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Posts posted by WhereTheBeans

  1. A Letter Regarding Your Beds


    To the Vullier household, from a friendly dwarf. Now, while I am no expert on sleep, I do know a few things on a good nights rest. Not too long ago during the War, before your weak Emperor was embarrasingly coup'd, I raided your house, with ease I must say, and I came upon many of your rooms with beds. Now, one of the rooms stood out in particular, which I assume was your sons rooms. An issue I had with their beds, was how stiff they were, me and my partner layed in them, and soon found how uncomfortable they were, and as a warrior, one of many Wig-Wearer slayers, need to rest my back after slaying many an Orenian fool. So, I write you this letter, as a warning. A good nights rest, can lead to many positive things, and a stiff bed, one that of your sons, will only lead to their death on the battlefield. Another benefit of a soft bed is one more grim, but not uncommon for Orenians, it gives a soothing sense, after a long battle lost, watching many friends fall in battle to dwarven battlaxes can be tiring, and a soft bed sooths the blow. So next time I wish to visit, as I will, I hope to see you have a soft bed, and one that does not stain, for when blood will be spilt, I wish not to ruin your mattress.




    A Friendly Dwarf




  2. Darir Ireheart Der-Ryder Smiled at what Bakir had said. His eyes gleaming at the blood on his Commanders sword. "T'ey dunnae knoow whoot t'ey've goot tem'selves intoo." He rolled his shoulders, pulling out a beautifully crafted Daemonsteel longsword, with decorum on the blade, mostly memorials to Urguan. He set the blade on the table, admiring just one of the many different weapons he had in his arsenal. . .

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