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Posts posted by A_Good_Fellow

  1. "By that logic, people should go drown themselves in the ocean given you can't live without water. Why are there so many cults these days?" The human said as he did what many do, tear down propaganda where they found it although who knows how many are out there? I hate the Pale Beast.




  2. The best bit of world lore [Besides house Margery]? Personally, I found this in the annals and I think non-ST required mats for design and fun are great considering how tough it is to wrangle em. Whereas crafting RP and other natural setting elements help make stories and offer new avenues one would not seek or hope for other wise.



  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self teach


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self teach


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  4. A fisher in red would look ever the missive as he happens to be preparing more rods for the East Fleet harbor. "Nice." He said in happy polite words as he then moved on to affixing fresh line, happy that many new fishers were soon to join him and his peers.

  5. 3 hours ago, Air said:

    What if you say the wrong thing or you feel like they don't like you from the start? The idea that you might've ruined something and should've tried a different time? Or even the thought that you missed and opportunity that you should've taken. Should you just ignore reason and go for it? It all feels so overwhelming when faced with someone you don't know.

    Hmm looks like your views real particular.


    Plenty will tell you how to live or to how you should act or think. That's up to you to practice, live out, and deal with what comes.


    As for regrets and treating people like NPCs, it ain't that simple. No friendship bars IRL and even a good friendship could go crazy south for no fault of your own like them getting hooked on drugs. I would say do what you think is best, whatever BEST is for you.


    As for actionable steps building up confidence and practicing the skill cuz, it is a skill that can just be practiced and observed. Body language and first impressions is a whole thing so be your best self and learn what ya can by trial and error even with just shot interactions. Again the internet provides sources.




    1 hour ago, Werew0lf said:

    Who needs friends… ;(

    Hugs are nice

  6. Knowing your values and being able to have healthy communication. Have your boundaries known, listen don't hear, ask questions, care and invest in others vs trying to one-up others or push your points, and lastly be able to manage and handle conflict. Here are two videos on the topic and both channels have many more good videos.




    For more here's a link to my wellness guide. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/215019-farmers-triumphant-bod-challenge/?tab=comments#comment-1928935

  7. The Fellow in red would read over the missive and then speak in his usual polite candor. "May as well, Just hope your luck does enough for you to beat my skill. Save for the cooking part, odds are one of them housemages will take that first place prize." He would start to roll his shoulders as he checked two rods, considering he always carried at least one on his person.


  8. Farmer Triumphant Bod challenge 


    Are you an NPC that copes and seethes because you can't PVP to save your life? 

    Well, listen up.


    You may not be able to out click them in the game. But if you know you can CRP them IRL you will be self-assured and content, not to mention activities such as gaming often confines us to long bouts of sitting. Here is the path to achieving this endeavor, friend.




    All you must do is commit to the Farmers Triumphant Bod Challenge, a one-step solution. There are more considerations naturally, but this is meant to be as simple and achievable as possible. It is as Follows.


    For every Emote [trigger] I will in real life do a Pushup [exercise].



    This is also adaptable and varied to serve a few purposes. 


    1. The trigger and exercise are to be of your choosing. Not everyone has the space, able body, or need to do a push-up as other exercises and activities may be better for you and your goals. From as simple as getting up to get water to as complex as you can to contribute to your specific aims.

    2. This challenge can be altered to fit other games or specifics such as perhaps doing one exercise set every 30 minutes or some such.

    3. The given trigger is per Emote meaning it behooves one to write better more descriptive emotes.


    It is that simple though now we move on to the considerations. As I am no expert it's best to do your research as you will on the internet through youtube may be invaluable. This does not extend to just the challenge but wellness at large.



    Naturally, water is important and you should have a cup nearby and ready for when it's needed. After all, one can over or more often be under-hydrated. You might also want to consider your diet and other habits in regards to how it affects your strength and energy such as sleep and diet.


    As an example here is a source, the first of many that explains how drinking water along with meals may not be the best idea or is it? Listen to your body.


    And do think about your other drinking habits such as soda and juices that have a lot of sugar. And your relationships with dehidragents such as teas and coffee[A Drug].


    Preparation and technique 

    Then comes the exercise of your choosing and form. Bad form not only leads to no gains, but it also causes long-term injuries. Along with such comes a rotation of different exercises. As one can only do so many pushups or other till you're sore and cannot complete another, training to failure means longer periods of muscle soreness, challenge yourself but not to your absolute limits. So keep in mind what you're doing and how, after all, even a short walk or set of stretching is valid and worth the effort. If anything stretching before intensive bodily strain is paramount and highly beneficial if you seek to perform at length. That goes for any skill, trip, or endeavor as a bit of diligent forethought and action protects you from trouble later on.



    Sleep affects us more than you know and is paramount, aim for at least six hours if not more and do what you can to get good sleep quality and not just quantity. Sleep is a personal and variable thing but there are a few rules of thumb. Limit light and sound as much as reasonably possible, perhaps with eye and ear covering or better window curtains. Wake to natural light if possible. Limit your viewing of blue light devices by either stopping screen usage an hour before bed or getting special glasses built to resist them. One source and technique is keeping your legs raised during sleep as described here and should be done. https://www.sleepadvisor.org/sleeping-with-legs-elevated/


    Siestas, or short naps which should be at least ten minutes long and no more than thirty do help with any sleep debt you owe yourself and stops you from entering deep sleep so you are not worse off and groggy for taking it. For more reading on the cultural and tangible health benefits, I again will leave it to better experts.




    Exhaustion and true restlessness. If you really have not slept well, cannot keep your eyes open, exhausted. A full one hour and thirty sleep may be taken as that is more or less a full REM cycle. Sequential naps of ten minutes also would help you get through such hard times when you're so down on rest. Even if you do not “Sleep” and are conscious, the act of closing your eyes and resting your body for that time gives it time to recover. Though Ideally, one could get a real night's rest.  


    Breathing and Posture

    Fucken do it right casual. Are you chest breathing? News Flash that's wrong, god help you if you have lived life as a mouth breather, use your nose unless you are physically tired and need the extra oxygen given by mouth breathing to go on. Place your hands on your chest and press lightly to not let it expand and watch as the air goes to your belly/diaphragm. https://youtu.be/ldNnKVGxabA


    Once you have mastered breathing that is not the end. Ideally, you could have the best conditions and practices which is why posture is a process with many products out there to help. To start, here is a video on why you should make these changes. [The channel also covers a lot about social interactions]



    The last tip although this is the hardest involves air quality and how to fix it. Unless you live on a countryside mountain or pristine jungle, odds are your air quality is bad and you can check your area for specifics. To better the air you breathe, this specific plant can be acquired and kept alive in your living space. The sansevieria trifasciata: Also known as mother in laws tongue or the snake plant. Again this source is better at summarizing it best, do note that if you have pets they best not eat it.



    Habit and Non-Zero Days 

    Now I'm not saying you need to make a schedule blocked out by the hour, it's not a prison and you are allowed to deviate from it. A morning ritual can be whatever you see as important and needed but do recall that variety is the spice of life. It could be as simple as setting goals and rough deadlines. But the more detailed the more likely it is to happen. Put thought into it but remember that patience, in lieu of any clever ploy or strategy, is sometimes the right answer. Humans never stop growing and learning throughout their lives. If you do have that dream, idea, side project, or to-do list if you can go to sleep saying you are closer to your aims and that you were that morning then you have achieved a Non-Zero progress day. And even if you “Fail” and do have a Zero progress day by your judgment, remember the time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted. 


    Good example habits



    Behavior therapy introduction



    Hygiene, Diet, and Exercise

    So you're a gamer, you know what it's like to spend a whole weekend in the order of sleep, eat, game, and repeat. I am not your mother, nor will I be prescribing something to make your holes smell like flowers. However, as any good dentist would say do not neglect your dental health INCLUDING flossing every day. As for showers, I would like to interest you in forgoing luxury for your health. Read and look into the following topic and even if I know from experience it does suck cold showers will save on utility bills but perhaps time in distress as this practice will make you more resilient in body and mind.



    As for diet. You're on your own champ, just note it and keep in mind what you put in is what makes and sustains YOU. There are so many personal variables here on the different diets, what to eat or avoid, and methods of consumption such as fasting. These two tips I have no sources for so do a fact check me on this and the other sources. It is generally not smart to eat two hours before bed, generally around 8 PM, and drinking warm water or tea is good for your metabolism.


    As for exercise, this verse will be the same as the first. Sometimes you need to dive into unknown territory and see what works for you. Just know what you put in is what you get out. If you can introduce more movement in your life, the more said mussels and joints are activated and more calories burned. Even if not much, this adds up over time. Ideally, you soon will be stronger overall, there is nothing wrong with being weak. It is however wrong to stay weak especially when you can improve to better live your life.


    Locus of control and self-worth

    Your path cannot be determined by anyone else. This advice and other sources you receive may be helpful, but only you can make the decisions. One's ideas about possibility is a personal thing. However, those with an internal locus of control are more likely to be resilient and happy. When you are asked to help your family and family with something instead of saying “I have to” and feel obligated to do the task. Say “I want to” and feel what you will but accept that you are a willing and independent participant. As for gauging your value and considering your place, watch this.

    A parable on value and more



    Or a short and sweet ideal for ya darn dirty relatable youths from a nice older man

    [All same content creator and like all of the sources with plenty more to discover]







    Mental health and Self-image

    A healthy body helps with a healthy mind but that alone is not a guarantee. Outlook, mindset, and exposure to stimuli all play a role. If you are best friends with four fat people and spend years with them, odds are you will become the fifth. People change and subconsciously make shortcuts or biases to operate faster. These biases and sources of information chip and alter the self little by little, and if anything sometimes you must encourage and even spearhead this for the creation of good habits and the ending of bad ones. What you should intake, reject, and put up with is up to you. But here you will find a short video about communication and another for direction, both have many other great videos and there are plenty of other people and concepts out there about the Hugging Mother from India.









    The Hugging Mother



    One other hugely beneficial practice is self-affirmations. This is a particular problem in the Roleplay community as people identify with their character and when things don't go their way it is taken as a personal attack on you as a person. Unless it truly is harassment which moderation team should handle becoming secure with oneself and repeating personal mantras/affirmations to help ground you. There are many out there so repeat those that speak to you or make up your unique ones. Many people already internalize certain beliefs either explicitly or by the words of others, by making your own and repeating them they cement the ideas internally. Just be sure to try your best to live accordingly, if you strive to be truthful and stumble with a lie. Learn and better your conduct and flaws as you live on. This source covers it well along with being another positive resource for you to utilize in your transformation for betterment. If you don't love nor help yourself how could you love others and do your best? Regardless of if you see yourself as a villainous monster or a protag, a common man or above the rest, or a mix and just think about it, and once you have it set. Do not shun all outside feedback but do always remember that you are the only person you have to deal with for the rest of your life, so you better make sure they are respectable and looking out for you yourself. Although as a last word of warning if you chose to see yourself as a monarch amongst men, that's fine. However, do stay humble and base your value not on your external or material things but your own being. For time ebbs at all things and we must build what we can together.



    An Affirmation per X MANY emotes may also be a good addition.



    A story for you who have made it this far. And for you skimmers, if you do nothing else, at least take a moment to listen to this. You make your conclusions about the validity of what has been written. Even if you think you are in a bottomless pit.


    You always have a choice, to do something now or nothing.



    Getting started

    Let's use pushups as an example. It will be hard at first especially if untrained, you may not even be able to do one properly. But like pull-ups, if you can't yet do one it's mainly a matter of hanging in there until you can. (Again do your research and ensure your following safe and proper conduct. There are many different ways to perform and alter movement depending on your health, goals, and access to materials.) It's just something you must do and must be possible, these two first videos may help you start in this and any other endeavor. The last link in this section is the way to ensure you do not put these changes off forever.

    The 2 Minute Rule Will Quickly Change Your Life – James Clear - YouTube

    Use Laziness To Your Advantage - The 20 Second Rule - YouTube




    Lastly comes the challenging part. If you truly are ready and wish to have so known publicly on the server do (/persona prefix FTB(Farmers Triumphant Bod)). Why do others have to know you ask? They won't if you don't want them to. But by having peers and fellows on the journey you can strategies together and share progress, ideally even building on what's here. I meant to write this up a week ago and delayed it till now. That which is put off does not happen till later or worse, at all. If others ask and if you set your prefix as FTB you not only have a reminder about the Farmers Triumphant Bod you should and could strive to have, you may be able to better another person's life like I am trying to do here for mine and yours.



    Still not satisfied? Well then if you wanna be a real Giga Chad? There is yet something more I can inform you of, it is not easy and will take time. Might even screw you up if you do it wrong. That's why these two helpful vids should aid you and there exist many more. Good luck with the rest of your life and Jawline. Some other 

    How to Do MEWING Tongue Posture (Correctly)

    I Tried to Scientifically Test Mewing - 30 Day Before & After - YouTube


    Negotiation, Agendas, and Bias

    If you're a sharp cookie you have picked up my aim to persuade you to change your ways. That is my agenda and I am biased toward this belief. Much like the agendas of some of the sources may be to advertise and or monetize their knowledge, products, and services. Everyone has to eat, and so do you. If you are biased against anything presented here disregard or contact me directly at dandycat#4540 on discord. Negotiating that with me, and negotiation at large is a whole topic in and of itself. Some of the topics and videos above will help you do just that for yourself. As for negotiation with others and communication, I will end with this favorite thought of mine. “People only have what you give them or what they get”- If you do not share your Biases and agendas don't be surprised if they do not consider them, nor if others seek yours out, they may even act in opposition on accident or purpose. So Listen, ask, and speak to them in good faith and hope they will do the same. Better yet do what you can to ensure honest people are kept honest.    



    Though also



  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Fire Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Filvendor Evindal Aevaris


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


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