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John (Zevandir)

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Posts posted by John (Zevandir)

  1. :3 Wasn't about the time needed, just that it didn't seem super necessary, y'know how with some things, people can write an essay and get 7/10, and others a few words and get 9? Well, this is nothing like that, but somewhere in there I think something deep relating to the subject can be found :)


    Anyway, I'm too hipster for formats, pshh ;)



  2. 17-Male-John-Australia


    Just putting my name in, like a widdle slip of paper because I really don't think a massive post compared to a skeletal one with perty colours is going to be that beneficial, and I have stuffs to write and thinks to du and people to love.


    If you know me, then you know about me, and if the people picking don't that's reason enough not to be SM. So yah muchlove <3


    Oh btw-

    GMT+8-Loads of experience-Cuz need/want to help



  3. Vekrus and Hugo, some officers *cough Yimmya cough* have forgotten recruitment here is OOC on the forums, and a 'random' meeting is arranged for you at one of our outposts, or just in general with someone from the Order.


    You're both now approved for that stage, and I'll let you know over skype details of this encounter!




    -Hugo, please add me on skype: Cid_the_sloth

  4. Actually, the High Elf gate windows are probably more like this.




    I say probably only because I can't personally confirm it, though betting on the personalities of the characters who installed it, I'd be betting it is like this.

  5. I'll give ya a hand chump, just let me grab my magical all-breaking pickaxe of destiny, against which no bars or walls stand a chance!


    Oh wait, the dorfs stole it off me.


    And Racker, no-one responded to your points cuz dey were shite, just spewin' crap to try and cover yourself, I'm not gonna assume you realize this, but there is a right thing, and a wrong thing to do in every situation, and often a situation arises from a wrong choice. Personally, I reckon this was one of those choices.

  6. Everyone always bloody goes 'just rp omg stahp the wining why can't there just be a peaceful event omg why don't you just chill out shut the f*ck up and just rp omg you high elves always complain f*cksake deal with broken mechanics/meta/broken rules in rp ugh deal with ooc rp ugh hnnnnnnnnnnnggggg just rp shut up while we cheat and mess you around ugh be better sports ugh man up and take our haxxxxxing ugh fgts"


    Its always the same argument, someone rudely messes up, or is super shady in what they do, always apparently aimed at the High Elves, then the rest of the f*cking community jumps in telling the High Elves to shut up for calling out a bunch of people clearly in the wrong who just don't give a sh*t cuz their RP is more important, apparently, and that if the cost of them having fun is just more upset for the High Elves, then so be it, break all the rules you can.



  7. ((This looks fab, guys, and if I wasn't already in a guild on my main character, I'd join this, but failing that-))


    A shabby man in a small dinghy, tattered grey sail straining against the little mast, dirty water, smelling awfully of strong spirits laps gently inside, greyed timbers splintery and dry, salt and bird crap a thick layer all over the boat above the waterline. In truth, the only clean things on the boat are the flawless black flag at the top of the mast, a snarling wolf head stitched on in bare detail, and a rough sword, cleaned and cared for better than the scraggly, though moderately strong looking man at the stern, browned and scarred hand lazily hanging onto the tiller, other hand wrapped delicately around a flask of a similar awful smelling spirit as that tainting the bilge.


    Should he bump into the crew on his way past the coast of Malinor, as he wanders in from an island fortress far to the west, he would have a few words for the captain, as he is of a similar position, yet he in fact has a vast number of large warships, and the capabilities to build more.


    ((If you're interested in a multitude of proposals, hit me up on skype or PM's. Cid_the_sloth))

  8. ((Quite frankly John, I didn't even need reasoning to go to war with the High Elves. In case you hadn't noticed, Orcs like to kill stuff. But I made sure that I did have a few RP reasons, to avoid any OOC butthurt. I'll go through with them now:

    1. The primary reason, which is that High Elves allow necromancy within their city, which in RP my char sees as the condolence of evil.

    2. The High Elves do not acknowledge the spirits, which I found out when I went to them to inform them of a few secrets I had found out using the spirits.

    3. The High Elves believe they are superior to any other race, including orcs. RPly this is also teaching them who is actually superior.

    I didn't have to explain myself to you, but I have because it looked like you doubted I really had any RP reasoning, and also because you called my legitimate war claim incredulous, and a joke.))

    Orcs killing stuff is a lame excuse, go kill a weaker target.


    I mentioned taking it to PM's, or, if you prefer, one of the two Skype chats we share, where this topic has been discussed.


    Who said the HE as a group do not acknowledge the spirits? There is a Lutaumen High Elf living in the city currently.


    Truth-spirits, meta? Perhaps not. Pg? I'll leave that to you to answer.


    I still doubt your reasoning, though I'll leave it here, as I believe I've expressed my opinions, and quite honestly there isn't a lot that would convince me of the legitimacy of this.

  9. Pardon me? This has nothing to do with the incident. Marcus de Stolistes is going to trial and wishes to give the family more trouble before he feels the cold iron sword of execution in his neck.


    I believe you show great hate towards me for no reason, and saying that I should not post.. I find that very offensive of you and even discrimination of the fact that I try to enhance RP with some more sides, as well with just bugging my family who betrayed rather then the imagene you held in your head of hatred.


    Please calm yourself and start thinking neutral and fair before posting "offensive replies"

    ((Dayummmmmm, I mentioned this to you last time you got up me, but ya gotta proof read! Half that stuff didn't make sense!


    Regardless, I don't hate anyone, and similiar to Gaius, I only show up on here to much around, chill a bit. It is a bloody video game, and Ming, there ain't no tears here, just frustration with rudeness.


    But back to you Draeris, though I said there ain't no hate, I won't deny I have an extreme dislike for you, and though I try to still treat you with cordial respect, 'do unto others as you would have them do to you' (-siq), your recent posts in a multitude of areas have been absolutely no cause for respect or admiration of you, and as my comments would suggest, quite the opposite! Re-read what I wrote, I believe I was quite careful to keep anything directly insulting out of it, as I really don't aim to personally attack people, merely ask them to question there actions and attitudes/information, before getting involved in something they don't understand!


    Also, those other three guys getting antsy at my comments, take a chill pill and get out of it, the first two were possibly understandable, but that third bloke's mention of knowing about the anvil just highlights the incredible meta-gaming being done, and the undeniable misinformation and general idiocy of many people surrounding such events and issues.


    A note, if anyone feels like getting up me about this sh*t still, take it to PM's, keep it off the thread, so I don't have to look like a **** while trying to carefully/gently help you realise the reasoning behind my points, and that if you are arguing against me in this, you're most probably wrong.


    Catchya, soz for the OOC chunks on this "Roleplay" (Add to that as much sarcasm you possibly can, and about a bucket of incredulity at the reasoning.).



  10. Igor screams at Buubztik



    Whoops meta/being a ****.


    Four Fingers wonders how the high elves will get out of this one since their magic  can't work without the intervention of fourth wall text mana.

    Wow, that really made me laugh. oh so clever and original. remind me again how you're personally involved with this? and your first hand experience? maybe go look at some of the other warclaims carefully, and then keep saying there have been issues with magic. oh, while you're there, maybe refresh your memory on the three pillages that all occurred on one night, none of which were blocked by this 'fourth wall text mana'. get some humility please, and understand that there are a whole lot of people negatively affected by this mindless ooc hate, and next time you're about to heedlessly jump on the band wagon (which must be just about full by now, seriously), pause a moment and think about what your words are going to do.


    Marcus de Stolistes gasps as he reads through his papers, he had some days until court. He wanted some action before he fell!

    With excitement he yelled "The game is on!". He grabbed his quill and started to write a parchment to be send to all leaders involved.


    As reprensentative of de Stolistes, until my very trial.

    I officially declare war on Haelun'Or for the equal reasons the orcs carry.


    Hereby we will use our enforcement and diplomatic relationships

    to take down the corrupted High elven council. may I do good

    in the name of de Stolistes for one last time.


    Expect our offensive soon,


    Marcus de Stolistes


    He grims, rolling up the parchment and placing de Stolistes seal on it, he had nothing to lose anyways.

    In the last few days, every single post i have seen of yours has contributed towards a growing dislike, and i'm getting the opinion you are rudely posting on just about everything you can, for reasons unknown to me, and as i mentioned to you yesterday in a different post, you appear to be a misinformed, rude young man, who likes to bash on the high elves purely for the one-sided general opinion of them, whereas in fact if you took the liberty to go out and look at things yourself rather than relying on other similarly ignorant opinions, you would most likely be duly enlightened. util such a time, perhaps refrain from pressing that little grey 'post' button, until you know more of the situation, and until you have learnt a little self-control and respect.

  11. Yo bro, you don't have to do anything, just jump back into with your old character, and continue to RP!


    The store may have been sold off, but it doesn't really matter, go find a job, meet people, Roleplay with someone you cross paths with, maybe they can offer you a new store!


    There really isn't anything to stop you doing whatever you want (within the rules), so just get back on the server and enjoy it.

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