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Posts posted by HOORAH69

  1. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:


    -How old are you?:


    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    GMT+10, Australia, Queensland.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Yes, I do. I have read a lot of books which has added greatly to my vocabulary.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    My name is Patrick, I am in year 12 wishing to progress to study Geology in University. I am a first-degree black belt in "Rhee Tae Kwon Do" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhee_Taekwon-Do) I am one of the youngest of that rank in Queensland and Australia. It is my passion in life and through it I have studied and applied self-confidence,discipline and patience.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    I have no life. So expect anywhere from 20+ hours depending on my schoolwork load. I am currently on Holidays and put at least 5 hours a day, on weekends a lot more. Dont judge me ;)

    -How long have you played minecraft?:

    One month since the release of the game publicly.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?:

    Everything, heh. I have been roleplaying since I was 9 on Runescape :lol: I have progressed form a little squirt from using "Slang" and making little stories to becoming well... a big squirt? To writing pages and pages of character backgrounds and tales. I love to get engrossed with detail, both rich and delicate. I like to dance on the border between overly dramatic and plausible (Im a sucker for decent Drama).

    I have played on many games after runescape, my best and most recent was Warcraft 3, playing on "Fantasy Life" I became an in-game moderator with privileges to my services to the game, I have learnt to keep an un-baas and neutral approach to anything and everything, but maintain a strong character perspective.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    A genuine Roleplaying server on Minecraft. Not to much to ask for? :)

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Dangazm- Was an Admin and 3rd in command of the server

    Server was mentioned by Next Gen Tactics and they see my town Bastille which I hand built (No spawning) Pause at 5:14 seconds and you can see the board saying: Mayor: HOORAH69 as proof. This town grew to house 148 people.

    I left this server due to schooling issues, needed to focus in for those A's, I left for 13 days came back and Bastille was destroyed, the server had basically turned to a griefing fest. Nobody gets on anymore and has crumbled.

    Not to make this app massiv eill just add one more of my more recent servers.

    Kingdom of Aenois, I was the "Bandit Lord" And held a mod position, I wrote the majority of the lore that can be found there with aid form the players and. However I did quit about 2 weeks ago due to my friend needing help setting up his RP server, Lands of Charybdis, which I did help him with. I came back and my once proud faction of the Bandits was destroyed by enemies. My second in command that I left in charge was bought out and opened the gates to the Dwarves ending the Bandit faction. Taking my leave I hope to find a new sever to start fresh on. Aeonis was becoming to unbalanced, they had about 5 individuals whom have all the power, and the players dont get any views. Their admin team refused to listen to me. /Angryface

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    But of course.

    -Name the 4 races on this server:

    Humans, Dwarves, Elves and Orkies.

    -How did you hear about us?:

    Patrolling the MCForums being ever alert as I always am for a fresh RP server to spread my power across.... I mean play in :)

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    -Character Name:

    Vectus Valian (Vale-ee-an)

    -What is your Race?:



    "Depravity is plaguing these woods we call home. They stalk the night with murderous intentions! They follow our men into the wood, into our OWN WOODS! And what do you do sir! What do you do! You sit with your councilmen and talk about a peace treaty?" Shouted the figure in the center of a hollowed out tree before the council of Elmlor. The figure spat on the ground in insult and rage "You have condemned our race to death if you do not strike now! You have condemned us!" The figure whom seemed ot be the leader sat up from his chair and drew a long silver blade from a sheathe in his belt and walked to the figure slowly and with determination. "You think I have condemned our race? You think I have done nothing of this.... plague? What do you know! What do you do! Complain to us?" The leader in a rampage gripped his sword harder until his knuckles went whiter than normal. The figure in the middle opened his mouth to speak but the whooshing sound of the mithril blade silenced him, a tinkle of blood drooped form his neck as the Elf collapsed onto the floor, a puddle of blood forming around him. The Elf Leader turned to the council and said to them in a calm but booming voice "I am Vectires, the High Prince of Elmlorian Elves. And I besiege you councilmen, this man is right. The time for war is now. The time for action is now. The time for cowardliness is gone, do you join me and offer me your blades?" Vectires turned to spin around his fellow councilmen smiling at their nodding faces. "Then my friends. The Elves are going to war." As the High Prince walked past the corpse he kicked it and shook his head "Teach his friends to spit at us."

    Several weeks later....

    Vectires lay on the grasslands his blood gushing out his neck where an arrow pierced his jugular vein. He clenched the scruff of his only son Vectus and drew him into him, he opened his mouth to speak to him spitting and coughing blood onto his sons face, "Vectus, you must leave these lands. Take all you can find and leave, sail to the lands to the West.... And once there you must.... you... mu.." And with a final cough the High Prince drifted into sleep. Vectus glanced up, he knew in his mind that with the Commanders dead the troops were staring at him with blank expressions. "S....Sir?" Vectus flung his eyes to the soldier and stood up clenching his sword tighter, "You heard him. We must leave now, carry only what you need, the Orks will be coming for a fifth flank any minute now, we must retreat whilst we still can." Vectus turned to his troops whom still stood frozen "NOW!" Spat Vectus in frustration. He looked to the sky and shook his head, he started too mount a nearby horse and set off into the horizon, towards the Port docks of Valfor, he rode into the distance with his twenty remaining men with him, in the background the chorus of well over four-thousand orks boomed against the silence. A single tear fell down Vectus's eye as he rode without looking back....

    OOC: I purposely left out the gap between the weeks as to what happened, I like to explain things in game. And this makes for a good story to tell, so I will fill in the missing pieces in-game. To keep you all guessing.

    -Character Age:

    Hmmmm. An appropriate age for Elves and other fantastical races are hard, I am going for the "20's" For the elves, so ill say 103.

    -Character Appearance:

    High cheekbones, thin and tall. Steryo-typical Elf ears with red eyes form an incident that I will explain in-game to whomever asks. (I like to have some stories to tell in-game). Seen wearing a green cloak covering his assortment of "Goodies" on his body. a black cloak drenched with green symbols and runes. All that can be seen of his skin is his black hair and his face, which is partially hidden with a cloth.

    -Character Personality:

    Happy-go-happy member of the faction whom wishes to look on the brighter side of things. But being ever alert, and easily switching to a darker side of himself when he or his friends are threatened. He has a never-ending patience with all races, and only wishes to server the High Prince.

    -Your ambitions:

    To establish myself across not only the Elves but the entire land as a loyal and valuable member. I also plan to hope to ascend to the ranks of Prince, and possible High Prince, I am a leader you see, and leading is what I do. If that fails I hope to become some sort of scout or "Ranger" to the Elves.

    -Can your character read or write?: Both, intelligence is a trait Vectus holds in high regard.

    -Can your character mine?: Adequately, enough to get the occasional iron out of the earth.

    -Are you a capable builder?: Very, I follow the theme set to me.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes, and plan to be very proficient with it.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Not really. I am not a farmer, heh. :P

    -Does your character have any special skills?:

    Experience. A skill which is the spice of life, through various campaigns and conflicts he has gotten a better understanding of the bow and sword, aswell as being ever alert to his surroundings, nothing unique or special stands out.

    -A screenshot of your skin:


    http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/685/skinw.jpg/ (Link to picture in case it doesnt show up here. As my computer is bugging out, and I cant check if it uploaded here correctly)

    Plan to make a new one for myself, but for now that shall suffice.

    -Other Information:

    I will strive my best to work for this server in aiding it. Nothing else has to be said.

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