenian Capital of Providence, fliers pushed into the hands of those whom would take them and the papers stapled to almost every street corner.


    “Behold, the denizens of the revered Empire - to the acts of charity offered unto the vile peoples found
    amongst your streets this afternoon. Those whom weep for the replaceable souls of the poor, do not deserve
    a place amongst our polished society, for those chosen to be birthed into the ilk of poverty and labour are those
    whom allow disease to run rampant, that dirty our air with each pathetic breath they draw.

    Let this be known, the acts of today are the first of our kind and certainly not the last.
    Oh no, for there will be many more of their nature and we shall not cease until our air is made clean,
    until there are no longer those of poverty that seek to wiggle their way from the existence they are most
    undeserving of.

    We are men and women of revered status,  birthed into entitlement by the choice of our Lord GOD and
    there will no longer be an age where bloodlines are sullied by the ilk of common folk.

    This will be a most interesting age upon our Empire,  for we are not strangers - many of
    us are fond friends, allies, brothers, sisters. One’s chosen to uphold the serene peerage gifted unto us by our most gracious Sovereign.

    May the poor return to the depth they crawled from.”


    Yours Humbly, 

    The Noble Titans



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