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Posts posted by Didag

  1. Minecraft name:



    Skype ID:

    I will send it to anyone if it is required. Only reason I'd rather not share it openly because is because it's my personal one and I use it with all of my IRL friends.


    Time zone:



    Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report:

    I have not.


    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?

    I believe that there are several important factors to a successful event.


    First off the event must be exciting and enjoyable for those involved. The event must be fair to both sides so that no one gets upset or angry with each other and if anyone does get upset, the ET must know how to respond to this. Both sides must accept that they may lose. Sore losers just ruin the experience for the rest of the players involved.


    Secondly, those this may seem non-important, there must be rewards. Rewards inspire players to RP to the best of their ability and really try to make the event enjoyable. Even if the rewards are small (simply a normal block enchanted with a different name) they create a reason for participants in the event to try their hardest.


    Thirdly, the event must be new and creative. If the event is the same old attack from the north, spawn mobs and blow stuff up players won't be interested and may just avoid the event altogether.


    Lastly, the event must fit into the lore of the world (in this case Anthos) and it must have later repercussions. For example, if Malinor get's blown up, filled with snow and set on fire, it can't all be fixed within the next day. The event must have lasting consequences. The event should inspire people to RP with each other even after it has ended. Using the above example, the citizens of Malinor could band together to slowly but surely attempt to revert the town to it's prior state.


    What type of events are you most interested in creating?

    I am more interested in creating the small events that impact only a small portion of the player base. Though these events don't involve quite as many people, they could happen more often. I think the advantage of these events is that they are more intimate and the player base can feel like they're actually involved in the event instead of just spectating from the sidelines. These events would have lasting consequences but not so important that they would alter the entire future of a town or city. In my opinion this is one of the best way to integrate new players into the RP of the server!


    What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team?

    I think the biggest things I could bring to the ET are my creativity and, though it may sound silly, my experience. I am not the server quite a bit and have no difficulty finding RP. As Golrodir (my main character) is the Foreman of Malinor I find myself interacting with new players all the time. I am often the first person they come to so that they can get set up and begin their LotC experience. Due to this I have a lot of experience with integrating new players into the server and creating interesting RP for them. I am also very creative. I take a general drama and arts class at school that really helps improve your creativity and expand your imagination. I feel that I could help make fun, exciting and intense events and RP situations that the entire player base would find enjoyable.


    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events that you, as an actor, could create for others (one paragraph each):



    The Raft

    An old wooden raft washes up on the beaches of Anthos. On board is a man dressed in tattered, dirty clothes who is unconscious and barely breathing. As players realize that the man is not a threat they quickly run forward to try and help the man. As they let their guard down, a party of bandits runs out from behind a bluff down the beach. They surround the rescue party. The unconscious man was simply a victim of the bandits who had been used as bait to lure in new prey. What will the rescue party do? Will they be able to fight or bargain their way out?


    The Tunnels

    (In my opinion more RP has to happen during mining. Simply going down into the tunnels and digging long tunnels can get boring very easily, especially if you aren't finding much.)


    A party of miners has just descended into the great mines of Anthos. As they are mining, the tunnel behind them begins to shake and rocks start falling from the ceiling. The tunnel collapses just as one or two of them manage to escape. The ones that managed to escape go off to find help, leaving their fellow miners behind. What will the trapped miners do while trapped? What if some other evil comes along while they wait?


    The Cave

    A group of travellers stumble across a cave while travelling from one nation to another. They quickly begin exploring but find that a pack of wolves inhabit that cave and are quickly surrounded and trapped inside. There is no way to communicate with the wolves so the group is at a loss for what to do. How will they escape? Will someone else come along and rescue them?


    Please leave any feedback or support below ^.^ Thanks for reading!



  2. *Posters are hung on the notice boards of every city. Criers are also seen around the main citizen hubs, handing out the following flier.*


    Hello everyone! My name is Golrodir Eritaf and I have a request of you today. I am looking for a certain item of unknown value. I am willing to pay almost anything for this item. If you have any information on it's whereabouts please send me a message!


    I eagerly await your response!


    Thank you, Golrodir Eritaf


    *The cryptic and unclear message is signed with a seal and a signature.*



    ((Basically, I'm looking for the 6th item in the Puzzling Hunt treasure hunt. If anyone can give me this item, I will give them $50 from the donation in return for their kindness. Hope to hear from you!))

  3. Mcname:



    Forum Name:



    Time Zone:



    About how long have you been on the server?

    I have been on the server since Summer of 2011. So over two years.


    Why you want to be an AT member?

    I've been playing on the server for over two years but haven't  applied for any staff positions yet. I feel that I owe it to this server to give something back as it has been such an awesome community for me. I have quite a bit of experience at reviewing applications as I was an admin that helped with whitelisting on a friend of mine's server but more importantly, I was a Proctor (equivalent of AT) on Herocraft. This involved going through a LOT of apps, giving constructive feedback and several other things. I held that position for almost half a year and helped whitelist over 300 people to the server. The app reviewing I've done in the past has involved a lot of background checks and seeing when people were last banned etc. I'm not sure if that is the same way that the AT runs but I'd love to be given the chance!


    Good luck to everyone who's applying!

  4. Minecraft Name: Didag



    Skype Name (This may alternatively be PMed to be for privacy purposes): Ptah has it. PM me if someone else needs it.


    Applicant Name: Golrodir Eritaf

    Race and Age: High Elf - 297

    What title are you applying for? (A lower-tiered one: Librarian, Maven, Inventor, Analyst, Phrenal): Maven


    List any experience you have had with matters regarding that Department: I am currently studying the art of clerical healing. After I have become adept in this area I intend to continues my studies in other branches of the arcane.


    Describe the reason for your interest in that position (>5 sentences): I would love to expand my knowledge and share what I know with others! It would be a privilege for me to talk with others that share the same interests as me.


    By applying, should you be accepted you are expected to utterly adhere to the Common Clauses. Do you understand this?: I do.

  5. Given name(RP name): Golrodir Eritaf


    (Skype name if you have one):  You have me on Skype Art.


    True name(MC name):  Didag


    Race: High Elf


    Are you applying as a ranger or an ACCEPTED mage ((As in you have a MA)):  I am applying as a mage.


    If ACCEPTED mage what form of magic ye use?: I have an MA for Priest Healing.


    (Any Ban/Strike reports?): None



    Short Answers for all Applicants;



    Why do you wish to join the Delvers? I have always been curious and would love to explore my curiosity with others that share the same qualities.



    Have you belonged to any faction or guild before? I have not.



    List three words that a guild needs to function and survive.


    Order - A guild must be structured and organized for it to function.


    Communication - If a guild doesn't communicate well it will simply fall apart.


    Excitement/Fun - If a guild isn't exciting, no one's going to want to join or stay!




    In your own words describe what you think a delve is: There are many ways to use the word delve. In my opinion it means to explore or investigate something quite thoroughly. It could also mean to be curious or interested in our about something.



    If you found an artifact and that artifact could do anything. What would it do? This artifact would store the knowledge of hundreds of past mages and healers who have lived before me. It would carry their knowledge on technique's and spells and anything they learned during their lifetime! And of course, I would be able to share it. The knowledge wouldn't be for me alone.

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