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Posts posted by WarcrimesofWonka

  1. R-SC7Wk7QGpAmC5EITYihpAH-tmjgrZqFDauxr_yNHfiijZmPWLGtqNU5Xu0PGLBrWFGhm6elWcZaVUapO11ALH4CfNgRsxGFclUMExd4JoFznZOxkeIMQ70_AOve_BM7cHXCTE6pqiJLqIjWiAXzy4
    "I've lived in Haense for years, and this city and it's people have been nothing but generous, helping me when I was starving, cold, and alone. I wish to do the same for the people who were like me at that low point in my life. Anyone who wishes to promote this, please stand beside me. Even if I do not win, I hope my campaign helps get the idea of generosity on everyone's mind."
    -Andrei Bukoski



    Those who wish to help, ask questions, or just anything, my IGN is WarcrimeWonka, and discord is warcrimesofwonka. I do mean anyone can help me or talk, thats all!


  2. The Hatman of Haense has a request!

    I am looking for someone to play a female 14 year old Kha'Cheetrah named Aleksandra
    They were adopted by Andrei Bukoski, and an assistantof the wardrobe(Royal Hatmaker) for the Haenseti court, and a citizen of Haense & Norland
    They were born of 2 existing kha, so no lunar pilgrimage 
    You will be given mina for anything needed in RP

    They can be played anyway one wishes to portray her, with the following notes in mind
    Raised in an incredibly Ruski focused environment

    for the very few who are interested, respond underneath
    I can provide a skin, or you, your choice on depictions!

  3. Andrei curled up in his bed in Haense... teary eyed at the news he had poured a drink out to the man, one for himself, one shot of spirits untouched on the nightstand

    "To a man I did not know well, but a loss to me nonetheless. Cheers Ironborn."

  4. Hey! 
    I am in need of players too play 2 kha children, we have two toddlers who are raised like sisters
    They will be able to go between Haense and Norland but a majority in Haense
    both adopted

    First we have a Kha'Cheetra, named Aleksandra Bukoski
    She likes penguins and chaos
    She can be played however one wants but I'd like to find someone who can play them through adulthood
    Perks are many plushies, free hats, and a soon to get a living doll
    If you need some money I can give some.
    Aleksandra will mostly be raised by me- Andrei Bukoski who is Haense queen's assistant

    Next is Anya Elvenguard, who is a kha'tigrasi toddler
    She likes dolls and had a toy warhammer
    She also can be played however, but she also needs someone who wants to play them, literally play them both however
    Perks are many plushies, cool ghost parent, and I also can give mina
    Anya will be raised by Avery Elvenguard who is a lovely ghost of Haense.. who is a taxpaying citizen

    But just Anya and Aleksandra are close sister like folks and you both can do whatever you want with the characters, just keep the VERY basic info given
    Discord: warcrimesofwonka

    (P.S you can go between Haense and Norland freely due to Andrei Bukoski)
    Idk how folks normally ask for people tp play child characters

  5. "Is simple, do simple small test to those in positions of power, if vampyre with child, detain instead of kill on sight until child is born until cure or if they refuse, execution. Unless vampyre is directly trying to harm another, the solution should be detaining first for information, for attempt of cure, and for lack of brutality."
    Andrei gave his opinion before returning to work on the piled paperwork and hat requests.

  6. "My words mean very little here, though my cries of protest to save the child...not to defend the vampire or their actions, but to save the child.. that was what caused the Inquisition to order to kill me, the life of a child was lost, the purest of souls. They were more concerned with ending my life than saving the child, something I will eternal guilt for, and hatred towards the Inquisition who had no care. My heart goes out to the Amador family who had lost a innocent child, and were deceived by their once family.

    Andrei hung his letter of reply, before returning to care for his child, just hoping he would not be considered treasonous.

  7. My accounts of the execution of Allesandra Amador

    I had exited the ball hosted by the Queen, a wonderful event meant to bring joy to the people of Haense. I saw a small crowd outside the cathedral and heard commotion within. I had entered, and pushed through the crowds of people to the front, seeing Allesandra Amador being tested by the Inquisition, sliced with aurum and salt poured into their wounds, the woman writihing and screaming in pain. I plan to approach however my friend Aleksander II stops me, ordering me to halt and return back. I do as such, letting them explain what was happening.

    A vampire test, something normally I would approve of, as I do not believe vampires are evil by nature, however a majority of such become that do to their requirement of blood. But the woman, is pregnant, the child only a month left till they would have been born. Allesandra was indeed a vampire, and and with no plan to detain her, they stab her brutally, leaving her to bleed from the throat, with the last words she uttered were "My Baby." This caused the uproar of myself and many others who saw the first step to their cruelty. There were calls to burn the child and the woman, that they were demon spawn, or that killing them would be a mercy killing. I and a good friend close to me, were there and outraged, calling them monsters and tell them to try the baby, without ever directly intervening. There was a man who continued to stab the woman's already lifeless body, repeatedly, making it nearly unrecognizable. My cries to save the baby did not fall on deaf ears, but they  heard me and without a second thought, ordered inquisition soldiers to kill me despite nothing but my words having been used. I will admit calling them monsters was harsh in the moment, however after the matter I agree with my past statements. They drew their blades, ready to execute me in the church, breaking the so called sacred grounds again. I drew my axe ready to defend myself, and my friend at my side willing to defend me as well. 

    The only thing that stopped another bloodbath in those walls was the King once more, telling me and the men ready to kill me unjustly to stand down. Something I will forever be grateful for. Me and my friend, plead to Aleksander to tell them to save the child, as they would not listen to us. After having to command them twice to try and save the child, they finally tried to save the child, though this was after the whole time one man was unstopped desecrating the corpse.
    I heard soon the child had not made it through the encounter. I feel guilt as them trying to kill me, wasted time to focus on the child or stop the solider's actions of blatantly mutilating a corpse in a way they describe the darkspawn would.
    My friend had stormed from the church, and I had followed soon after, as we both had one thought.

    The only monsters in that church that day, were the executioners, not the life of an innocent child thrown away, or a mother who had one thing many, but not all of those soldiers lacked. Empathy. The only monsters in that church were the Inquisition, not the punished.

    They had left all reports and mentions of the order to kill me and my friend, the brutal mutilation of a corpse and the denial to try and save the child until ordered by Aleksander II.

    My heart goes out to those who had watched in horror, to the soldiers who felt remorse for the child, the friends and families of lady Allesandra, and to those who were not told the full story by the reports of the Inquisition.
    And I am sorry to the child who was lost that day, I hope this is a day never forgotten.




    PS: I AM NOT OUT OF CHARACTER MAD AT ANYONE, I hate saying that but I do not want people taking anything the wrong way as I've seen in the past, the rp was fun! And I crave le drama.


  8. The man was sitting in his home with his daughter cradling her. He had watched it... and was ready to fight and die to save the unborn child. The man hearing people he was once close to call it demon spawn or try and burn the child.. it was enough. He wrote his report and posted it out for people to see.

    "I do believe the woman should have been punished for her crimes if she had done such killing, but the child committed no crime. People were ready to fight not to save the child, but burn it, and the unrelenting brutality of the woman's corpse. The men acted like animals they accused the woman to be a beast... I can only imagine the last thoughts of the woman.. knowing her child was to be killed by the monsters that are the inquisition. I've never seen an act so brutal."

  9. "Receiving charity is a investment of ones improvement, you cannot go far with the investment given without hard work, and a little bit of luck." -Karl Bukoski

    "To those of you who brought be this far, I thank you truly, wether it was a simple purchase.. or an anonymous donation. Hell even just you recommending my work to another person is a major help, to my father I wish him a wonderful afterlife wherever he may be. As for my mother, I hope this proves that even a mistake holds beauty, and to my daughter Aleksandra, may you inherit my wealth, and passion to help others."

    "Now that my speech is done, time to advertise the crap out of this!"

    Limited series hat:30 Mina, in stores only.(Comes with rp item and skin)
    Custom designed hat: 20 Mina or negotiable trinket, in stores or ordered via bird(Just the skin file)
    Matchmaking ticket:15 Mina (Contact me for more info)
    Therapy: 18 mina adults, 9 mina children (In stores only)


    Screenshot 2023-07-11 at 11.25.47 PM.png
    Discord: warcrimesofwonka
    Shop Address: Vantra IV, Haens

  10. "I do hope Sigmund rears his ugly head... I just bought this brand new anorum axe and it would be lovely practice with it."

    Andrei began to Make a hat, that looked mysteriously looked like a canvas sack for executions, feeling nothing but disgust to the man mentioned in the letter. He had not known the feeling, but he knew how bad this was, wanting to make a man suddenly disappear. But before he went off to do that, he penned to the anonymous letter.

    "To the anonymous writer, I am proud of you for outing someone as disgusting as this, many struggle to even convince themselves they are being abused, let alone have the courage to tell others. Fur and Feelings™ will open you open arms forever."

    -Andrei Bukoski

  11. Andrei reads upon this news, with a grin. As he finishes his many orders of hats. "Little girl wants Horse... well I can either be the responsible adult and get her a horse hat... or I can be cool uncle Andrei and get her Horse... well I think both so responsibility and coolness balance out." Andrei proceeded to go out and try and tame a wild horse for the girl.

    Andrei has decided, screw it I am bringing 15 horses... surely nobody will be mad at the cool uncle

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