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Solan (Elite117)

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Posts posted by Solan (Elite117)

  1. Race: Mali'ker 


    Age: 100 (But he looks about 20)


    Gender: Male 




    Solan is 5'9' and weights 145 pounds. He has an athletic build similar to this with hair similar in style and color to this. He is wearing plain, well fitted clothing similar to this. The golden object you see on his torso in the skin is an ornate belt buckle with two chains descending to either side. He is also wearing a dark leather collar around his neck.   


    Pose: Have him leaving against a wall and smirking. 


    Color: Yes please. 


    Thanks dude. You're awesome. 

  2. [OOC]
    MC Name: Elite117
    Skype Name (optional): I'll tell you when I'm accepted. 
    Name: Solan
    Age: 115
    Race: Mali'ker
    Chosen Profession: Whatever needs to be done.
    Are you willing to learn other professions in the future, if necessary?: Of course.
    “I, __Solan_Z'ress-Isto'rosin__, do swear in the name of Malin; that I will uphold the Mali’lumi ethic; that I will practice and espouse nonviolence within Malinor; that I will work hard to promote the betterment of Malinor; that I will not deceive or steal from the West Malinor Trade Company.”
  3. *looks from the shadows over to the mori laughing his arse off*

    "I knew mori were failures of the worlds, poor souls..."

    *goes to the cloud temple to take a look at the boat to the mori lands, with luck, he'll be able to get into the captitol without being kidnapped or noticed*

    (Server, why yu still down ?!)

    (Edit : Grey doesn't want to live with them, just study them for a moment and look at their capitol)

    (There are several active forum RP's in the Mori subforum you can utilize while the server is down.)

  4. This thread is under heavy construction but application can still be posted.

    How to Become a Mori: The New System

    So you have decided to enter the unique and exotic culture that is the Mori’quessir, Vendui! Because the goal of the Mori is to create a tight knit group of high level roleplayers, there are several steps one must take to become a Mori.

    Using the form below please create a well thought out proto-Mori character. Reading a few of our guides and lore posts will help quite a lot with this. One to two paragraphs for appearance and history will suffice. Please note your character should be in their early teens or still a child. ABSOLUTELY NO ADULTS.

    Here are the current females (and their houses) who can produce children:

    House List:

    Alean’ndar: Descendants of this bloodline have amber eyes. This house also requires its members to wear a special eye tattoo and earring. All hair, clothing and tattoo options past that are up to the member.

    Duskryn: A house based around prompting rights for half breeds. No discernible features.

    Miiystra: Currently proto-characters are not allowed to be born into this houses due to its ruling power. Miiystra members have an extraordinarily trait bonded to only their bloodline, a unqiue eye color: iced blue irises, with a wolf grey sclera.

    Commoners: Not belonging to any noble family or of smaller families. They are the working class. Subservient to both the priestesses and the noble Mori. Commoners are required to bow to female noble Mori.

    Female List:

    Tinost'i* -

    0Altariel0 - Commoner

    Raes* - Serenityonyx - Duskryn

    Mayaval* - Serenityonyx - Duskryn

    Rilrae* - Nemiisae - Duskryn

    Tortlar - Duskryn

    Auvryar - Alean'ndar

    Teken'ani - Alean'ndar

    Rilynervs - Commoner

    Zauviir - Commoner

    *Real players that must be asked OOCly before you can claim them as a parent.

    Racial Information

    Just because the applications have been dramatically reduced, I ask that people still follow the racial lore for the race.


    Key Features

    • Average weight - 120 - 170 lbs
    • Average height - 5'6"/1.69m to 6'2"/1.87m
    • Skin ranges from any shade from pale grey to polished obsidian and only varies minorly from this tone
    • Eyes can be shades of amber, red, purple. Various shades of gray, even amber and rose-hued eyes are not unknown
    • Natural hair colour is white or silver
    • Ears are long and pointed


    Key Features

    • Mori'quessir eyes are specialized to see to see incredibly in the dark - this however causes them to be very sensitive to light
    • Naturally resistant to poisons
    • Mori age at a ratio of 1:5 ( 1 year to every 5 human equivalent years )
    • Mori'quessir reach maturity at approximately one hundred and twenty years
    • Mori'quessir live up to six hundred years


    The Mori'quessir body is highly adapted to survive in its subterranean environment: with excellent darkvision and innate resistance to poisons, the Mori are a hearty race with distinct advantage in living in the often times dangerous habitat they have settled in. Unlike their surface cousins, they have developed more compact frames Mori tend to be quite lean, as they do not constantly accumulate fat for the hard times; instead, the body efficiently leeches nutrients from the morsels of food they consume over a period of two days. Because of the environment in which they live -- they have adapted well to limited food supplies, in general, they do not eat a great deal, and the foods they do eat are generally not rich ( a usual diet would consist of a variety of lichen or small insects and mammals ).

    The Mori are known to have lifespans far beyond that of humans and comparable with the rest of the elves, although usually somewhat shorter -- this being a cultural cause more than a racial one. Because of their long lives, the mori develop and age at a dramatically slowed rate in comparison to other races, the cause of this is unknown and mostly unquestioned.

    Age chart in mori years -- The bracketed ages are the human equivalent age

    Infancy: 1 - 25 ( 5 - 125 )

    Childhood: 26 - 50 years ( 130 - 250 )

    Adolescence: 51 - 119 years ( 255 - 595 )

    Adulthood: 120 - 199 years ( 600 - 995 )

    Middle Age: 200 - 299 years ( 1000 - 1495 )

    Old: 300 - 369 years ( 1500 - 1845 )

    Venerable: 370+ years ( 1900 - 3000 )

    The fertility of females is not outstanding, though it is uncertain whether it is linked to the environmental and economic situation that effects this aspect of the Mori'quessir body. They breed at a faster rate than humans and their surface cousins, often remaining pregnant for a period of 9 months.

    The Application:

    MC Name:
    Mori Name:
    Age (In Mori and Human):
    Mother's Name:
    Brief History:

    Now please post your application in the application suforum here. To start, seek out a member of your character’s house or start rping with a Mori on the street. They shall begin your education into the Mori, in either a good or bad way. It is up to the character. It is also suggested that you read the wiki and guides to supplement your education as well as check the sub-forum regularly. Once you have proven yourself to be a mature and knowledgeable roleplayer your proto-character will be allow to enter adulthood.

    It is also good to remember that Mori who go against the status quo tend to be labeled as heretics by the Priestesses of the city and sacrificed to the Mother. As a rule of thumb most Mori know from childhood to:

    1. Always wear a veil on the surface.

    2. Always treat outsiders as stupid, blasphemous, filth.

    3. Never remain on the surface or outside the elven peninsula for extended periods of time.

    Useful Links

    Disclaimer: In some cases character can be perma-killed by way of sacrifice for not following lore. Use common sense.

  5. That's a rather slippy slope to go down. What I like to do with my character is if he has been outside the peninsula for Mori then a irl hour he starts to get a stomach ache. Which forces him back to the Mother's land. Most Mori would see activities outside the Mother's land as 'socialization with the filth' unless it is for some higher propose that furthers the race, such as slaving or gathering supplies. I would highly urge you to have your character in Menorcress and the surrounding area most time. But you really don't have to worry about this until adulthood seeing as you will be playing a proto-Mori from a few months. We really look down on child assassin living on the surface. Child will be staying in the city for a majority of the time. As for parentage, it is partually up to you. We will have a list of females you can choose from and you decide which one.

  6. This could indeed possibly work. The only problem i'm worried about is that some very bad roleplayers may try to be Mori and go out in the sunlight with no protection and other things.

    It should be noted that what is considered lore for the Mori OOCly is considered unspoken laws ICly. Which if they are broken means either the death or mutilation of your proto-character. We would also reserve the right to perm-kill your proto-character through IC means. For example, let us say that a player creates a proto-Mori. This player then has their proto-Mori go up to the surface for increasing periods of time. They then rp that their character can now see unaided during the day because they 'built up an immunity' (a very dumb thing to do seeing as a Mori can travel in the day wearing a veil). The Priestesses of the Mori will see this act as a desecration of the Mother's gifts to that Mori. The Mother being the chief goddess of the Mori and her gift being the ability to see in the dark. Because that Mori destroyed their night vision, they destroyed a gift from the Mother. The Priestesses would then have Mori warriors track down said proto-Mori, bring it to the temple and sacrifice it to the Mother. Effectively perma-killing that character. This will most likely happen to any other such breaches in lore. So tell us what you think in the poll above or the thread below.

  7. JqGX4.jpg

    Vendui rethors lu'dalninin. Today I come before you, the player-base of LotC, on behalf of the Mori to ask your opinion on a certain idea. You see, the number of Mori the race has had has never been completely up to our satisfaction. And most players find it is not to their satisfaction that they do not get the chance to rp with our unique race due to our lack of players. Now this issue has gone through much debate and today we bring you an idea that we believe might solve our problems. To put it very simply; we will get rid of the Mori application. What we will do instead is use an entirely new system. This system involves a player going to our sub-forum and register a new character as the child of one current female Mori characters. This player will then be able to play this proto-character but they are forced to start in the early teen/late childhood phase. This children will then be raised and taught the lore and customs of the Mori by more experienced players. Once it is deemed you have spent enough time with the Mori and your proto-character has learned all the lore and customs it will be allowed to reach adulthood. Becoming a full member of Mori society. It should be noted that what is considered lore for the Mori OOCly is considered unspoken laws ICly. Which if they are broken means either the death or mutilation of your proto-character. We would also reserve the right to perm-kill your proto-character through IC means. For example, let us say that a player creates a proto-Mori. This player then has their proto-Mori go up to the surface for increasing periods of time. They then rp that their character can now see unaided during the day because they 'built up an immunity' (a very dumb thing to do seeing as a Mori can travel in the day wearing a veil). The Priestesses of the Mori will see this act as a desecration of the Mother's gifts to that Mori. The Mother being the chief goddess of the Mori and her gift being the ability to see in the dark. Because that Mori destroyed their night vision, they destroyed a gift from the Mother. The Priestesses would then have Mori warriors track down said proto-Mori, bring it to the temple and sacrifice it to the Mother. Effectively perma-killing that character. This will most likely happen to any other such breaches in lore. So tell us what you think in the poll above or the thread below.

  8. A sign is posted on message boards through Menorcress, the elven forest, Normandor and the Cloud Temple.


    "I currently have in my possession two green music crystals. I listened to them often but now I grow tired of the same melody. I am willing to trade someone a green music crystal for a music crystal of any other color (except yellow). Reply with name, and color of crystal. All trades will be conducted at the Cloud Temple docks. The time will be agreed upon at a later date.

    ~The Underground Trader

  9. *Andaer reads a posting about this occurrence on a message board on the outskirts of the Malinor forests. He readjusts his veil, tightly wrapping it around his head and face.*

    "I have heard much of this.... Native. Perhaps he will visit Menorcress. That would be interesting. I wonder if he is any different from his ignorant brethren in Normandor."

  10. *As you, the lovely traveler, walk down no particular road in Asulon you suddenly notice a rather strange note pinned to any number of local message boards. The note is written on a strange dried substances that is certainly not parchment. You get a bit closer and begin to read.

    "Greetings. I and a number of my colleagues are searching for anyone who has information on the location of any portals that exist now or have existed. If you know of someone else who has any knowledge in this subject that would also be helpful. We thank for your assistance in this most pressing matter."

    ~ The Underground Scholar

  11. Andaer moves through the crowd on his way to a supplier's house. His veil is draw tightly around his face. He chuckles at the crowds pity bicker and saviors seeing the 'Queen' squirm. "Or!" He calls, "You can all just leave this city and move to the caverns of Menorcress! We have plenty of cheap housing. A stable government looking for able-bodied men and women to pay to gather resources. Empty shops and stalls that need merchants. And to wrap it all up a boat to the mainland and a security perimeter that could weather any Orcish storm." He leaves the crowd and walks deeper into the city and down a back street.

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