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Posts posted by Greeneggsnham555

  1. OOC Go to the applications section of the forum, there you will find a sub section titled "Villain Applications." Select it, then go to the thread titled "Villain Application: Thugs, Tyrants, and Monsters" (here's a link: viewtopic.php?f=52&t=3367)

    Follow the instructions provided (NOTE: The more you read the better your app will be).

    If you want to read somebody else's approved app mine passed without a problem viewtopic.php?f=52&t=8152 .

    Oh and good luck! Remember, we can hire you before you are approved so don't worry about that. As long as we know you've sent one in you're good.

    Actually, after thinking I decided that being a girl charactor is better than being a boy (As I am a girl) because we can make you boys do whatever we want. So therefore I have changed my Char back to April_Scar. I am not a villan anymore and can't join your brotherhood. Sorry!

  2. I like you kid, do you have a villain app created? Oh and you do realize we have little problem with the undead? Our only enemies are those who wish us harm and our next client's "problem."

    Relok'oth, I think he'd be decent. Just sayin sir. I wouldn't be mad if you didn't like him but I'd be slightly disappointed. Plus I need a recruit in my district.

    Thank you, and I was wondering how you do make a villain app? Also, if it is alright, I would like the fact I am partially undead to remain a secret to everyone else in the brotherhood. I can't have people wanting my blood on their sword hmm? Again, it will be as if I am a normal human. I am, a master of disguise. ;)

  3. Ingame name: Corrupted_Man ((Will change when accepted))

    Minecraft name: greeneggsnham555

    Why you want to join: The undead will not help me. Also because I mus get revenge on humanity.

    Sword/ Bow skill: mcMMo isnt working :P But I think I had a 60 sword skill.

    Any skill you find worthy: Sword and Knife skill.

    Any mcMMo skill you have which could be deemed "Good": Nothing I am a evil charactor ((Jk)) I think if there was a sneak skill I would have it mastered.

    Species: Human

  4. Whenever I message you you are not online so I will tell you here. IGN Corrupted_Man. MC name greeneggsnham555. Evil You Have Committed to Iblees

    Caused a man to allow me to take his life. Information about previously joined Armies/Guards and the rank I was in the Holmes and the orn guard as a recruit and a Initiate.

    -HugzAndKisses! Jk im a dude ;) -Oh and thats all ooc you trolls!

  5. Out-of Charactor:

    -Minecraft Account Name:


    -How Old are you?

    15 Years of Age

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    U.S.A, Central Time

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes, I Aced my Language Arts Class

    -Small 2-3 Scentence Description of yourself:

    I love video games and I am a avid RPG player and have been waiting for The

    Lord of the Craft to come out for 3 months. I can and will stay in charactor

    no matter what and have helped create massive buildings and creations. I hope

    to be a good influence on The Lord of the Craft community.

    -How much time can you be on the server weekly?:

    Up to 3 hours every night, Wed, Fri and Weekends when school starts.

    -How Long have you played minecraft?:

    Since the 1.3 Update

    -What do you know about Role Playing? How long have you been doing it?

    What Kind?:

    I have been playing RP games and servers for 5 years, and started with a

    Garry's Mod Hardcore server where you live the life of a citizen. I started

    a riot and the citizens staged a massive war in which we won.

    -What do you expect this server to be like?:

    I think this server will be the deepest RP I have ever been in and make my

    idea of a Hardcore RP even better

    -What other servers have you been on and why did you leave them?:

    Mostly because of players that didn't try to RP, I couldn't be serious with,

    OMG LOL ITS A GREEN PENIS!!! It ruined the game for me.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?

    Yes, of coarse I have, ESPECIALLY the lore. The most facinateing part of

    the server is the fact that one group of people could make that possible

    -Name the 4 races of the server:

    Ork, Human, Elf, and Dwarf. No hesitation.

    -How did you hear about us?:

    I searched RPG minecraft servers, on google.

    -What is your The Lord of Craft forum account name?:



    -Charactor Name:

    William Apollio

    -What is your race?:


    -The Lord Of Craft Forum account:



    I was only a young boy of 7 when my baby sister (2) was taken by a Massive

    spider in the night. I killed one of them with my fathers sword being he

    was on duty guarding the Cloud Temple from beasts like this one. I stabbed

    the beast that took her through the eye but not before it bit me in the neck

    I healed but at a price. Everytime I see another spider I MUST kill it. If

    not the poison will reactivate and the only way to get rid of the poison is

    to kill the creature that gave me it. I have sworn on my life that I will

    find and KILL that being. After being bitten I suffer a large red spot on

    my head and sholder. The bite also increased my strength so I could mine

    harder, build harder, and fight harder. 12 years later I found a trail of

    silk and followed it to a portal which sent me to the temple my father had

    been guarding. I had nothing but the clothes on my back and a renewed anger

    for the spider I was yet to kill.

    -Charactor Age:

    19 Years Old

    -Charactor Appearence:

    Tall, 6'1" Reletively Handsome, Muscular, with a large red welt barely

    visible above the coller

    -Charactor Personality:

    Quiet, Short Tempered, Generous, Curious, Mysterious.

    -Your Ambitions:

    Only to kill the Spider and rescue (If possible) my sister.

    -Can your Charactor read and write?:

    Yes, I can do both, I was homeschooled by my mother, a former university


    -Can your Charactor mine?:

    Yes, since my strength has been increased by the bite, I can mine faster

    than most pros.

    -Are you a capable builder?:

    Kind of, I would rather hire someone to make me something, but I could if


    -Can you wield a sword?:

    Yes, it is my specialty. My father trained me, as he was a royal cloud guard

    -Do you enjoy farming?:

    No, I have no patience and can't wait for anything.

    -Does your charactor have any special skills?:

    Yes, He has increased strength, and willpower.

    -A Screenshot of your skin:


    -Other Information:



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