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The Silver Scandal

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Posts posted by The Silver Scandal

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    Published 18th of the Amber Cold, 69 S.A.




    It is progress which we must make to stay aligned with maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, and progress cannot continue with such a scandalous society running amuck with the people that claim heritage of silver. The truth is always unveiled and no one is safe within the turmoil.




    The former socialite Sohaer seemed to have too much stress weighing on her moral compass when it comes to her supposed pacifism. Ayliana Maehr’tehral, the Silver State’s Sweetheart turned rather sickening when it came to the turn of events that has led Ivarielle to assume the position of Uthir. She claims that she is wishing what is best for the people, yet where was her pacifism when it came to Seth Calith being put on trial by the Fennic Prince Vytrek himself? She did not put her foot down or step in when they turned violent and rowdy, screaming every insult imaginable to the elderly Calith. Perhaps the pacifism was mistaken for cowardice that was found in the Republicans that have run away at every turn of conflict, behaving no better than them. That has been the only display of such atrocities from Ayliana, let us hope it remains.



    Within the Ni’leya Talonii, it seems there is conflict and strife of its own that has been boiling over. Braxus Ni’leya has been accused by his own daughter of being an ill-fit maln, only now returning to the state when it is convenient. During this time away, it seems that Irelia has gotten caught up in a forbidden romance, now courting a mali’aheral that she does not care if her maln would like in the Talonii or not. The former Sohaer certainly should worry about getting the affairs of his home back in order before worrying about that of the state which he had abandoned. If he cannot get his own daughter in line, is he truly fit to lead the people by putting himself forwards for Sohaer?



    Rumor has it that the two most eligible Haelun’orian bachelorettes are pining after the same man. Our heartthrob Okarir’tir and the darling Wynasul seem to be caught up in quite the entanglement when they discover they both have been going after courtships for a mystery mali’. Our sources tell us that it’s not confirmed which of the ladies this stranger has chosen, yet they should soon. Will it turn out to be a strain on the heart or a strain on their friendship for Iphys and Valyris as they sort out this scandalous situation they have found themselves in. Who is this mystery elf that has both of them swept off their feet? More importantly, what has happened to old fashioned courtship? 



    Braxus Ni’leya claims that Ivarielle is the Bandit Princess, that she is responsible for all the bloodshed that has filled the streets over the past decades. Yet, with a simple conversation with Ivarielle, he could clear up these falsehoods and assumptions that he has sowed within the Silver State. He has caused chaos and disruption to claim that they Ferrymen and Lubba Keep were acting on Ivarielle’s behalf, yet she declares otherwise. She has stated that they were acting as their own individual entities, which they are. Therefore, why is it that he has decided to cause issues amongst the people and turn them against the Uthir? Was it to keep power and control? Returning to only seize what you wish? These are the questions that the people now call upon you to answer. 



    Those of the Hyptos Talonii adorn their controversial togas,  exposing themselves more than some mali’ame that have been seen roaming the streets of elcihi’thilln. They debate about Larihei, and purity, and conservative values, yet where is the conservatism in what they wear? Lucion Sullas explained in his many works that one should not need to expose themselves unnecessarily to prove their physical purity. That a true mali’thill proves their purity with their contributions to maehr’sae hiylun’ehya and through their mind rather than exposing their appearance. Perhaps, they are compensating for their lack of physical purity, having grease akin to an uruk that excretes from their pores.



    “The filth accumulates, not in the sewers, but in our very streets. The waste that pollutes the once clean walkways of Haelun’or is carried in the hearts of her children. To purge the city, she must expel these waste-bearers, for they are disgraceful, lliran. Our city weeps, and her silver tears leak away the memory of a once great civilization. Larihei lives in disrepute, and we are to blame. We have not lived up to her.. Examine your hands, and the hands of your lliran. It is time to wash away the filth of the streets."

    Anve’vuln Lazul


    maehr'sae hiylun'ehya

    If you wish to submit a truth, I leave you with an address to submit it to.


    Feel free to send a forum PM to submit a piece of gossip. This is neutral on both sides of the ongoing conflict so have fun! 


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