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Posts posted by Tarannon

  1. Pictures in the wiki look amazing :D .

    You should post some more

    I have loads, but when I try to upload them to the wiki, I get this message (I've been getting them every day for the last week or so - everything was fine up until then):

    The upload directory (public) is not writable by the webserver.

    Perhaps the wrong place to post this though :oops:

  2. Thank you, Zerragon. I will definitely live in Caer Ayrenn. ((Wow thanks! So the three heroes are 1. Ogland 2. Sean? 3. Me))

    Absolutely! We've also erected a shrine/memorial to Snowy Fields and your names are listed on the Wall of Heroes.

    All three of you were indispensable in the building and defense of Snowy Fields, and we haven't forgotten.

  3. Have you already decide what the average house price will be?

    We have not decided on the housing prices yet, but we have a very large region and we're planning to build houses of all sizes and and a very large span of prices. Location will have much to say; for example the stone houses on Rose Lane on top of Caer Ayrenn (a mountain with only one, easily defended entrance) will cost more than the cobble- and woodhuts in Fisher's Row, down by the foot of the mountain.

    We will add the prices to our wiki page when the region is finished

  4. We are currently unaware of any rollback issues that occur. There have been a major decrease in the amounts of chest wipes so LWC was definitely a factor. However, some wipes may occur because of bukkit itself.

    As for rollbacks, we are quite sure they do not happen, if they do happen it's because of a major crash that has occured in Minecraft that we can not truly fix. We've spent many weeks testing plugins to find out the reasons for some older crashes such as MCMMO which we have fixed. Until now the crashes seem with Minecraft not being able to deal with the amount of players we have in the game doing the amount of things they are doing. These crashes are harmless, we simply give it a nice restarting boost and things go back to normal.

    And in regards to the rollbacks, I just got one now. This time around it was a complete rollback, as far as I could see, since the house I built earlier today was gone. Nothing big at all, perhaps half an hour or so, but still a rollback :)

    These last three days or so, I've had four or five other minor rollbacks, but those have just been placement- and inventoryrelated, ranging from ten minutes to one hour. Again, nothing I can't live with, just a tiny annoyance.

  5. Is this true? *slowly shakes his head in sadness*

    Snowy Fields was the first place in Aegis I could call my home, and me and my friend, Zerragon, lay every brick and plank and stone with our own hands. It felt like it took a lifetime erecting those walls, and if it is gone, I feel like I've lost a part of my soul.

    It may sound weird, but it was better when it were in ruins, even though Undead controlled it. At least some remnants of it were still there!

    I will erect a shrine to Snowy Fields, and the heroes that helped defend it while it still was in the hands of the living. I have also chronicled it's history, in a series of books in three parts, which will be available in the library of our new settlement in the future. If I have permission to use the tale of Alek in the fourth and last book in The History of Snowy Fields, I will be grateful.

  6. And you can be bloody sure I'm going to be sticking around there. I felt welcome in Snowy, bet I'll feel welcome here too.

    I can assure you that you will be just as welcome in Caer Ayrenn, as in Snowy Fields. I am hoping the new town will not be as much in need of your help against relentless undead attacks, but you'll never know.

    You can use it as a vacation spot - a bit of fresh, mountain air is quite good, when the stink of the undead has festered in your nostrils for too long.

  7. It makes me sad to picture my town as a ruin, but I kind of like it too - as long as it is done well. If it is, then you have my confirmation as well. But don't forget that I am not the only lord of Snowy Fields. Zerragon has to approve as well.

    I can't wait to make a before/after video of Snowy Fields! :D Because of that nice rollback after the town was destroyed, we actually got the chance to take some footage of the town in it's full "glory". It will be cool to see Snowy Fields as a pleasant town compared to an evil-looking undead ruin.

  8. On the other hand, I feel sorry for the two lords of Snowy Fields (Zerragon and Tarannon) since they must've put weeks of hard work into their town. At least you had fun doing so, guys! You both have a positive attitude, and that should earn you a lot of respect - instead of ranting and leaving, you'll begin to create a new town. I'm sure you'll have tremendous fun building this new place, just think about how staying in one place, surrounded by the same old walls can become stale after a while ;) (The latter goes for the undead as well and this is one of the reasons why I'm happy they are able to expand like this)))

    ((Thank you, Ilsyde! I appreciated that. And you are right, we had tremendous fun creating Snowy Fields, and we'll have tremendous fun creating our new town. I see Snowy Fields as a learning experience, both in the way of architecture, how to administer a medium town, and most of all, where NOT to decide to build a town :)

    We will take these experiences with us into our new project, and the new town will be much better and hopefully more visually impressive - and with less necromancers howling outside our portcullis)).

  9. It is with deep sadness that I have to admit that Snowy Fields has fallen - and with the utmost of hatred and bitterness that I have to admit that the undead and their followers have won. Me and Zerragon see no other choice than to salvage what we can, and travel to another part of the realm. A peaceful part, if such a thing exist, that is more suited to our serene nature. We want to build and create - and not have to watch our creations being defiled and destroyed by undead filth.

    To the valiant heroes that have fought in the defense of the town, we salute you! Songs will be written about your bravery and heroism, and you all have our eternal gratitude. Especially our Captain, Tylos. We wish you the best of luck, wherever fate takes you.

    If you ever want another job as a captain-of-the-guard, look us up in a few months time, when our new town is finished. I can not promise the same level of action at that post, but perhaps you too are battleweary, like us?

    To Ogland, our very first resident, and our most dedicated resource througout the building of Snowy Fields, I hope you find another place to settle down as the guildmaster you have shown,

    and deserve to be. Your hard work on our moat and the endless amount of sandstone contribution to the mage guild and the planned temple, is not forgotten.

    When our new settlement is completed, we will initiate contact and hope you will visit us. Who knows, we may have put up some creations to honor you.

    If anyone ever hears any rumours of an ancient Aengul temple underneath the ruins of Snowy Fields, disregard them! They are not true ((we never got the time to actually build the temple)), so it is no point digging for it.


    The first month of playing on this server, and building Snowy Fields, has been the most fun gaming experience I've had in the twentyfour years I've played games, but the last couple of weeks have been the opposite. The intensity and frequency of the undead attacks have escalated to a level that took away all the fun for me (and Zerragon, I believe) since we play on this server to roleplay and to BUILD. Some will probably say that we picked a really bad spot for our town, and that is very true (I can almost see the undead main fort from my tower) - but the thing is that we started to create Snowy Fields before the Rise of the Undead was even announced. If we had known it would become the hotspot of the undead vs. living war, we would never had started to build there at all. Ah, well, I know this is the nature of the game, and we just had bad luck in choosing the site of our town.

    The next reason why we've decided to give up on SF, is that we seem to live in another timezone than most of the war-minded players, since all the hardest action seem to be when we sleep. It is kind of depressing having to spend half an hour repairing your city every other time you log in, because of an attack you had no idea happened, until long after.

    And just to be clear, I am not bitching and whining (if it sounds like it, I am sorry). I am just stating the facts and the way I feel. When something stops being fun, you have to try and rectify the situation. We love this server (there is no other real alternative, as far as I can see) and want to continue to play and have fun. The only option I see is to leave SF and build a new settlement some place far away, where we can live in peace, hopefully.

    Since both me and Zerragon is diamond VIPs (I'm actually a steel VIP as well, since I donated $25 even before my application was accepted :) ), I hope that the GMs will understand our plight and let us move the protection zone from Snowy Fields to another place. And I am very sorry, Jmesserschmidt, that you had to create 48 subregions for houses and such, just to see it all go away.

  10. Application


    -Minecraft Account Name: Tarannon

    -How old are you?: 31 years of age

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: UTC+01:00/Norway

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I always pride myself in writing at the best of my ability, in whole sentences and seldom use abreviations and NEVER l337-speech.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm a computer geek, gamer and a history buff.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Probably 10-12 hours on normal weeks.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: Since alpha.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: I am a veteran roleplayer and have played all kinds of roleplaying games since the early nineties. I've played many different kinds of tabletop RPGs (Warhammer, Cyberpunk, Call of Cthulhu and most of all AD&D), been an avid singleplayer RPG fan since Swords and Serpents on NES, and also used too many hours on MMORPGs like Everquest 1 and 2, Anarchy Online, Horizons and Lord of the Rings online.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: From what I've read so far, it would be a dream come through!

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I've played on a norwegian server called hardwork.no. I am leaving it since it isn't a RP server.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?: I understand and wholeheartedly agree to the rules, and have read most of the lore.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Elves, orcs, humans and dwarves.

    -How did you hear about us?: A friend tipped me.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? Tarannon


    -Character Name: Tarannon

    -What is your Race?: Human (but with some elven blood)

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Tarannon

    -Biography: Twentyfour years ago a secret love affair between a young human girl and a half-elven outcast resulted in the birth of a boy with the elven name Tarannon, namely me. My grandfather was a powerful and rich man and a spiteful racist, and didn't approve of her affair. He banished my mother, at the same time as my father mysteriously disappeared.

    The rest of her rather short life, my mother spent travelling the realms in search of her lost love, with her son growing up with no permanent home and a growing sense of rootlessness. She died just a few years ago, and I've continued her search ever since.

    -Character Age: 23

    -Character Appearance: Tall and slender, with long white hair and slightly pointed ears. My elven heritage is difficult to hide.

    -Character Personality: I am considered a silent and thoughtful person, but I am also kindhearted. Many people is surprised of my manner and eloquence when I first decide to make my voice heard.

    -Your ambitions: Finding my father, or discover what happened to him. If my grandfather did something unspeakable to him, I want his actions to be punished by law.

    -Can your character read or write?: Yes.

    -Can your character mine?: At times I've been forced to mine for money.

    -Are you a capable builder? I can build a decent house with good enough protection in the wild.

    -Can you wield a sword?: I can, but I prefer using my bow.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Not at all.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:] I am good with a bow, reading and writing, and surviving in the wilds.

    -A screenshot of your skin: See attachement.

    -Other Information:


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