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Posts posted by Sage_Candle

  1. ((What's wrong with having fewer Sages? I feel like you guys have more people in command than you have people to command.))

    ((we have six sages because of how we are structured. We are divided into different sects, each with their own purpose. Check the Scroll of Aeriel thread for a list of all the Ascended.))

  2. *Sage Candle sets down his pen, a happy gaze appearing on his face. A new Sage has been born to replace Okonkwo who had disappeared some time ago. Once again, the Council numbers six, and the Sect of Commerce has a leader. A single whisper passes Candle's lips as he carefully rolls up the Scroll and places it back on its podium in the Sages' Balcony in the Library*

    Welcome, Maiavel, as our sister and fellow Sage. May the Tree of Life forever shade you.

  3. *Sage Candle smiles as he sets down his eagle feather pen. Once again, new lines are formed within the Scroll. A slight frown creases his face as his gaze lights upon certain sections. Friends have been lost over these past few weeks. A soft whisper passes the Sage's lips as he carefully rolls up the Scroll and places it back on its podium in the Sages' Balcony in the Library*

    Welcome new friends, may you ever find the grace of Aeriel. And good riddance to those who would abandon their service.

  4. *Sage Candle blows on the orange ink of a new line in the Record. He smiles gently, knowing it is always good when he can add to this list. A soft whisper passes his lips as he carefully rolls up the Scroll and places it back on its podium in the Sages' Balcony in the Library*

    Welcome, Brian, and may you always feel the warmth of Aeriel's touch.

    ((I also updated the main post to look more RP))

  5. *Sage Candle wipes a tear from his eye as he pens the first line of the Deceased ledger. His grief has caused him to delay this duty as long as possible, but he could delay no longer. The dead must have rest! With Sage Arcadius returned to the Order, Martin's sacrifice would not be in vain. A single whisper escapes the Red Sage's lips as he carefully rolls up the sacred Scroll and places it back on its podium in the Sages' Balcony in the Library*

    Goodbye, Martin Benedict. May Aeriel watch over your Eternal Soul...

  6. *Sage Candle replaces his eagle feather pen in its pot and blows on the fresh ink of two names in orange, the color of the newly initiated. He feels a warm glow in his belly as he thinks of the newest additions to the Order. A soft whisper escapes his lips as he carefully rolls up the Scroll and places it back on its podium in the Sages' Balcony in the Library*

    Welcome, Latsi and Thimble. May you always feel the blessings of Aeriel.

  7. these are ok, but I know we could do better. they seem a bit too simple and too large. it looks like all you did was pop some text onto in image. also, the width is ok, but they seem too tall for a full block sig. normally i would make them at 350x100 or up to 550x150 if they have parts that pop out.

  8. *You read the aforementioned scroll with a heavy heart. You know what it says is true, but are unable to understand. You and your brethren have bene chosen for a higher purpose; it is mystifying how many have fallen to their baser needs. You would think your people could rise above this, but you have yet to see it happen.

    Perhaps you should have been less preoccupied with your tomes and sketches? Perhaps it is time you set aside your pick and shovel to journey back to the great cities. The people of Aegis must know your people can be better than they have seen.*


    I am very disappointed in the Ascended. Riizu has just told me what spurred this thread, and I must say, I expected better from you. We set out to create a place where everyone could have fun on this server in a time when even the admins were still trying to get everything set up in the cities.

    I know we talked almost in an OOC manner in RP chat almost constantly during the first month or two of this project, but that was simply because we were so preoccupied with actually building. Now that we have been released, we should RP CONSTANTLY, even among each other. No one is excused from this or any other rule. Not sages, not acolytes, not even initiates. All classes should be conducted in an RP manner as well.

    Also, another thing brought to my attention is the fact that we have barely been seen fighting the Undead. I would like to reiterate that fighting the Undead is our sole purpose. If someone is late for an important event because they were helping to ward off the Undead, they are NOT to be reprimanded (don't take that as an excuse to miss your obligations, though). We are to fight the undead at any and EVERY opportunity we can. The only time we will not join a war is if it concerns the mortal races of Aegis only (i.e. the Elves, Dwarves, Humans and Orcs). If the Undead are involved at all, it is our duty to fight them off.

  9. Permission for the main city region are for sages only. occasionally, we may add people if they are helping us with something, but they will always be removed once they are no longer need or the sage that added them logs off. This is done to prevent mass griefing. The bank region, however, is accessible only to sages and bankers to keep people from stealing our resources. even those who have completed training might be tempted to steal.

    the gates are closed because the city is not quite open to the public yet. once the riizu has deemed haven ready, we will open the main gate and it will be open almost constantly. the inner working of gates and the wall are restricted to sages and guards, but we have no guards right now.

    that said, i do think we need to set up a public region for the wheat farm in the inner city.

  10. had a little misunderstanding as to a few people's ranks. its fixed now.

    Just out of curiosity what is the difference bewteen the Academic Sect (orange) and the Scholar Sect (red), besides the fact that scholars are also Warriors?

    Academics teach the initiates and help anyone new to Haven. Scholars are bookworms and work in the library. Everyone serves in the military in times of war, but the those in the Warrior sect are the ones who have specialized in battle.

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