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Posts posted by BuilderSam4

  1. Goblin Alchemy Pack
    ( GOBCHEMY )

    Made by Buildersam4 and  Helmet


    Goblin Alchemy is a collection of potions that are made to expand roleplay options and promote more creative thieving or other scoundrel behavior. This pack adds new ways to solve problems through trickery or mischief. These potions do not have to be used for stealing however, and are intended to be useful for all sorts of situations. 


    [T1] Scentblock Potion [OPEN]



    Designed as a solution for the terrible smell that plagued orc cities, scentblock was invented so that merchants could visit orc lands without having to endure the overwhelming stink. While under the effects of scentblock, however, one might find themselves more susceptible to airborne toxins as the potion only blocks out the smell of things, not their effects.



    BASE: Cave Moss / Algae

    • Mundane | Impediment x2

    • Earth | Reduction x2

    • Earth | Rigidity x1



    When ingested, it would cause a slight tingling before blocking a person’s sense of smell for up to one in game day. While their sense of smell is obstructed, a person cannot smell anything through normal means. This would allow a person to endure what would normally be unbearably rank, but does not physically plug one’s nose, and would not protect anyone from the effects of airborne toxins.



    1. Scentblock Potion is not able to bypass any sort of toxin.

    2. Losing your sense of smell does not enhance any other senses.

    3. Scentblock Potion is not an alternative to showering.

    4. Does NOT require an ST signature.


    [T1] Putrid Brew [OPEN]



    When attempting to create Scentblock potion, one poor alchemist accidently added burning to his concoction, creating the most unholy smell imaginable. Many Alchemists use this as an example to their pupils of the dangers of cutting corners.



    BASE: Cave Moss / Algae

    • Mundane | Impediment x2

    • Earth | Reduction x1

    • Earth | Rigidity x1



    Taking the form of a light green gas, this foul concoction would be disgusting enough to make even an olog gag. When thrown on the ground the container would shatter, invoking the most wretched scent possible through alchemy. The stink would instantly overtake an entire enclosed room, and would last for up to 5 emotes, but can be aired out if there is an open window in 3 emotes. If outdoors, The stink would initially only affect a 3x3 area, and would expand to a 5x5 area on the next emote, and would then dissipate after a third emote. Any wind spell can dissipate the stink but the emotional damage is permanent.



    1. The smell from Putrid Brew would never be able to knock someone out.

    2. The smell from Putrid Brew could be ignored by any sort of physical device that blocks smell, whether it be magical, alchemical, or other.

    3. Does NOT require an ST signature.


    [T2] Midas Touch [Rare]



    Goblin thieves always struggled with banditing compared to their larger cousins due to their immense size disparity. To solve this issue, the goblins always relied on their superior intellect. The Midas Touch Potion is an example of that intellect in action. Goblins devised a method to create a potion that would temporarily coat any non-living object with a gilded surface, making it appear to be solid gold. Goblins would use their fake gold to then trade with merchants, who would be none the wiser, and profit even more than their cousins who relied on old fashioned highway robbery.



    Base: Coal Dust mixed in Water

    • Mundane | Life x2

    • Mundane | Purity x2

    • Fire | Burning x2

    • Air | Grace x 1


    Appearing as a bottle of yellow glitter floating inside of a transparent liquid, this substance upon contacting an inanimate object will immediately burst into small amber flames & embers- spreading over the object over the course of 1 emote to give it a golden coloration, making the item warm to the touch for a brief moment before extinguishing right after. This effect lasts 3 narrative/OOC hours.



    1. Does not affect the strength or texture of any materials. This means that the ‘hardness’ of carabrum, glint of lunarite, or veiny profile of azhl may still be visible.

    2. Objects that are transparent/translucent will maintain that level of transparency, only gaining a golden tint for the duration of the potion’s effects.

    3. The gold coloring is appearance only, and does not have the same purifying effects as regular aurum.

    4. Living flesh cannot be colored gold, but plant and dead matter can be.

    5. In the event that an object larger than 1x1x1 meters is affected (example, the ground) it will instead affect only a patch of ground.

    6. The heat caused by the golden appearance forming cannot harm anyone ever, nor create real fire.

    7. Does NOT require an ST signature.


    [T2] Pickpocket Special [RARE]



    A further advancement in goblin thieving was the invention of Pickpocket’s Special. This potion causes a person’s skin to become slightly magnetic. Its original intent was to be used by thieves in the aiding of pickpocketing, but recently, it has been used by duelists to help them have a more secure grip on their blade.



    BASE: Magnetus Powder

    • Earth | Connection x2

    • Earth | Rigidity x3

    • Mundane | Order x1

    • Mundane | Agility x2


    Takes the shape of a gray sand. When consumed, would cause a player's skin to become magnetic, and the player will feel a tug towards metal around them. Metal will not actually fly towards a player, but it can lightly stick to their skin, helping them grab/grip metal objects. Lasts 15 actions, or 1 narrative hour.


    When poured into distilled water and used to soak leather over the course of 1 narrative day, this infuses the hide with the same properties one would normally experience through drinking it- yet this is only applicable to at most 1 alchemical count of Pickpocket Special per hand’s worth of surface area, limiting the affected surface area per batch.



    1. Pickpocket’s Special makes a user’s skin as magnetic as refined magnetus would be.

    2. When a player’s skin is magnetic, this only affects metal that is touching the skin.

    3. Pickpocket’s Special will never allow a user to rip something metal out/off of another player using only magnetic force.

    4. Cannot ever be used to climb walls. No spiderman larping.

    5. Cannot soak animated/living tissue in Pickpocket Special Water for a permanent effect on one’s skin.

    6. Does NOT require an ST signature.


    [T3] Greasifier [RARE]



    The Lake that The Iron Horde is built around offers a unique challenge for its residents, while they have plenty of water, there is a distinct lack of wood present in the desert, This led to the invention of a potion that, when mixed with water, would form very flammable grease. The orcs would use this as a replacement for wood to cook their food, but they soon realized they could just pour the potion into the water and light parts of the lake on fire, cooking; although usually charring; their food without even having to bother catching it.



    Base: Lard x1

    • Water | Growth x2

    • Water | Swiftness x2

    • Mundane| Poison x3

    • Mundane |  instability  x1



    Often contained in a pouch, this blackened oil will immediately spread out upon contacting a body of water in an at maximum 3x3 area, converting the surface into flammable grease! This lasts 3 OOC hours before dissipating into the rest of the water, rendering it useless. If set alight, the flames will stretch a meter high and heat up the water directly beneath it, effectively cooking whatever's inside so long as the fire above is alight, cooling right after the fire is put out.



    1. Only affects the surface of the body of water in an at maximum 3x3 area with 0.5 meter tall flames if set on fire.

    2. The water below is only heated at max 1 meter directly below the open flame, and can at best cause 2nd degree burns should one sit in it for the full duration.

    3. Water cannot extinguish this flame, but cannot feed it further either. The hot water only stretches down a single meter at most.

    4. The potion cannot be thrown with something like a lit match attached to it to instantly set the patch of grease alight. It must be either done by a separate person that round, or in the next action after.

    5. Cannot affect waterlogged creatures/objects/muds. It must be a body of proper water.

    6. The grease formed in water is flammable, and will burn for 2 emotes if not fed fuel.

    7. If thrown into a large body of water, the grease will dissipate after 3 hours oocly.

    8. The grease must be represented by an rp sign if it is used before crp is initiated.

    9. Requires an ST signature.


    [T3] Morphic Slurm [RARE]



    This potion usually takes the appearance of a constantly squirming lump of slime, the off-putting thing looking almost alive within its container. Upon gulping down the viscous and unpleasantly 'living' liquid, it will convert one’s muscle, fat and skin into a material similar to that of a gelatinous cube- the flesh becoming partly transparent and bouncy/flexible by nature. Veins/arteries, neurons, bones and organs will be visible beneath the slime-like membrane, giving a rather unsettling visage. This recipe simply appeared one day in the Horde’s libraries, and has haunted the city ever since.



    Base: Phlegm x 1


    • Earth | Connection x 2

    • Water | Impediment x 2

    • Mundane | Vigor x 1

    • Mundane | Life x 3



    When under the effects of the potion, it reduces oncoming blunt strikes by one 'severity level'. A war hammer may feel more like a mace, for example. However, this also increases the 'severity level' of a slashing or piercing attack by 1, often going right up to the bone or straight through the imbiber. Wearing a full/half suit of plate armor will be counter-intuitive and render the potion's effects negligible. Lasts 10 actions after ingesting, or 30 narrative minutes.



    1. If already under the effects, taking far too little (in the event that a large beast is fed the potion) or having consumed one of these potions again within the same 3 OOC hours will cause the consumer to harmlessly puke out the potion in an unusable state.

    2. The potion only lowers the amount of bodily harm dealt, not the amount of pain one may feel by getting bludgeoned.

    3. Getting crushed by something large will still result in one splattering.

    4. Unnatural hardiness of a hide, scales, skin or flesh is rendered ineffective once the potion is consumed. It will be slashed through just as easily as a descendant’s who is also under the effect of the potion (Tawkin, CA races, etc).

    5. If the consumer lacks organic skin, muscle and fat entirely, this potion will have no effect upon consumption.

    6. Requires an ST signature.



    We thought that a unique set of potions that follow the fantasy stereotypes of goblins loving trickery and being full of mischief would be very fun in Lotc. We also thought that the goblin alchemists don’t really have much in the way of unique magic, and decided to make this post in the hopes of getting goblin alchemy. We tried our best to make to make potions that would fit in with current Lotc lore, but also add some niches, like a potential for will’o bottle but in water, or the ability to make a leather glove that acts like magnetus

    As a whole we made this post in the hopes of getting Goblin alchemy to fulfill the niche of having a bunch of toddler-sized greenskins run around & cause minor inconveniences for folk, while indirectly supporting the tinker-goblin niche that has been sorely missing within the current setting. We tried our best to make potions that would fit in with current Lotc lore, but also add some unique mechanics/forms of flavor, like the greasifier that rewards both coordinating with your fellow players & ‘trap setting’ (which prep time is something that is both not very tapped into with current alchemy mechanics, yet also serves as a foundational building block to an alchemist’s identity in lore), or a simple brew to add more flavor to pickpocket RP. We decided to also use it as an excuse to try fit in potions like Midas Touch as well to help chase a category of alchemy that's more similar to IRL ‘alchemy’, but are different from things in the current setting like say warforging due to the fact that the change is both temporary and affects more than just metal while remaining purely aesthetic, all the while providing an in-lore reason to keep it within the setting.


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