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Posts posted by golyadkin

  1. 2 hours ago, Toffee said:

    My only question is if you think a "Safety Team" or player safety point of contact should be within the Administration or if it should be a separate entity? I freely admit that I don't know all of the background information, but it seems as though there have been some issues in the past where staff members, the people who players are supposed to approach with these issues and trust that they'll be resolved, have actually been the perpetrators who are then protected by their status/position. I don't say this to cast any aspersions on the current Admin Team or staff in general, but as a genuine question for if these policies can or should be implemented by staff or if they should be separate.


    I think the issue at the moment is that there is nobody wholly suited to looking after the community in a pastoral capacity.


    In my halcyon caring dreamworld there would be an administrator (loath me if you wish, but ideally Telanir or Tythus) with some dedication to continued professional development where they'd be using their own time, or if necessary, self-funding courses etc. in online safety and general safeguarding.


    There becomes a point where you can't rest on the false laurel of childish naivite if an issue is recurrent enough throughout a disdended tenure that people are joking about how you handle things; you need to pick up your reins and start handling things with some professionalism. LOTC exists as a legal entity, even if it's just on paper, and the actual player-safety issues need to be treated handled with resolutions that aren't word-heavy action-light forum blog-posts by a scrappy team of puckish young volunteers "not doing the best, but doing their best ;3".


    Admins are actually.. relatively okay with policing child grooming stuff among their own, but it is again the notion of overwhelming evidence requiring a sudden (and dramatic peanut-gallery public) ousting being the par for the course for LoTC; there are atm no procedures in place to report concerns about behaviour of anyone, administration included, to prompt investigation. Flamboyant, for one, would have left a lot earlier than he did if there were proactive measures in place. How these guys get admin in the first place? I suppose they don't wear their predelicitions on their wrists. Everyone could've pointed to these past weirdos as not nice people, but the gavel fell hard and sharp when they started straying past safeguarding red flags.


    2 hours ago, Toffee said:

    Furthermore, I think anyone dealing with player safety (furthermore, child safety) should be required to be police checked.


    This is a great idea on paper; but uh, a lot of the behaviours that would be concerning from a player or administrator can easily pass a police check. I can name (but won't!) three similarly permabanned players like myself who have started enough on government / education / policing careers that they have had stringent background checks.


    Cross-border compatibility may be an issue, too. Although some countries do share things for active police checks, there are things that don't necessarily transfer, so don't quite provide a complete picture of an individual's record / be wholly compatible. Certificates for good conduct all vary country to country and don't have equal levels of depth.


    But the biggie? Most unwanted and very much bannable behaviour may be morally repugnant but it isn't de jure illegal, so won't be flagged regardless. With the weight on social reputation and perceived in-community moral character, too, there is no one way to properly vet somebody and have sweeping across-the-board trust for a position like this. But if they can prove dedication to self-improvement and continued development with the idea that, okay, this is a formal capacity that requires some learning, skills and reputability? They can earn that trust very easily. I suppose having a disclosure and barring service check come back clean is something they can wave about just to say they have, though.


    28 minutes ago, Slorbin said:

    why isnt he unbanned


    No, I really should stay banned. I am not a nice bloke!

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