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Posts posted by ViewerDiscretion_





    Gathering of Lances of 1976 I.T.
    Issued by the Order of Saint Tylos
    in the year of our Lord 1976 I.T.








    Following the scheduled gathering of ritter and lance of the sons and daughters of Tylos, various topics of discussion were held;




    Thus, it is discussed by the ritters;


    The conclusion of Albert Barclay’s squireship 


    ^ Squire Albert Barclay has completed his trials faithfully, and is considered for elevation to Ritterhood by the Gathering.




    Thus, it is decided by the ritters;

    Albert Barclay will be knighted at the next Moot.

    Thus voted the Ritters of the Council:




    In favor of Albert’s knighthood

    Varik Ritter von Wesenburg

    Peter Ritter Stroheim

    Rafael Ritter Stroheim

    Gregor Ritter Stroheim




    Against Albert’s knighthood 






    "Thus, Albert Barclay shall be raised as a Ritter of the Order of Saint Tylos."






    Thus, it is discussed by the ritters;


    The aspirant to the Order, Ivona von Kretzen


    ^ Ivona von Kretzen has been brought before the Gathering by Sir Varik to request that she be admitted into the Order as a squire.




    Thus, it is decided by the ritters;

    Ivona von Kretzen will become a squire of the Order of Saint Tylos.

    Thus voted the Ritters of the Council:



    In favor of Ivona’s admission

    Varik Ritter von Wesenburg

    Rafael Ritter Stroheim

    Peter Ritter Stroheim

    Gregor Ritter Stroheim




    Against Ivona’s admission 






    "Ivona von Kretzen shall be inducted into the Order of Saint Tylos, as a squire."






    Thus, it is discussed by the ritters;


    The matter of Johanna Stroheim’s squireship 


    ^ The Squire, Johanna Stroheim, has been a member of the order for sixteen years and has yet to be knighted. The resolution of the issue of her home is dubious, therefore the Gathering will once again vote on the matter. Sir Peter argues that the squire’s inactivity should not bar her from knighthood, as it is only temporary.




    Thus, it is decided by the ritters;

    Johanna Stroheim shall not be made a Ritter of the Order of Saint Tylos.

    Thus voted the Ritters of the Council:




    In favor of Johanna’s elevation

    Peter Ritter Stroheim



    Against Johanna’s elevation 

    Varik Ritter von Wesenburg

    Gregor Ritter Stroheim



    Rafael Ritter Stroheim


    "Johanna Stroheim has not been seen in Reinmar, so she cannot join the ranks of Reinmar’s Ritters."





    Thus, it is discussed by the ritters;


    The matter of Johanna Stroheim’s membership within the Order of Saint Tylos 


    ^ The Squire, Johanna Stroheim, has twice been denied knighthood by the Gathering of Lances. However, Sir Varik was convinced by Sir Peter’s argument in favor of her elevation, and brought to table the idea of allowing her to retain her squirehood, until such time as she is able to return to activity in Reinmar.




    Thus, it is decided by the ritters;

    Johanna Stroheim shall remain a squire of the Order of Saint Tylos.

    Thus voted the Ritters of the Council:




    In favor of Johanna’s retention

    Varik Ritter von Wesenburg

    Gregor Ritter Stroheim

    Peter Ritter Stroheim



    Against Johanna’s retention 




    Rafael Ritter Stroheim


    "Johanna Stroheim is not at fault for her absence, therefore she shall be allowed to remain in our Order."






    His Excellency, Varik von Wesenburg HMSTSR

    Herrenmeister of the Order of Saint Tylos, The Stallion of Reinmar, Kastellan of Westturm 


    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, ALFRED, Fürst von Reinmar zu Sutica GMSTSR, ROKSG

     Prince in Reinmar and of Sutica, Duke of Reinmar,  Count of Kretzen and Freimark, Baron of Madvon and Freising, Lord of Sankt Johannsburg, Neuburg, Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg, and Rozenfeld, Grandmaster of the Order of Saint Tylos, High Chieftain of the Reinmaren 

    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, LEON, Fürst von Reinmar zu Minitz GMSTSR

    Prince in Reinmar and of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald, Lord of Durres, Chieftain of the Reinmaren, Grandmaster of the Order of Saint Tylos, Warden of the Franklands and Ferdenwald








    Gathering of Lances of 1974 I.T.
    Issued by the Order of Saint Tylos
    in the year of our Lord 1974 I.T.








    Following the scheduled gathering of ritter and lance of the sons and daughters of Tylos, various topics of discussion were held;




    Thus, it is discussed by the ritters;


    The appointment of the new Herrenmeister, Sir Varik von Wesenburg 


    It was mentioned by Prince Leon Barclay II that Sir Varik von Wesenburg was prepared to assume the position of Herrenmeister, and that, should Sir Stanton be willing to step down, Sir Varik would have the support of Prince Leon.




    Thus, it is decided by the ritters;

    Sir Varik Ritter von Wesenburg will be elevated to Herrenmeister of the Order of Saint Tylos.

    Thus voted the Ritters of the Council:




    In favor of Sir Varik’s ascension

    Leon Ritter Barclay

    Alfred Ritter Barclay

    Stanton Ritter Stroheim

    Peter Ritter Stroheim

    Rafael Ritter Stroheim



    Against Sir Varik’s ascension 




    Varik Ritter von Wesenburg


    "Thus, Sir Varik is raised to Herrenmeister of The Order of Saint Tylos."





    Thus, it is discussed by the ritters;


    The Squireship of Johanna Stroheim


    The Squire, Johanna Stroheim, has been a member of the order for fourteen years and has yet to be knighted. Prince Leon has suggested further postponing her knighting until such time as her sole residence is within Reinmar’s borders.




    Thus, it is decided by the ritters;

    Squire Johanna Stroheim will not be raised to knighthood until she makes Reinmar her only home.

    Thus voted the Ritters of the Council:




    In favor of postponing Johanna’s ascension

    Leon Ritter Barclay

    Alfred Ritter Barclay

    Stanton Ritter Stroheim

    Rafael Ritter Stroheim



    Against postponing Johanna’s ascension 




    Peter Ritter Stroheim


    "Johanna Stroheim shall not be elevated to knighthood until she calls no place home except Reinmar."





    Thus, it is discussed by the ritters;


    The exemption of the Grossmeisters from the roster limit 


    Since the transition from Minitz to Reinmar, The Order of Saint Tylos has had a roster limit imposed upon it, with membership not to exceed ten Ritters. Sir Varik von Wesenburg suggested that the Grossmeisters not be counted amongst the Ritters for the purposes of this roster limit.




    Thus, it is decided by the ritters;

    The Order’s roster shall be allowed to be composed of ten Ritters, alongside the Grossmeisters of the Order, who shall not be counted against this number.

    Thus voted the Ritters of the Council:




    In favor of Grossmeister exemption

    Leon Ritter Barclay

    Alfred Ritter Barclay

    Stanton Ritter Stroheim

    Peter Ritter Stroheim

    Rafael Ritter Stroheim



    Against Grossmeister exemption 






    "The Grossmeisters of The Order of Saint Tylos shall not be counted amongst the number of Ritters, for the purposes of the limitations on the Order’s size."






    His Excellency, Varik von Wesenburg HMSTSR

    Herrenmeister of the Order of Saint Tylos, The Stallion of Reinmar, Kastellan of Westturm 


    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, ALFRED, Fürst von Reinmar zu Sutica GMSTSR, ROKSG

     Prince in Reinmar and of Sutica, Duke of Reinmar,  Count of Kretzen and Freimark, Baron of Madvon and Freising, Lord of Sankt Johannsburg, Neuburg, Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg, and Rozenfeld, Grandmaster of the Order of Saint Tylos, High Chieftain of the Reinmaren 

    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, LEON, Fürst von Reinmar zu Minitz GMSTSR

    Prince in Reinmar and of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald, Lord of Durres, Chieftain of the Reinmaren, Grandmaster of the Order of Saint Tylos, Warden of the Franklands and Ferdenwald 


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Sir Varik von Wesenburg


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Shugo Kato


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  4. "Down with the outlander! Down with the Valite!"

    These were the words that had rung out during the Moot.


    Sir Varik von Wesenburg simply nods his head as the passions of the Moot come down as an official edict.

  5. Sir Varik von Wesenburg hones his sword's blade to a razor's edge, grinning with each swipe of his whetstone.

    "Victory awaits," he muses to himself. 

  6. Sir Varik von Wesenburg joins his brother in cheering and celebration!

    2 minutes ago, Morphine said:

    Roland von Wesenburg cheers with his family, enjoying ale and merriment after reading the official missive! 


  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Sir Varik Sturmweber


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Matthias Cardinal Lotharia


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Sir Varik Sturmweber


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Robert Stroheim


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. 4 minutes ago, Gandhi said:


    Alfred, the Prince of Sutica turned his eyes to Leon - gripping the missive in his hands. A slight grin fell upon his features, as he offered a nod to his counterpart. "We can only hope, Leon. Do not jump to a conclusion.. I assume this only means reconciliation with the Holy Mother Church."


    Sir Varik Sturmweber looks between the two Waldenian princes, one brow raised. He begins to wonder if there truly will be peace in our time...

  10. Sir Varik Sturmweber is impressed by the newest Reinmaren fashion. He smiles appreciatively, considering how these might compliment his look.

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