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Decks of the Black Axe

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Posts posted by Decks of the Black Axe

  1. ooc:

    Accurate information: if your character modifies his behavior based on that info its meta.. aka cheating.

    If you'll notice in my post, my character and ooc thoughts were different...

    Informing me that my reluctance to continue building/playing the game because whatever I do will be for naught is meta and cheating is... childish. I can't help it if my personal motivation is effected by knowledge... I can't change who I am because I'm acting meta in minecraft... Lol.

    My character acts and behaves without knowledge of this, and I'd appreciate it if you refrained from labeling me a cheater without any knowledge of how I role play my character... Thanks.

    EDIT: Sorry for going off topic. Aegis Factions League!

    The Black Axe will begin work on an arena... as soon as I am comfortable that the structure won't mysteriously vanish off the face of the world of Aegis....

  2. Aye, tha Black Axe clan would be more than willin' to crack some of yer big talkin' skulls. Keep me informed of tha progress and I'm sure we will be there in force.

    OOC: Two things. One, I think teams of 5 is a little more doable. At least at the start... we can always get more ambitious.

    Two, like everything in this game at the moment, the prospect of a new world is problematic. I've heard rumors that the new world will begin in as little time as a week and as much as 3 months from now (if anyone has accurate information, please inform me.) I'm having a hard time getting everyone (myself included) motivated to continue work building our fortress at the moment, so while I would love to get to work on an arena (which we already have plans for) I'm not sure if it would even be ready before everything we're building get's wiped out.

    But I do quite enjoy this idea and will be willing to help out in any way.

    Decks of the Black Axe

    Honor & Might

  3. OOC: Ok that's good.

    Sorry, my comments were all mostly directed at the future of the Dwarves, regarding the New Map. It was my understanding that the Dwarves would be entirely underground in the New Map Kingdom.

    I was not referring to the current map, so anything I have said is regarding the long term future of the dwarves, not any present situations.

  4. ((I'm asking out of character because I don't think this is a RP issue, this is more of a sub community issue. I assume that much of the planning and communication about the new world is done OOC.

    I am not advocating for an Elven made district. I don't want the Dwarves to live with the elves. What I was suggesting was a housing area on the outskirts of the above ground Kal'Urguan that would be satisfactory for the Forrest Dwarves. I was also suggesting a way for this to beneficial to the majority of the Dwarves living underground in Kal'Urguan, and could also represent a way for it to fit with King Algrim's opinion of the Forrest Dwarves. Namely, taking advantage of their money by building on your land and also using them as a "meat shield" for incoming attacks.

    If I was to try to do this in character, it wouldn't make any sense, because as a Mountain Dwarf I don't agree with your directive to move the dwarves underground.

    But OOC, I am trying to come up with a solution that fits:

    1. Your character's greed and dislike for non Cave Dwarves.

    2. The forrest dwarves desire to live above ground and in their natural setting.

    3. Keeps the dwarves together and helps make them one economic power, as apposed to losing a portion of the Dwarves to the elves.

    As I said, I think this idea does all three of these things. So, my question is... what is a better solution?

  5. ((And even in character... if youre greedy and don't like them, having them on the outskirts would still allow you to make money selling them the trees, and having them contribute to the economy... Plus you get the added bonus of having them take the first blows of any attacks. Seems like the perfect in character solution as well, no?))

  6. ((Willie, I'm afraid I don't understand your objection to having the forrest dwarves on the outskirts of Kal'Urguan, in their trees. They would still be a part of Kal'Urguan, provide a service to other dwarves, and get to be Forrest dwarves instead of being forced to choose between being short fat elves or cave dwarves. Could you clarify why this is not a good solution for both parties?))

  7. ((the problem is that there are currently forrest dwarves in the lore, and unless those are removed, then you're going to have a subrace of dwarves who will feel more comfortable with the elves than under ground with the dwarves.

    I agree that the nations are too friendly towards each other at all times, and having dwarves living with the elves is not going to help increase tension, likely.

    But there isn't much that can be done about it if Forrest dwarves continue as a subrace. Perhaps the Forrest dwarves could build their own separate tree houses to live in apart from the elves?))

  8. ((personally I don't understand why we have the forest dwarf subrace anyway))

    ((Ya that's true. There is an established Fantasy history of Dwarves as Rangers and such, but never an entire subrace. Mountain and Cave is good, which is kind of like regular dwarves and grey dwarves. I don't think we should have Dwarves living with Elves. It's embarrassing. =)

  9. There's so much about this I don't understand...

    1. Glowstone for sale*

    2. are you a halfling or are you the dark elf/orc thing on your avatar.

    3. why would you advertise that you are a thief on your signature, especially if you are trying to do business.

    4. is the price of glowstone that high now?

    That is all. I'm bored.

  10. Bhorner, if that is in reference to me, then I must let you know that I don't understand what you are saying.


    I don't believe I was complaining or anything other than calm... My in character post was complaining, but everything I've said OOC is that I'm perfectly fine with this new direction that the Dwarves are taking.

    Just putting my two cents out there about how my character and clan will fit into this new direction.

    If it came off as anything other than that, then I'd have to say that was not my intention and that written words often are insufficient in conveying tone.

  11. That's cool. To me, dwarves don't just live underground, they live in mountains. Kal'Domhain has defences and towers above ground, but the primary living, commerce, and day to day activities take place in our hollowed out mountains. I don't know how you would classify that according to the new rules for the dwarves kingdom. If it needs to be rebuilt on a new map, it will have a similar design concept. I would think the RP if you considered us exiles would be fun, so it doesn't matter to me one way or the other. Plus, being an exile fits with the clan's lore, as I was exiled under The Mad King Charles rule anyways.

  12. ((I'm not disowning my race. I'm telling you how my character feels about his own race and that he will not be living underground. If the leadership of Kal'Urguan decides to disown ME for that, that is their choice))

    ((and I don't want to take over this thread with this question, but perhaps direct me to a post or PM me about the no donor plot concept. I'd like to hear who's discussing this and why it is being discussed))

  13. The dwarves of the Black Axe do na confer with the decision to hide in a hole in the ground our entire lives either. We live in the mountains, and tha mountains provide with many resources underground, but we do na dismiss the gifts the mountain gives us above ground either. It is all about moderation, and to stay yer entire life without seeing the stars will make ya greedy, self centered, and narrow minded; which is ta say weak. The Black Axe clan intends to live in the mountains, and be one with the mountain, inside and out. Saviticus, ye are always welcome to visit with us.

    ((I'm perfectly fine with the decision to make the Dwarves underground, but as far as I've seen, the lore of Aegis still includes Cave, Mountain, and Forrest Dwarves... and that only makes sense for the Cave Dwarves. I intend to stay in the mountains, and we will deal with any consequences of "exile" that the main Dwarf community decides upon))

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