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Posts posted by SummerS

  1. A poster with a young brown-haired blue-eyed man was hung on the wall.

    "Bounty Hunter fore hire!" the poster read. Who was this man?

    "Contact Grover Reid for more information." was written under the photo of the man.

    In Balian

    A small child walks up to a man in teal-grey armor. "I suppose that by your looks, you're a bounty hunter?" The girl asks. "Yes, yes, I am. Do you need anything?" The man's asks the little girl when he turns around. He was the man on the poster. 

    "Have you heard about the new bounty that's for 2000+ mina?" The child asked. "Well now I have. I'll keep an eye out. Thanks, kid." The man responded.



  2. The Bounty-hunter lied down his sword. He looked at the gravestone, closed his eyes, and looked down as the sun began to hide behind the horizon. "I'll get boon, find him a grave right next to yours. No doubt about it, Tullius. Though my city may not like Caelia that much, Caelia Invicta." The bounty-hunter grabbed his sword, mounted his horse, and rode off with one mission, and one mission only. Find boon. Caelia Invicta!


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