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Posts posted by CalinderTheSly

  1. Given name(RP name):


    (Skype name if you have one):



    True name(MC name):



    Elf [dark elf]

    Authentic magic user?(accepted magic user?):

    Not presently…

    Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and


     I seek knowledge and camaraderie, the chance to do great things
    and the ability to maintain a balance of peace and violence. Once I thought for
    glory and for gods, now I seek something else, something that I hope to find
    with the Arcane Delvers.


    Mageshield or Delver?:



    For Mageshields only

    Do ye swear solemnly to put your life upon the line
    to preserve that of your arcane brethren?

    What combat skills have ye?:

    I have in my past maintained a strict balance between my use of the blade and
    bow, though I am no master at either. I would happily change my combat style
    for the benefit of the group however. I like to believe that one day I may
    prove able to handle the forces of the arcane, though I sense that it is a long
    way away if it ever happens.

    Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye
    would respond:

    You come across a massive ruin of ancient design,
    strange sounds and lights emanate from within.

    Drawing my blade I raise a guard and slowly approach the ruins. As I get closer
    my ears pick up the faint sounds and the glowing lights become ever stronger. A
    deep sense of unease and wonder begins to form in the pit of my stomach. I’m unsure
    as to whether I should continue. As I make my way to the entrance I see bright,
    glowing runes and ancient scripts begin to illuminate. Here my nerve fails me,
    and I slowly, cautiously retreat and search for allies – curiosity has been the
    death [or worse] of many and I am not yet ready to count myself amongst them.
    However I will return, for who knows what wonders might lay within.


    While at a local bar you see two dark hooded
    figures in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite
    make out what they're saying but you clearly hear the word

    I surreptitiously make my way around the room, getting as close as possible to
    them without being overtly suspicious or obvious. Even as I sit down though,
    they get up to leave. I wait until they have left the bar before slipping the
    barkeep a few coins and leaving out the back entrance and up, on to the roof.
    Spotting them I begin to make my way amongst the rooftops, trying to get as
    close to them as possible. It is then that a local beggar gets in their way,
    demanding bread. They butcher him without a second thought, barely stopping
    before continuing. I glance down at the beggar, but he is already dead.
    Determined but wary I continue to shadow them…


    Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a
    masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a

    As I approach I draw my blade. “Halt, what are you doing to the old man?”.
    The brute with mask turns towards me “whatever I’m doing to him is none of your
    business, so it would be best for you to just keep walking and let the road
    drive any queries out of your mind”. “Absolutely not, what crime has the man
    committed to be treated in such a way? Have you any authority or are you simply
    a criminal?” I replay, readying my blade as the man turns towards me, weapon
    raised in hand. “I need no authority, the scum is a necro-“ but before he can finish
    the sentence the old man plunges a dagger into his side, slipping through the
    buckles and straps of the masked man’s armour. The masked man turns to the old
    man before collapsing, his life blood draining from him like a small stream –
    pooling on the cobblestones.  I stand
    back in shock. “Thanks a lot, I might not have gotten away with it if you hadn’t
    come along” the old man rasps. Slowly he stands out, darkness pouring from him
    and raises a hand. The body of the masked man slowly stands – arms sagging,
    head slumped – before walking behind the necromancer.

  2. Calinder travels, searches...but he cannot find them...he knows they were saved - he pulled many from the burning wreck of the temple...the ruin of aegis...and into asulon himself...packed them, guarded them, shipped them... they must be here...

    [im looking for anyone with some information or writings on areial or the foa - i cant find any of them and i would rather not butcher what was some pretty fantastic law with my own half-remembering s. any help is appreciated.

  3. i think its pretty hard to support creationism - strict adherence imply s belief that the earth is only 4000 years old and after that you get varying strengths of belief.

    I am not going to say there isnt a god/whatever after death - but i don't think that past the initiation of life they have had anything to do with the shaping of humanity

  4. Greetings Denizens of Asulon!

    On behalf of the build teams, we'd like to ask you for your screenshots from Aegis, for a few reasons- secret reasons of course! ;)

    On a serious note though, friends, any old photos you have from your time in our beloved Aegis would be much appreciated.

    Thank you for your time,


    I thought that the aegis map was saved and able to be downloaded?

  5. I see all these suggstions of 'condensing' the main races...i dont like it.

    i think that the elves, the dwarves, the orcs and the humans need and deserve a seperate kingdom, but that isnt to say that i dont belive we are too spread out at the moment [its like a 30+ minute trip from any of the major kingsdoms and thats assuming you dont die from hunger or something too many times]. As it is the idea of the humans and elves co-existing in one city struggles RP wise due to their cultural, religious, class, tax and archtechtural [its like 12 at night, give me a spelling break] differences - and the idea of the dwarves and the orcs living together? laughable.

    As for the additional races, well at least the mori and the kajyer..kahjyr...cat people this is how i see it.

    The cat people are way too populer to be dine away with - espeially after having fought so hard for so long with such dedication to get to where they are. What may perhaps be a possibility is that they are "adopted" by the human cities - much in the way that the kahjit in the elder scrolls are spread throught most of the other provinces.

    The mori hold a special spot for me as they are the true DARK elves and i am myself preparing for an attempt to join them. I think one of the major isseus that have faced them and have led to the number of mori players is the extremely strict entry requirements and rp limitations and ontop of this the fairly...removed..existence they have for most of the time, so perhaps a review of them is needed or a disaster that is great enough for them to rejoin their long lost families among the greater elven populace.

    but this is all my 10 cents and thats probably not what its even worth.

  6. Calinder returns...

    He was here at the beginning, he was there the day that cloud temple breathed life into us.

    The soldier that saved and led the Crystel Wards, that fought along side and became one of the FOA. That killed alongside the UAC, that was seen dead amongst the ashes of the old nation Aegies and returned to fight again to enter asulon.

    Where has he been, what has he been doing, what are his plans...

    [[basically im back with the LOTC community in full as opposed to just lurking through the forums. If you remember me let me know and we'll catch up sometime, if not i look forward to meeting you aas i basically rediscover this community as i finish my finals]]

  7. It's posts like this that have had many of us teetering on leaving for a while. Just waiting for certain servers to come open. Calling people morons for falling for or not falling for an April Fool's joke? Not helping people get that warm fuzzy from being around. It's just a game? You're right, it is.. But that also means that it takes nothing for people to take one look at this, not post, and just leave. This post has been up for what? Going on 24hrs now.. And Vaq has posted at least once reassuring that its not a joke. So yeah.. sorry if I'm walking into an ID-10T form here.. but this was a last straw scenario. So go ahead and call me an idiot all you want. You're only proving another reason to leave.

    look obviously you cant read the sarcasm vaq has very well...its quite obvious when he goes "What dont you like X)"

    Im sorry that i replied so bluntly and you have decided to use me as an example of a poor player or something [even though i dont doubt that i have been doing this for a lot longer than you-i have earned my gripping rights].

    Im just over the same issues you have pointed out and the dissapointing reactions to this post. Im not saying SOME of it isnt true-im just referring to the one month and instaban BS. I myself have posted about Elves and dwarves and humans, yet im not banned. I've died twice on the server, once in public, without re-rolling my character. still im not banned.

    If you cant handle someone pointing out the obvious, im sorry that makes you want to leave XD

    If it was how i used "idiot" or a derogitive remark im sorry-i stated that- but im over people like you and the others spewing negitivity and doubt everywhere. I feel...old...when i see these posts.

    Im sorry that you see me as an "issue" as for the most part i agree with you...shame

  8. "Danny, you are keep saying to 'look at our calnedars'. We did it, we know it's April 1st.

    And what if Vaq is not joking?

    Believe me you won't convince everyone that it is a joke."

    If you actually think vaq is not joking, your an idiot, and anyone else who doesnt relise this is also an idiot.Anyone who posted in concern after page 5/6 is also an idiot.

    IF you dont belive me...


    Im sorry to be so blunt, but it is probably the most obvious conclusion of the year-i point to vaq's continued trolling of this thread as evidence of this.

    All this has done is shown that the intelligence or at least the gullibility of the server audiance was predicted way to kindly.

  9. quick question, will my character still be able to practise his own religious belifs, even if it must be rp'd as secretly? also a quick note that mycilium out of the mushroom biome is just dirt.

    Another thing i have to ask is whether we will be allowing any of the mori to enter our city? i imagine that this could lead to several interesting rp potentials

  10. what i think we need to look at is not the speculatiion but the results, and after reading through the polls and the comments this is what you get.

    About 80-90% of the LOTC population are not currently to thrilled wit hthe travel arrangements, particulary the elves [which i myself can relate to].

    The way that i see it is that there needs to be some type of a fast travel implamented, whethere it is a type of a teleport or quick travel plugin-something similar to the docks of aegeis.

    this does not have to ruin rp, the way i see it the main issue with the elves at least is the ridiculous expanse [as glorious as it is] of the ocean. i personally propose a set of docks that are paired either side of the ocean that use the aforementioned plugins. It ensure that it is still a journey, albiet a more reasonable one-however it also provides the opertunity of a town charter built on this passenger ship and even further. Perhaps it even opens the gateway to a system of trade routes that connects several towns that exist along the river points and coastal shores of our nations.

    if anyone belives this to be a good idea please thumbs up and support it. I want people to speculate on issues, potential changes or anysimilar options so dont be afraid to pose questions and criticisms

  11. [[ill post some screenies soon, but its not on an island, its in a region where i have been gathering resources for the wood elf city, its pretty exciting i mean, it looks like it might be huge, i havent been able to go to far through it yet, but screenies are coming]]

  12. *you find a well written and official looking note pinned to one of the great trees of the wood elf capital*

    Hail to whom this may concern. I state this rather tentively as I am unsure of the legal ramifications, or indeed the legitimacy of the claim, as the discovery happened on lands that are to my knowledge those of the wood elf nation .

    I do not wish to seem selfish, it is just that there was every chance that this discovery had the potential to have gone unknown and have never come to light.

    As it is I seek an audience with whomever the council member that is responsible for the city is, to both discuss the findings and the ramifications of them, culminating in an exploratory mission deep into the dangerous remains of the mines. What follows is a description of what happened and what I have found.

    While collecting and gathering resources to sell and provide to our fair city I fell down what appeared to be an entrance to a small cave.

    As I ventured into the cave I noticed that it contained several rich mineral deposits. Seeking to provide such resources to our fair city I began to carefully and respectfully unearth and excavate the minerals.

    My luck turned however, as after following a particularly rich mineral vein I fell into one of the greatest discoveries of this new continent.

    I found the remains of an ancient mine from some lost civilisation or perhaps the mori.

    It seems to travel in the direction of the city and it contains what seems to also contain, apart from significant deposits of minerals, the remains of a primitive form of high-speed, long-distance transportation.

    As such I wish to submit a claim towards this discovery. That being said I am not claiming full ownership of the mine and its contents, however i do wish to be recognised for its discovery and perhaps see a small return of any profits made, or instead an initial payment towards its discovery and excavation-which I have done at great personal risk [[especially when you consider the distance required to make it back to the city after any misfortune, and the prevalence of skeletons and poisonous spiders]].

    If you find yourself interested in the possibilities and potential discoveries’, contact me while i am in town or am out collecting resources.

    Yours truly and most sincerely


    [[this is one of my first attempts at an RP notice of this kind,, so if I ham hocked it, don’t rage, let me know and give me some tips]]

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