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Status Replies posted by Plaguedoxter049

  1. (I am not the person who excepts you in btw)

    Hello sorry if this out of nowhere, recently saw your application while scrolling through the forms with friends. And I don’t normally do this but I feel your application is out of this world and your character-building is incredible. Like its been awhile since I heard such a detailed character sheet and emote. Honestly just reading that snitbit of dialogue from you had me coming back from more. Incredible work honestly. Love to see what comes next from her, honestly so excited lol. Wish too see you in LOTC!

    1. Plaguedoxter049


      Quick follow up this might be unprofessional of me and probably a horrible idea from me idk, I would love to rp with you sooner or later. I also play doctor, medic, nurse characters, etc. And I would love to meet a fellow doctor around. If you want to contact me my user is Plaguedoxter69 on the LOTC discord server. I’m usually chilling in one of VCs, if you have any questions about LOTC that your friend doesn’t know and or too hesitant on asking the mods I’ll be more than happy to help. Best wishes from a fellow medical role player hope you have fun on this server!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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