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Hearsay of Hoonseti-Rooska

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Posts posted by Hearsay of Hoonseti-Rooska


    Volume II






    Painting of the threatening letter left in Koenas Analiesa’s aviary.




    With the Kingdom abuzz with drama and fun, we have been waiting and watching, my little birds collecting gossip in the meantime. Courtiers and royalty alike have made their mark upon the newly minted Morrivi Palace. Just like the Nikirala, gossip takes its form in many ways and we love to keep you beloved readers well informed. 




    Shrill cries from the newly erected palace have been cause for much speculation amongst the courtiers. Though dear readers, such news is something we unearth just for you. Our beloved Koenas Analiesa has been made a victim of a crime, that being a fishy one for sure. A fish and threatening note were left within the Koenas’s aviary, leaving behind the slime of the animal and the figurative slime of those who left it behind (with evidence suggesting they let the poor creature suffocate to death on the Koenas’s bedroom floorboards!). Due to this crime, the Kingdom’s most trained detectives have been hard at work discovering the truth behind such a note. 


    Such mystery remained undiscovered until just recently, the brave and cunning Koenas made the discovery herself. Caught in the act of destruction, members of the Faedom, along with a certain Dark Lord were found to be ruining the well maintained room of the Koenas!


    These destructive cat-burglars were none other than Koenas Mischa of the Faedom, Dark Lord Nik (the Koenas’ own twin brother!), Manon de Falstaff, and Vladrick Kortrevich. Only two of the criminals felt enough remorse to offer an apology to Koenas Analiesa, being Manon and her own brother, Nikolas. Mischa and Vladrick fled from the palace (after Mischa gave a false name to the Lady Palatine in order to escape punishment). 


     This ménage à trois were feral and boisterous in nature and made their ill intentions clear. Knowing our Koenas does not hang onto the materiality of her belongings, we believe her to be on the mend. Though one has to wonder, with two ladies of the Faedom, one Dark Lord, and an unknown third party, what is the real goal of these enemy nations? 






    The court case which ended the feud…or did it fuel it?


    Trouble seems to follow our Koenas like a bad smell, as earlier in the week she was beset upon by a troublesome Basrid known to many as Isadora. Hot on the trails of the perpetrators of those who broke into her chambers, Analiesa thought it wise to question those close to her main suspect: Georgie Barbanov-Bihar. 


    Thus, she approached Isadora and began to gently probe her for information. Had Georgie finally let Annabel Baruch into the residential palace to leave her a nasty surprise? Had he been bribed by the Faedom to allow them entry? How was he involved, was he the missing piece of this fishy puzzle?! - Isadora denied any involvement, and instead became defensive, and argumentative toward our Koenas. Both accusations and insults were thrown, a particular offense being repeated being that Analiesa was in fact possessed! This continued until the Koenas had been provoked so severely by the Basrid, that she took physical action against her - slapping her porcelain doll from her hands, and shattering it against the cold stones of the Morrivi prikaz.


    Violence soon erupted like a volcano, and Isadora charged at Koenas Analiesa, tackling her to the ground and punching her in the face over, and over, and over again - she wouldn’t have stopped, if not for a brave Orenian prisoner stepping forwards in order to tear the Basrid from Analiesa’s form. 


    This disagreement continued until the two sat opposite eachother in court, with the honourable judge Adelajda overseeing the proceedings, and the excellent lawyer Elia Colborn representing the crown. Isadora took the risky approach, and instead decided to represent herself. The case was laid out before the court in a grueling two-hour trial, with objections thrown from both sides, until Elia Colborn made her closing statement, one that truly closed the case for good. 


    Elia argued that, while Koenas Analiesa had had an emotional outburst amidst their discussion, Isadora already knew of the Koenas’ short temper, and her proclivity for upset. She proposed that Analiesa had simply reacted to the insults of Isadora when she broke the doll, and that Isadora was the perpetrator of the incident, especially when it came to her violent physical attack against the much younger, smaller, skinnier girl. 


    Honourable Judge vas Ruthern cross-examined both the defendant and prosecution, before calling a witness to the stand, one whom was present for the entire interaction. Finally, she was satisfied with the evidence presented, and made her ruling. Both were guilty, though the Koenas less so. The two would be required to apologize to one another, the Koenas for slapping the doll, and Isadora for provoking, lying, scratching, hitting, and slapping. We know the Basridi are passionate people, but perhaps Isadora should be weary of her constant heightened emotional state. 






    Running around the Kingdom are the Ruthern siblings, each with their own self and identity. The most recognisable, aside from our Lady Palatine, are the twin brothers Aleksandr and Vladimir. The latter being a Valiant knight, the other a brooding and mysterious heir to the renowned Duchy. Typically thick as thieves, as most brothers are, it has come to our attention that a divide within the two has grown, a fight having occurred. 


    What fight could encourage our Lord Marshal to seek out a new education, that within the walls of the Duchy of Balian? Could it be a typical childhood quarrel, or is the fight possibly connected to someone close to the two? Our valiant Vladimir has indeed grown close with his friends, one in particular being our beloved Koenas. Could something so innocent churn the feeling of jealousy within the heir of Vidaus? Does he wish to escape to the south to fill his sight and mind with other young ladies, aside from our beautiful Koenas? 


    Well, only his Lordship could be the one to reveal his true intentions, but this author doubts he ever will.






    With the lack of an invitation from Manon de Falstaff for a certain celebration, the Kingdom of Hoonse decided to invite themselves!


     Arriving at the party, the Hoonsetians did not realize their arrival would be the only one of the night. Sitting alone without any attention brought her way would be one Manon de Falstaff, the host and center of the party. We wonder what happened to those who were invited. Could the letters be lost in the post, or did her Faedom friends simply forget to show up? 


    Alas, the party was cut short after a gargantuan creature erupted from the earth and began to attack all those in sight, the Grand Prinzen of Kusoraev very nearly toppling over into a sinkhole that had just formed an inch away from his left foot. It seems this attack, and the arrival of the Hoonse cavalry, truly made Manon’s birthday one to remember. If only her invited guests from the Faedom could have bothered to attend.




    With threats, bullying, attacks and feuding growing amongst the child kingdoms, this author is much looking forward to more to come. As always, we will report what we know to be true as no one is safe from the lies and deceit which run amuck within the palace. Who we report on next will be entirely dependant on the comings and goings of our lovely courtiers. 







    The Hoonseti Hearsay


    Volume I





    A painting of the wicked Elisa Baruch attempting to assasinate the Koenas and Lady Palatine




    With the new occupation of our beloved Hoonseti Kongzem, it seemed only right to follow in the nation's history, reciting the news and the interesting happenings within it. Much has happened within the first Eve of Koenas Analiesa’s reign and there is much to report, beloved readers.  




    Following her proclamation of Koenaship, Prinzenas Analiesa took her diplomacy into her most extraordinary bouncy castle, fit for a Koenas, our Koenas Analiesa I. Like most diplomacy meetings, a heated division broke out, leading to a wild Elisa Baruch pointing her wicked spear at the Koenas. Luckily, a nearby knight was around to jump to her aid. 


    Once the Hoonsetians began to defend themselves, casting out the Faedom from their sight, the same evil Baruch sought to cause even more distress, stabbing her spear into the inflated castle. This would be the first assassination attempt on our most beloved Koenas. 


    With the help of Ser Walton and our Knight Paramount, Vladimir var Ruthern, the Koenas and the Palatine were saved. Once the Koenas seemed to be brought to safety, it was not long until Elisa would bully our Koenas until she was sick! To make matters worse, she struck Analiesa, causing her nose to pop and bleed. The wild Baruch seemed to get away, running home like a coward. Will she show her face any time soon within the Koengzem? 






    Faeries and strange folks alike would be astonished at their so-called Koenas’s actions. After begrudgingly accepting a diplomacy meeting with our esteemed Koenas Analiesa, the wannabe Koenas Mischa went on to push her own kingdoms beliefs onto the Palatine and Koenas, though they were not accepted by the two. Claiming to be an Empire, the Faedom continued their attempts at bullying and belittling, though could a nobody ‘Koenas' really belittle a real Prinzenas? I do not think so. 


    It did not take long for Koenas Analiesa and her Lady Palatine to cast out the shameful bunch from their sights. Who would want to be in the presence of them either way with their sticks and leaves stuck in their horrifying hairdo’s. I certainly would not. 






    Who would have thought the plump Ruthern boy would show such courage on the day of Koenas Analiesa’s birth. During her celebratory name day, the Hoonseti Knight Paramount displayed his honour and courage, saving not only the Koenas but his younger sestra as well. Due to his actions, the well-known Knight, Ser Walton, thought it wise to take the Ruthern under his wing, making the boy his page. 


    Quick to begin, the courageous Ruthern had begun his training that same eve. Under the watchful eye of his mentor, Vladimir var Ruthern would display his surprising agility and strength, training on the playground. He seemed swift as a cheetah and strong as an elephant as the boy trained. I have no doubt he will one day bear the name “The Valiant”.  






    Perhaps it is their weird, strange tongue and heritage, but the Colborn’s seemed to be even more wild and out of sorts on the day of the Koenas’s celebratory name day party. Prior to the beginning of the party a certain Elia Colborn had thrown insults wildly at the Lady Palatine, insulting her and her family. Some would say she is a shame to her very own ancient line. 


    Once the celebrations began, a commotion was heard within the bouncy castle as the Colborn children seemed to attack the Duke of Vidoos and his sestra, Yetta Barrow. In order to defend themselves, Duke Aleksandr was forced to decapitate the turtle teddy of the Colborn, leaving stuffing scattered about as the two Ruthern scrambled to safety. Who knows what would have happened if they had not escaped. 




    I do hope that the Koenas make a full recovery after her assault, just as much as we see a promising future for our favourite Ruthern page. With more happenings, more information will soon be shared. Until next time my dear readers. 







    The Hoonseti Hearsay

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