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Posts posted by Wooshj

  1. ~Lapê's Travelling logs~

    [A restranscription]


    On recent Norland events



    I have been a Norland inhabitant for several years now. I come from a secluded place, I escaped it to finally feel free and never settle again. But when I set a foot on this land, I knew I wanted to put my bags there and build my little home. It was a surprise to me and I have to shut down the little voices in my head telling me it was a bad idea, that it would be the same all over again. But it was not, and I got a home and a shop.

    I made friends, I even joined a clan! I didn’t think I had the confidence in me to ever join a clan. But I did, and I haven’t met that much interesting people in years. I felt happy and secured. Until the recent events.


    After the crowning of the king Balon, a conflict witht the dwarves started to form. A clash between such strong nations evidently couldn’t be calmed by mere words and we started getting attacked. I thank whoever rules this earth for making me absent each time it happened but so much of my friends had to endure them: a raid inside our own walls, and a raid during a feast in Talan’or. It left everyone scarred and 2 of our citizens have died.

    From where I come there were rarely conflicts, and they settled on duels that happened away from looks. The one who could come home had won. Secluded as we were, I never had access to the outside world’s news. I am not familiar with wars, and always avoided situations that could result in one.

    This situation makes me scared. I am afraid of losing my friends, my belongings, or even my life to a battle that isn’t mine, and that shouldn’t have even started in my opinion. I don’t want to have to live under restraints because someone doesn’t like someone else. This is making me wonder, when I walk the roads and look at the sky, why did I settle? Was becoming a citizen a good idea? Should had I listen to the voice in my head? I know that now, defending the country is my duty, but will it be worth it? There is so much to see in this world…


    Those are the fears I have today. I am not coming to a particular conclusion but expressing those things in my head my help getting them in order.




  2. ~Lapê Salavi's travel logs~

    [a retranscription]

    DAY 4


    Today, I was not aware, was feast day!


    We are welcomed by urguan to their grand feast. I headed towards the west and lost no time visiting for once, being right on time for the festivities. There were more people than I had seen in a while. Impressing. I even passed across a cleric I had met before. They were from the city, I realized, and handing out drinks and foog. I got 2 bottles and not wanting to drink at the moment, I decided to put my “Copper Boot Cocktail” and “dwarven Potatoe vodka” in my cellar I created back home.


    The ambiance was cheerful, but I was never fond of crowds, and it was getting exhausting. I stepped out the room and found a hot water pond upstairs. What a true gift of nature. The first thing I noted was that the city was remarkably well built, in hollowed out mountains. The inhabitants seemed keen on alcohol-making. The tavern where the feast took place had a lovely balcony side, and had a view on vines and moss. A lift up and I was on the upper level of the city, which I had not expected.


    Smells of well kept but old paper filled up my nose as I entered the immense library. The building was surely strange, with rooms I did not know the purpose of, a dark glowing pillar and an empty dark room. The city being composed of 80% walls, it made room for intimacy and different aesthetics from street to street. And then, the forge. Other visitors from Norland passed through me as my breath was stolen by the sight. In the mountain was a number of caves all filled to the brim with deep grey bricks, fire and a sorting of industrial machines, carriers and furnaces. I can’t begin to think the years of work it took to create this place, and the nation has all rights to be proud of it. The mines linked to it were fruitful.


    Reminder: explore Bjorn’s crack under the citadel


    OOC: og notes coming soon, and no images for today soz


  3. ~Lapê Salavi's travel logs~

    [a retranscription]

    DAY 3


    On the next morning, I woke up to visit Vjardengrad a bit more. My exquisite space awareness and amazing geography skills, I ended up running in circles. Turns out the city is more of a citadel, surrounded by walls and spreads in height. I will have to map it out. I also discovered the local mines, which are very ressourcful and well furnished, filled to the brim with purple crystals I had seen in previous cities. There is a small forge attached and everything is linked to an elevator system. I helped a visitor find the entrance on the way.


    I have a home! Isn’t it thrilling? A nap and I was assigned the house I was interested, as well as a market stall I requested. Having a place secured, I went looking for woods and materials for the decoration.


    I will have to fish tomorrow..



    OOC: Original notes coming soon



  4. As someone who really doesn't like implementing religion OOC or IRP, I would like not to be disadvantaged in my time playing. And I also don't want to disadvantage my nation because I'm not a worshipper, this would be starting to feel a bit too much like the real medieval age.  I feel ok in my nation, I am not obliged to join the religion and thats perfect to me. I don't know if this poll is good or bad but I don't want religion to overtake, it's already very present.


    That's all!

  5. ~Lapê's first drawing, canon appearance!~





    Brown fox mask

    Black fitted long-sleeves shirt with high neck collar

    Brown fitted pants (with large pockets!!!)

    Confortable boots for walking, issued by the shoemaker of Eldin

    Long leather sleeveless coat, worn but confortable

    The coat's hood hides conveniently the hair and snaps to the mask with clasps

    Black nail paint (that has stained in the nails themselves by now)


    "Those who wish to see my true visage will learn to be patient, 

    my trust is to be long earned"

  6. ~Lapê Salavi's travel logs~

    [a retranscription]

    DAY 2







    On my road I heard people talking about a strange religion, about correcting the wrongs that we had suffered. I followed a few strange folks and met with 4 other people in the big house of #####, in the United Kingdom of Aaun. An old person, a kid, a mysterious soul and a grey-skinned cleric, and me, all gathered in a meeting room. The atmosphere was to secrecy and many words were spoken. It was all a bit too much for me and most of the explanation on the origins of the religion left me disoriented. What I was sure of is that some kind of magic was involved, as illusions surrounded us, the lights died and lit up at will.


    Once the speech ended, most excused themselves and disappeared. I was new to the region and decided to walk around and explore a bit. The place was very weirdly mapped and I got lost multiple times trying to leave the city. At last I found a dirt road and went on my way to Aaun.


    I didn’t spend a lot fo times in the capital, the activity being high in the town center. I visited a few merchants to replenish in food and took the opportunity to head for the local mines. I had to get help from a townsman as the entrance was not very well indicated, gathered interesting ores and left, this time without stranding off my path.


    Alone again, it was time I went to a place that had got my interest a few years prior: Norland.




    The travel wasn’t long and I walked around town a bit. It was night, so I headed to the inn for the night. When I entered the maing room upstairs, I was met with a discussion that seemed much like an argument. Someone was departing, people weren’t happy about it.

    I felt like I was intruding so I asked where I could find a place to spend the night and eventually a steward to talk about housing and prices. I vaguely knew they were the ones in charge of the taxes and rentings in every city, hence why i wanted to contact one. Contrary to what I feared, I felt good in Norland, and despite being a traveler, I had to have a return point, a place to call home at the end of my journey, and maybe make friends along the way. Everyone was so warm and welcomed towards me,

    barely mentionning my attire. The north reminded me of where I grew up, so it was set, I wanted to home there. A person named Farian Malto welcomed me to the Inn while I was without bedding. 






    The discussion stirred and I was left with a newcommer, Sinner. Everyone knew her and she seemed kind, so I asked for her help. She knew the stewart, and also that the Inn was under a clan’s control, therefore I couldn’t stay. Knowing Alva, the steward, wasn’t available and probably grumpy at the hour, we headed outside and I was invited to share the home of Sinner and Farian, seemingly acquainted. I was given a spare key and I finally had a bed to rest and let the days of travel wash over me.





    OOC: what my notes looked like live







  7. ~Lapê Salavi's travel logs~

    [a retranscription]

    DAY 1







    After a week of lonely travelling trough the forest I was glad to finally see civilization again. I had left my village and parents without hesitation and I felt liberated, but the repetitive task of walking, drinking and eating at regular intervals, and being surrounded by the sounds of birds and wind through the leaves had stopped being fun after the first few days. A lot of thoughts were swarming my mind and I needed a distraction.


    It all changed when I got out of the forest to be met with a lovely town on a coast. The most shocking detail was how small were the houses and doors. It all came to light when I met Mimoda Applefoot , a kind halfling. She was the temporary mayor of the Shiredom of Dùnwen It was my first time seeing one, and I was offered to stay and rest at the inn. I decided against and continued my visit. The crops where huge and I heard they were fine alcohol makers, are they an agricultural nation? I would love to taste their products once they're available. The garden was lovely as well and everything felt cozy and welcoming, quiet but warm. I had seen a mouse hole, a slow turtle and a hedgehog that managed to say “hark” at me. I didnt have enough time to map the while city but I wrote this log today to remember to go back, during an event perhaps?


    After munching on a piece of bread, I decided to follow the signs pointing towards Haense and the Haenseti-Ruka dual principality. It was my initial goal, it being the only big city I had heard of outside of my secluded community.




    I left Haense at dawn. I didn't spend a long time there, but i noticed the stalls and housings were true to a city this big, and after taking a bit of ressources in the local mines, I went on my road again. The reason for my early departure and slight disappointment was the crowd. Too many people at the same place, all the talking became a constant buzzing and it started to be overwhelming. I will visit more thoroughly on a later date, but will avoid the festivities.

    However, for a first day of visiting and socializing, I feel so free and alive! No one asked about my masks and accepted me like I was a regular citizen, and this anonymity pleases my soul.




    OOC: How I took notes as I played


    See ya in an other issue!



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