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Posts posted by Wet_Roaches

  1. 5 hours ago, NightcastorKitty said:

    @Wet_Roaches Hello there! The app. looks great so far! I however need you to also state some of the musin's abilities and different colorations. 

    Made some edits to the lore section to try and add what was requested, let me know if anything else needs to be adjusted

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Musin are foreign Mousefolk, puny little things ranging typically between 1'8" - 2'6" in height with a tail often 3 inches in length, an average healthy weight most often ranging from 20 - 30 pounds, and a lifespan of usually 70 - 80 years. A light coat of fur covers much of a Musin's body, lacking in areas such as the hands, feet, and tail. The fur itself is most often kempt, the colorations of said fur ranging through colors and combinations found in the common house mouse & fancy mouse. From whites, grays, and blacks to a variety of browns, tans, and oranges, the Mousefolk are always sporting a nice range of different coat colors.

    Originating from far off parts of the world, the Musin were once in slavery to the Ratiki. Though, as one might expect due to their presence in new lands, they rose up in a revolt, soon making an escape where they met the one whom they refer to as 'the Giant,' who gave the Mousefolk knowledge of the world around them. From there, the Musin began to integrate into newer and (hopefully) safer lands such as Almaris, slowly but surely shaping their own culture in their new freedom.

    Compared to many of the common races seen throughout Almaris, the Musin are incredibly small 'n fragile, not able to perform much of anything in terms of strength and their bodies being notably weak, many injuries considered minor to many being far more significant if inflicted upon mouse. While they lack strength and overall durability, the Musin are considerably agile, having somewhat above average speed compared to other races thanks to their nimble little frames. The large ears of these Mice are also able to detect sounds at a greater hearing range, capable of picking up on various higher-pitch noises and other sounds which might be somewhat beyond the hearing of larger beings such as Humans. Though, the sensitivity to sound does come with its own problems, with louder sounds having more of an impact upon Musin. A Musin's eyesight is also something of note, being considerably weaker than most races due to light sensitivity, causing them to have far less clarity of vision on your average sunny day. Only in certain conditions where lighting is far more dim (such as clouded days and night time) will Musin be able to see to their full ability.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    The young'un son of an old 'n aging Musin named Lint. While his father had a lighter 'chocolate brown' coat of fur, this mouse sports a far darker shade of fur nearing black in color and an overall lighter pink tone to his own skin. (paws, tail, ears, etc.) Longer whiskers 'n beady eyes are set upon young Shrimp's face. Standing at about 1'9", the feller wearing various cloaks 'n other coat-garbs that can be cobbled up to suit his fancy.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3.    A still recent creation of unnatural flesh and vile Mass stared upon the little papers which lay upon the table. The Homunculoid looked on intently with its one massive eye for longer than need be. At that moment, the disgusting Creature realized something...          It doesn't exactly know how to read yet. Too many big words.

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Homunculi. Creations of the most vile form which disregards the order of natural life, perhaps outright defying that which is natural. Flesh stitched and molded together to form the framework which is inevitably given life, though many would refuse to call such life. Probably for good reason. The successful production of such a Thing provides an emptiness, a creature without soul. Typically these wretched constructions are made in the likeness of any humanoid life which the maddened creator deems fit, giving way to a horrid mockery of that which exists naturally. Not all creators see it fit to mold the beings in a way to resemble that of a mortal man or similar humanoid, though. These Things are bound to that of the material, bound in imitating even the physical capabilities- and limitations- of that which they were formed to appear like. Any that is not of the material is foreign to the Homunculus and much often harmful-- Especially in the cases of magics pertaining to the Void. Ageless and most disgusting imitation of the natural, empty soulless creatures of the material existence. Homunculi are simply sickening creations brought about by those who wish to toy in God's domain.



    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 


    A rather deformed homunculus creation dressed in dusty and torn rags and similar garbs, the attire appearing somewhat reminiscent of the outfit some sailor or pirate might've worn. A negligible drunkard of a sailor, perhaps. One of the most prominent deformities is the fact that one eye appears to be lower on the head than the other, giving an uneven and considerably twisted expression. There also seems to be a... lump... on the back of the head, looking quite tumorous. With half bloodied rags tied around each limb, mud and other muck on the boots, and what appears to be yet more stains of dirt and blood, the entire wardrobe of the Homunculus is putrid. There's even filth on the hat. This grimy creation appears rather... slow, almost brutish. If It wasn't such a mockery of life, one could call It a 'knuckle-head,' or 'half-wit.'



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             Yeah I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


    1. Meme Man, sometimes also referred to as Mr. Succ and the Stonks guy, is a character often featured in internet memes. He is depicted as a 3D render of a smooth, bald, and often disembodied blue-eyed male head.[1] He was popularized in the mid-2010s by the artist "Special meme fresh", and became a common character in many surreal memes, a genre of internet humor inspired by surrealism.[2][3] During the 2021 GameStop short squeeze, Meme Man was popularized by users of the subreddit r/wallstreetbets as the face of the "stonks" meme.[4]
    2. [1:10 PM]
      The first usage of him as a recurring character was on the Facebook page of the artist "Special meme fresh" and soon spread to become "one of the only consistent stylistic elements" of the surreal memes aesthetic.[2] On June 5, 2017, the artist uploaded an image of Meme Man overlaid on top of a stock photo of a man in a business suit with arms crossed and a chart pointing upwards behind him, and the caption "Stonks", a deliberate misspelling of the word "stocks".[5] The meme went viral and became a common reaction image on Reddit and Twitter.[6][7]
    3. [1:10 PM]
      On February 1, 2019, Elon Musk bought the domain name "stankmemes.com" according to his tweet.[8][9] In June 2020, when Tesla Inc. shares soared he tweeted "stonks" and the website featured this meme.[10][11][12][13]
    4. [1:10 PM]
      On August 27, 2020, a tweet by user @trentandrewrld comparing Meme Man to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos went viral, accumulating over 400,000 likes as of July 30, 2021.[14][15]
    5. [1:10 PM]
      Elon Musk has used both Meme Man and the "stonks" meme as a reaction on Twitter,[3][16] and on January 26, 2021, he tweeted the word "Gamestonk!!"[17] with an attached link to r/wallstreetbets. Immediately afterwards, shares in GameStop rose 157 percent in extended-hours trading, which some linked with Musk's tweet.[18][19] In 2021, the multiplayer video game Fortnite released the playable character "Diamond Hanz", based on the design of Meme Man, as a joke for April Fools Day.[20]

    Name: Sancho


    Place Of Origin: Oren


    Background: Mercatorii Man who since birth has spent his time fishing and loving God. Proceeded to get kicked in the head hard enough he suffered minor head trauma, thus leaving behind the fishing life. Still praising God, though. Since that day he set forth in a nomadic lifestyle, settling with various associates and taking many jobs, often involving taking up arms. He often assisted his comrades in a few alchemical productions or helped venture into dangerous zones. Ended up losing his right hand during one of his jobs, spending ages getting used to the lack of hand. Eventually, he actually began to tie tools and weapons around his stump to help aid him in day-to-day life. He often used this to tend to the fields he worked in, sometimes even tying a blade or shield to the stump. Lived in a Shed for multiple years, took up arms again to fight for Oren. Offered 'Quality Green' herb to the Emperor of Oren (He declined.) Went missing from the Shed years later after walking into the Woods and vanishing. Hasn't been sighted until recent times, having visited various libraries and seeming to take a turn towards Owynist values. He's spent much of his time gaining an increasing fascination with Owyn's teachings, taking time to try and learn as much as possible before wandering off into the Wilderness as usual.


    Skillset: Sancho's been a fighter ever since he got kicked in the head and took on a new lifestyle. He's moderately capable with various weapons and tools, usually favoriting using a mace over all. Used to produce moonshine with his Mercatorii comrades along with assortments of other equipment and remedies used throughout their journeys. Sure it's been a while, but give him a weapon and he's sure to spring back to just how he used to be.


    Reason(s) For Enlistment: With his recently discovered desire to follow Owyn's teachings as best he can, along with his history of unrest and constant night terrors, he seeks to find peace by reforming and living a life dedicated to Owyn. His life has been a bit of a mess and he appears rather determined that serving will provide him with what he searches for.

  6. A RAT was in the Middle of the Woods laying in the shrubs and listening to the trees. It gave a longing look to the Rot Docs as it proceeded To eat the paper. After the paper had been properly eaten and disposed of in his Gut, he looked around and pondered to himself. Did the Sun Just get bigger? Did it just get Bigger? This wasn't right... no, surely it didn't get Bigger. "It was all in my imagination!" He thought to himself, nodding affirmingly to his own statement. This was the Only logical explanation, after all. The Sun? Expanding? It was simply too far-fetched to be plausible. The Mouseman knew better than to believe that the Sun had just expanded. He knew what was, and what wasn't real. With confidence brimming and a relief washing over him, the Mouseman went and scurried away back into his Cave, off to make another crude invention that brings joy to him and his many friends. And so, the Mouse was happy.

  7. A RAT was busy bathing in a puddle of mud finely given by the rains above. He stopped for but a moment, dropping to the mud a Bucket. "I must collect the rain." he silently uttered to himself, gaze slowly turning to the beautiful one-of-a-kind mouseman sized Bucket. "The man in the puddle commands it."

  8. Brancho stroked at his newly grown beard which took him two whole minutes to grow, looking upon the oil covered note with joy in his rapidly aging heart. He sat down at the nearly broken chair of his mighty fine dining table and prepared to eat Jubstinian eggs that were gifted to him during the wonderous occasion of the Josalian Feast. As he began to devour the eggs as if they were the only form of sustenance he's ever had, he thought to himself about revisiting the beautiful lands of Jusstima. 

  9. Grancho swiftly scanned through the missive with haste as a smile quickly grew upon his face. The man set the notice of the Feast on his writing desk and dashed through his cabin in the great woods in order to gather together his things. "Tonight is gonna be splendid."

  10. A pint-sized critter looked over the missive a little too fast than to be expected, tossing it to the wind. "I HATE POLITICS!" He shrieked, scurrying away from the paper as far as he could. A few moments later, he pondered. The few words he managed to discern from the missive were interesting. He rubbed his little hands together as he gave a brief glance back at the paper as it continued to be carried off by dust and desert winds, now a tiny speck in his sights before disappearing almost entirely. "But I do like apprehending things."

  11. From within a dirty and dusty basement, a faintly raggedy musin worked away at mashing and crushing way too many herbs and shoving them in copious amounts of jars full of salt water. The critter paused from his work, waddling away to collect piles of notes and papers left by the giant door. As he quickly looked through all the papers, he deemed most to be complete junk and tossed them aside for the others to deal with. Just then, his little eyes squinted as he caught attention of one of the notes. As the lanky mouseman struggled to read through the note he abruptly stopped, eyesw widening. Only one word escaped from him: "Shit." At that, he spun around and scurried off to deliver the news to his friends and fellow musin.

  12. A somewhat young Mercatorii man clenched the missive in a gloved hand, his clothes still covered in dust and soot of many colors from many lands. A smirk quickly grew across his face as he read it, tucking the missive into his pockets as he sat up in a dark, damp cavern. His head turned to the left, trudging towards numerous small barrels with a dwarven mace resting next to one of them. BIG Sancho hoisted up the mace in one hand, letting out a triumphant laugh in the claustrophobic cave which he dwelled within before making his way to the bright, open outdoors. It's time, once again.

  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  14. Lint faintly struggled to read the notice, his patchy clothes still covered in the stench of old fruit and glue. His hand clenched into a fist, raising into the sky as he lifted his head to view the clouds above. "Magic is for Lessers!" He called out, "Science is for Musin!" 

  15. 3 minutes ago, chacmul said:

    The veteran looked over to BIG Sancho, whilst passing him this missive. "We're going to help them as a rescue team, that sound good?"

    The aforementioned Big Sancho turned his head to face his comrade, nodding slowly. "Bai." He uttered. "Let us prepare what equipment we need to help in whatever ways we can."

  16. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Some of the most vulnerable, perhaps littlest creatures of Almaris, the Musin are the micefolk of the lands. The Musin are often incredibly small beings that resemble rodents such as the common mouse or rat, covered in thin fur of various colors found natural in those common house mice and ranging from heights of 1'8" or up to 2'6" with their eyes typically being pitch-black in coloration. Typically, Musin will live up to 70 years of age. Throughout those lives, micefolk will have the tendency to hoard belongings and scavenge for things they find useful which leads to them often being described as thieves and other similar titles. Because of their obsessive scrounging, their homes are often cluttered and messy full of many trinkets and other items. Unlike their Ratiki ancestors, the micefolk are ill-fitted for any life underground due to their weak bodies, omnivorous diet-- not to mention their sensitive stomachs-- and their natural senses being more adapted for a life on the surface.

    The micefolk's ancestors, the Ratiki, are quite the contrast from the fragile little Musin. Within the distant past, the micefolk were merely runts of the litters, naturally cast out to be swallowed whole by the unrelenting deep. Despite the many who died of starvation and illness, there were many who managed to survive. The micefolk went on to live through many times of hardships, sorrow, disease and tribulation until a rebellion was lead by Musin the Brave, who died in battle during the rebellion. Though they revolted, they could not properly fight, having no choice but to flee because of their naturally small statures and weaknesses. The micefolk upon their escape began to shape and define their own culture, learning especially from the world around them such as the one man whom they referred to as The Giant.

    Musin are typically seen as pathetic creatures, serving little use. Many of the features gained from their relation to the Ratiki have been diluted over the generations, leading them to be near defenseless critters. Despite all of these factors, the Musin continue on in a vast world with their weak but nimble frames and a will to survive whatever comes their way.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    This young Musin was born in a family with a special interest in the art of sewing and other patchworks. Named Lint, because of his own mother's particular interest in working with cloths, he was taught at a relatively young age how to fashion his own clothes and soon learned his family's craft. With a bit of help, Lint managed to create his own clothes which although look rather dirty and make him look like a beggar, he wears them proudly. The lad stands at about 1'10" with darkened brown fur, resembling the colors of chocolate. Both his ears and nose appear more reddened in coloration and much of his body is covered by cloth and leather made from his own work. Despite his scruffy, ragged appearance with leather boots and gloves made from patches of torn leathers and a drab cloak made from pieced together cloths, he is no impoverished little mouse begging for bread in the streets. Lint has crafted together his belongings with the intent of adventure, seeking to explore the land of giants and sprawling structures as far as his little eyes can see.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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