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Posts posted by Carnivore91

  1. I've been doing some lurking too :p



    I don't have the time like I use to back in Aegis and Anthos. Less time = less fun so I eventually lost interest. If we could bring back the oldies that would help a ton but I fear most of them have lost entire interest themselves and a ton of the projects that were in the works gone with them.



    I also still hate our language and forever will.

  2. I would like to stay active and Rp like the Shaman boss I use to be but at this point in my life I just don't have the time nor much will. I taught back in the days of Aegis and part of Asulon but it got so disheartening when every single one of my students were gone within a month or two. I believe over the course I had a total of 10-12 students and not a single one remains. So now I have hardly any urge to teach because it doesn't last and I am almost angered at the thought to put in so much effort and nothing gets done. Shamanism as a whole may just have to be rebuilt with new blood and hope for the best because at this point I would not count on the veterans to make a return anytime soon, including myself...

  3. MC Name: Carnivore91
    Character Name: Motsham Nel'Thok'Lur
    Clan: Lur
    Ranks/Positions: Motsham
    Timezone, preferably in GMT: CST (GMT - 5)



    [Why the hell is this like the third census in a month!?]

     My thoughts exactly.

  4. Because everyone in the entire goddamn nation is a feeble minded shithead who can't keep their cool for over ten seconds.  I miss the badasses I once stood in rank with.  I feel completely alienated from the scraps lefts behind by the giants of our time.  I don't see any aspiring legends, or honorable kin.  It's just a bunch of crap now and I really have no drive to participate in it anymore.



  5. "Nub!!" Nel'Thok awoke screaming, "Nub, Nub, Nub!!!!!" After a moment of realizing what he had seen he became coherent. The dream he thought he was having was way to real, way to horrible to be a dream. In the vision he was consulting with a spirit to learn a little more wisdom when a dark, looming shadow grew above them. It surrounded the spirit and Nel'Thok and slowly grew. Finally it reached the spirit first and tore it completely apart and went straight for Nel'Thok and that is when he awoke screaming.

    After a meal, Nel'Thok heard the call for a meeting. He quickly grabbed his staff, a small meal, a few extra potions he recently made and hurried to the Hand of Krug. After arriving and stubbornly ignoring the questions of the Uruks that started to gather he quickly ascended to the top. He made it to the top, breathing very heavily, and locke eyes with Mogroka, then Lex, and finally Blawharag and muttered "Wub da skaw....."

  6. Hmm well...

    My name is Shawn and I've seen the world go around the sun 21 times now. I live in a small town with around 1200 people in it in Kansas where it takes 10 minutes to get to Colorado and 20 Minutes to get to Nebraska. I'm getting ready to enter a Dental Hygiene program that will take two years. I currently work for my Dentist and have been for the past five summers. Once I'm done with my two years in the program the master plan is to go work and get my bachelors at the same time then take off for Dental school. Well see about that.... but always the possibility.

    Plus I'm a big deal.

  7. "It's been a long time..." Nel'Thok said to himself as he made his way through the desert. The hot sand on his feet felt good and right as he made his way to the lumber camp he built all those years ago. As the climate changed from blistering sands to the cold of snow he could finally see his camp insight. There was a few crops still growing around the frozen river but most of the animals that he left to go about had left, though a few of what he figured to be the offspring of his old herd was still mingling around the building. Nel made his way inside the old building. It had accumulated a lot of dust from the lack of good house keeping. But, to Nel's surprise everything was accounted for, all chest were still full of his belonging and treasures. With the joyous news that he did not have to recover important good or his personal belonging, Nel took off downstairs to sleep for the night. As he laid in bed awaiting the dreams that those who practice Shamanism get he made a verbal note to himself. "I head to the city tomorrow, it's time every knew that I'm back again, that Motsham Nel'Thok'Lur is back..." His eyes slowly closed as he could hear the wind pickup outside. "Hopefully it will blow all that dust out," he chuckled.

    ((Simply.... I'm back! :D I took a bit of time to take care of myself. I had a bit of trouble in my school last fall so I had to take this last spring semester off and just work. In this last semester I lost a girlfriend that I dated for 2 and a half years, my roomate will be going to a new shool in fall so my rent if being doubled unless I can find another, I lost 25 pounds, work was a great new experience but it was a kinda of shitty job.

    So in short I've decided that life has slowed down and I've regained some sanity back so I would make a return. I don't know how well activity will be for me, but I cannot wait to RP with everybody again. See you all in-game very soon!))

  8. It had been a long time since Nel'Thok'Lur was out on a spirit adventure. He sent his last bird messengers to the Warlord, close friends, and his students.

    "I need t take leave for some time, I must be re tuned to everything that it means to be a Shaman. Our people depend on it."

    As Nel'Thok's toes hit the warm sand with the sun at the top of it's climb, he set off to discover.

    ((Basicly RL > LOTC, Been so busy as most can tell already thought I would update. Troubles with girlfriend, work, and my schooling so I'll be on a small break. Will return someday ;) Farewell brothers!))

  9. I seen the Warlord demonstrating one the other day. Needless to say that tree was in pretty bad shape after. We as Shaman have really never been into magic, relying on our ancestors, spirits, and the elements. But I thing we need to learn the ways of magic. The other races may use it against us and we may not want to be without this new weapon.

    Perhaps in these old ruins there may be secrets to magic from the past, or perhaps they will provide insight into it.

    *Nel'Thok'Lur takes a second and sits back, scratching his chin and enters deep thought.*

  10. *Note Pinned on Billboard*

    The Warlord has sanctioned three territories to be used for lumber for our people. I will soon be ready to hire all brothers that are skilled in the tree taming. If Latz is interested leave a message here or send word through Bird to me, Motsham Nel'Thok'lur ((Carnivore91)).

    Latz will receive payment from the amount of resources they bring in.

    ((Payed per stack is what I plan on though amount is not set yet, depends on how much money we make off a stack :P ))


    Image stolen from Native's awesome map

    ((Cords is X:-1294 Z:-2324 For the main camp))

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