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Posts posted by Dionpollo

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Melocotón Dupont


    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Musin are the small runts of Ratiki, the feeble, weak rodents who couldn't fend for themselves. They look like house mice in their appearance. Their size ranges from 1’8” to 2’6” and weigh between 20-30 pounds. Their fur comes in a variety of up (orange, black, brown, white, tan; fur can also be mixed/spotted). Their eyes are mostly black, but some mouse can have red eyes. The Musin can live up to about 70 years, their life span increased by "the Giant".

    The history of Musin is a mystery, because they only started recording their history since the last 100 years. As written above, the Musin were the small runts of the Ratiki. The name "Musin" comes from the legend of one mouse who stood up agaisnt the Ratiki. The Ratiki would force the small Musin to work for them. Musin were shunned and rejected by them. Being born during the Great Plague, Musin was born into work in the mines. He proved himself more capable of the other slaves and was seen by the Xetrialkian military. During the Battle of Red Vale, Musin and some forty-mice led 400 mice to safety. As they were about to escape, they were cut off by Stanqolk Highslayer and 200-men. 

    Outnumbered and outgunned, it was clear that the small runts should lay down their weapons. However, instead, Musin and the forty-some mice chose to rather fight for their freedom, than continue fighting to live in what was a harsh life. Musin and the forty-mice stood their ground to Highslayer and his 200-men, to buy time for the slaves to escape. During the battle, Musin would exchange blades with Standqolk Highslayer for hours, or as the legend says. Their efforts would prove this. Although all but three-four of the forty mice survived, some civilians would die- most escaped, with the battle ending by Musin slaying Highslayer.   


    The Musin would flee the cave what was their "home", to the shores of the island they lived on. Almost a hundred more of the refugees would die along the way. They would leave the island and begin to make their own civilization. On the first island they arrived, a man they dub as "the Giant" took them in. Due to their ability to speak to another, "the Giant" started teaching them how to be civilized, respectful, polite. As a result of learning culture and how to be civilized, they take pride in their cleanliness; bathing and grooming themselves. Musin groom their fur to a silky-smooth state at least twice a day, whether it be with a brush or their own fingers.

    Because they are descendants of the Ratiki, they have a tendency towards stealing things. They often recycle things and use trash as clothes. They will not steal from those less financially fortunate and their own kind. They are also naturally curious so always like to learn new things, try new experiences and adventure.


    The Pros to being a Musin: Enhanced hearing, Small Stature (nimble & quick)

    The Cons to being a Musin: Poor-eyesight (Day only), Small stature (can't wield weapons unless they are the size of toothpick, no armor, SMALL) can't learn magic


    The reason I want to RP as a Musin is because of all potential events they might have. Though their race could seem "meme-y", that could only be if those who RP as them made it that way. The events or things Musin can do seem fun and could offer cool experiences within LoTc. For instance, Musin have an instinctive nature to steal. How cool would it be if Musin could roll to steal an item from a elf, dwarf, human, orc- drinking at a tavern?


    Though Musin are pacifists, and would much rather run from danger, their fear goes away over time. What if a Musin could steal some gold or pieces of bread from Dwarves sharing a drink at a tavern? This would have to happen at night, if possible, of course- they have poor eyesight during the day. Maybe the door to the tavern is locked, what if Musin could roll to enter locked places? (NOT TAKE FROM CHESTS; maybe ten Musin could) Maybe the Musin plan a day to steal from the local bakery? Maybe Musin could even be attacked by birds for a day? The possibilities for Musin seem really fun and offer new experiences in LotC.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Dupont stands at 1'7" tall, his fur is an orange-brown with some black spots. One spot can be visible just over his right eye. He has black eyes with a pink nose. He wears a piece of recycled peach-packaging as a hood, sewed into some fabric used to carry potatoes or carrots. He wears shorts made of the same material. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this creature is shelved, your character may be given the option to revert or be indefinitely shelved?



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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