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Posts posted by DepartDuality

  1. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    Essentially clogging up the filter bot after a warning: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/970112314521026621/1105038616889143306/image.png


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    This is a bit of an editted copy of my explanation two weeks ago, because it is the truth of what happened - and it's going to sound stupid, but this is what happened:

    Two weeks ago I heard friend got insta kicked for saying a bad word, so out of curiosity I whispered bad language in whisper with nobody around. Nobody heard anything and just in case I called an censor test. Thing is I got kicked for an hour so fast that I thought it was a bot (3-4 seconds tops), especially since the word wasn't even censored, and I couldn't find anybody named rigorous. So at the end of the next hour I wrote a statement explained what I was doing and that is was in whisper in solitude if it was a human, and I tried it in whisper and in wooc.

    So to reiterate, I really didn't hurt anybody, nobody could have been harmed, as nobody was in chat proximity I was a mile away from anyone in whisper. Had I known that I was clogging up some maintained system I wouldn't have done it, and I promise I won't do it again. I was just tired, curious, and being dumb.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    After I gave my explanation to a moderator, my sentence was reduced from a whole month to 11 days (It was 11 days initially but then raised to a month for some reason), so frankly I'm satisfied and very grateful on that end.

    Though it would be nice to know why you guys have a normal chat filter in the first place if you just warn/kick/ban the person for the language anyway. It's a very reasonable question. I've been asking around and nobody has an answer.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    I just want to get back in the game, catch up with friends, practice my building - And to add onto that now, actually learn the magic system.


    Attach other relevant information.


    The ban message technically calls me a mysoginist twice.. I'm not a mysoginist in the slightest, and I have no strong opinions on any demographic, gender, or ethnic groups. I'd like to get that straight.

  2. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    Innapropriate OOC messages about other players; Harrasment | I'm guessing this is how I'm meant to do it in a text box: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/912016252820652075/1090760596808548513/image.png


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    Back in January Tilly had her character commit adultery, and when found out, split up Petra through declaring war on her own community. Since the community was built upon being chill, trying to stay out of hardcore international and fancy internal politics, and overall just being an open place for people/new players to hang out, most of the actual Petrans didn't take her side in the matter, as Eddy was seen as a better representation of the core values of the community. I too took Eddy's side, and while I was initially ok with the whole ordeal, I slowly grew disgusted at the actions that Tilly enabled through her decisions, which included ruthless killing of child characters, uneccesarily violent and pointless torture scenes, and getting nearly all of the characters that she was meant to "re-unify" if you will, killed (Not to mention how she complimented my character's building work to my face, right after indirectly getting him killed. I percieved it as insensitive and/or a taunt.) This isn't meant to be slander, these are the facts at the time that developed my perception of her and the situation.

    The day or two before the Big Fight which determined who would be allowed to stay in Petra, nearly everyone, including myself, on Eddy's side had a moderately strong viewpoint against Tilly. One of those nights, a bunch of folks couldn't help but spontaneously come up with a plethora of names to call Tilly's character (and some directly at Tilly) a *****. The amount of names come up with by them was oustounding, so I couldn't help but offer to start writing them down in addition to couple I made up to tag along with the trend. I was hoping it would keep everybody enthusiastic about the upcoming fight to keep our roleplay place, and it wasn't intended to have side-effects outide of/after the "Civil War". Although it was rather stupid of me to inspire potential hate speach, I was assured anyway that it was legal as long as it wasn't posted in public forums. To double down on my percieved sense of legality, On the 29th, Da_Emperors was giving us a chance to do "speeches" before the fight, on the condition that we dm him first on the topic. so I sent him the document for the permission to discuss, and he said go ahead, thinking he actually read it (He didn't he was too busy arranging things and turns out was just using the ping and msg as a 'hand raising' technique, as he says), and that gave me the thumbs up to go ahead with it when he said I could speak. I was under the impression that everything was perfectly alright. After the fight, next thing I know I'm interrogated for the document, which I'll get to in the next question, as it's not too relevant here in comparision.

    Regardless of such, it was extremely dumb of me to make and publicize such a bland and mean document so much. I will not be enabling blunt hate speech against a singular person like that again, at least not knowingly. I understand that the subtext is asking me how I will prevent it. It's just a simple do and do not at this point.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I perfectly agree that my actions were reckless and stupid, though I don't agree at all with how my.. Show Trial was, if you will. I wasn't able to explain much of myself since I was prosecuted via communication in the Anti-Tilly google doc, where I was ganged up on and unable to truly talk about what happened untill after I was officially banned. I would have much preferred it if things were adressed more formally. I prefer not to dwell on the past, though I hope that others get an actual conversation with a mod before a decision is made on banning them, as I'm pretty sure the process is meant to be much different than what I experienced.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    There are a few people who have vocalized that they would miss me, and I had some plans to reunite with those people. Also, I've been learning competative building on here and would like to pursue that more in this setting, even if I kind of suck at it.


    Attach other relevant information.


    Back in the week following the ban, I gave an honest and unbias apology to those who needed it, of which I accepted the responsibility for my own actions. I'm sure that's worth mentioning if it helps my case.

  3. As a saying goes:


    It doesn't matter how far or short a boulder rolls, as in the end, all is dust. What matters is what precious jewels were left inside to last for eternity.


    Dantory had plenty of those.


    In the end it's best to think of decent people as givers of memories, but not finite machines that are used up over time.


    Thank you for the time you've given to us Dan.

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