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Posts posted by Golden_Richards

  1. Hello again Friends,

    the Golden Harvest is expanding it's retail operation into products previously only sold en bulk as part of private contracts.

    our Alk'Hazar branch has just been loaded with the following.

    Feather: 800

    Leather: 400

    Wool: 1000's

    Get in quick!

    -Golden Richards

  2. The fact that you must pay to get in is affecting my guild joining

    The fees are more than manageable. A team of people farming monsters for 30 mins can put it together.

    Archmage, your idea sounds great. Would be a hell of a job to build the field though.

  3. even though I don't have a faction so I probably won't be doing this, what about us GMTers? Staying up past midnight on a Sunday just isn't realistic, because I am guessing people lives will get in the way.

    That's a good point. I suppose we could do it 12am GMT Saturday instead. still not ideal but at least it's still the weekend for you

  4. etc

    This includes any faction not specifically listed. I want to hear from everyone.

    Most of my workers live in different time zones

    Likewise, but 12am GMT(midnight) Sunday is pretty friendly. it's about 10-11am on Sunday morning for most of Australia and sometime on Saturday night for the USA i think...

    the rest fall in between i suppose.

  5. Thanks for your support decks.

    I understand large projects are a challenge this late in the game. I'm very lucky that my people are very motivated. I listed the option of other people hosting games because I'd like to share the revenue that might be generated by this idea, but if no one else can get an arena built then the golden harvest will have no problem hosting each week. Our facility is being purpose built for it.

    In terms of team sizes, 7 people dont need to play in every tournament. Games might be 3v3 to 5v5... But having spares on hand makes sense.

    Keep the ideas coming.

  6. (OOC: Just to let you know, we outnumber three of those guilds/nations you mentioned, wont speak of who, but collecting three of those guilds that you listed's population of active members and we outnumber them ;) )

    ... cool story bro?

    How about instead of using this as an opportunity to big note yourself, you contribute something constructive. I'm sure you're very big and important within whatever group you are part of, but I'm only interested in whether you have 7 reliable people willing to form a team and join the league.

    I won't be impressed until your team takes top spot on the Aegis Faction League ladder :)

    Oh and I would have team captains control lava flows over the fields via pistons because fire is fun.

    Ambitious, but a very cool idea. get to work! :)

  7. C'mon, I want to hear from:

    Oren Guard, Orc bosses, Alras military (if they've been formed yet), FoA, White Ravens, Black Axe, Blackpaw etc.

    Tell me what you think, and how the idea might be improved. If any GM's want to volunteer as referee for matches that would be rad too.

  8. ((please forgive me, i'll be bouncing back and forth between OOC and RP a bunch here I imagine))

    Hello again friends,

    I've seen many things since beginning the Golden Harvest. I've seen my own organisation grow from selling my wares on the side of the kings road to people passing me by, to Being in charge of an empire with close to 30 people working under me... But one thing I haven't seen, is pretty much anything to do with any other faction.

    I think that as faction leaders it is easy for us to get so involved in growing and developing our own people, that we all too often forget to go out and interact with other groups. There are of course squabbles and skirmishes that happen from time to time, but there is precious little inter-faction interaction (fun to say out loud) and I think it's time for us to change this.

    The Golden Harvest is starting the Aegis Factions League

    OOC: I have been working on developing some rich RP groundwork with a 'nemesis faction' recently, but I want something we can all get on board with.

    So here's my idea. We need an excuse for all these factions to get together on the reg. Wars are fun but they're large and messy and consistently coming up with excuses to go to war is difficult to do smoothly. SO, instead of war I suggest a sort of War Games league.

    This thread should be used to brainstorm ideas about what exact form the final league will take, but the following is my list of initial thoughts.

    Entry Requirements:

    To enter a team you must be the leader of an established faction, and be at least a gold level donator.

    Must be able to enter a team of 7 people (may change)

    Must pay a registration fee of 2000mina

    Must be able to attend each Aegis Factions League Tournament.

    Must have a uniform for all members of their team to wear.

    Here's how it works:

    Step1: anybody who enters a team and has access to enough land needs to get to work on building an Arena / Stadium large enough to host War Games with 10 - 14 people on the 'field' at any given time. (The Golden Harvest's arena begins construction this week).

    We work out the rules for a series of different War Games (will list initial examples below). Each week at 12am GMT on Sunday (seems to be the most accessible time for all time zones) we meet and compete in a tournament. Any team that has a "Home Stadium" will be eligible to host a league tournament at their home ground (we'll set a roster for who will host on what week and cycle through it).

    Whoever is hosting the tournament gets to decide what game gets played that week. The host also receives a commission on team entry fees for that week, and all revenue from ticket sales (and whatever stores they set up in their stadium).

    at the beginning of the week teams register for that weeks match. They pay 5,500 mina (if it sounds like a lot, a team of 7 should have no issue farming that much from monsters in a day) to that weeks host. 5000 going toward the prize money for that week, and 500 being the hosting commission. eg, if 6 teams enter, winning team owner takes 20,000. 2nd place takes 10,000 and the host takes 3000 as his commission.

    Whoever is hosting that week will also need to make it known what game is being played and any rules that go with it so that the other teams may practice.

    That weeks host will also want to be promoting the games for that week and selling tickets to the tourney. Host can do this any way they like, or charge nothing if they want, but I would recommend selling tickets (written in books) for around 100mina each, and have someone 'at the door' collecting tickets and granting entry to the stadium on the day.

    Teams are paired up into a knockout or round-robin table and that table determines the day's proceedings.


    The only limit to this is your imagination. the only rule I want to have here is that putting 2 teams in the arena and having them spam click on each other until 1 team is left, is not acceptable or entertaining to watch.

    Apart from that anything goes. you might set up a 'gauntlet' in your arena and set points for how far each team member gets, or run it by time trial. You might have a game of Bow'n'Arrow skirmish where you set up a field of obstacles and when someone gets an arrow stuck in them they are out, last team with a person in wins... or you might like it to be to the death.

    I personally want to host a game of "Naval Battle" where 2 teams get into boats and have to knock the other team out of their boats, or maybe shoot them with arrows... last team with a person in a boat wins.

    The only real guideline here is that it should be simple to explain.

    I hope you like my idea Aegis. Lets get this conversation moving.

    -Golden Richards

  9. Is the sale guaranteed to be made after one week

    Providing that the reserve price (private) I have in mind is met, then yes. If I do not get as much as I think it is worth, I will keep it and turn it into a bar.


    you never have to apologise for a well placed "over nine thousand" quote.

    Please keep bids to a minimum increase of 1,000. Sorry, I forgot to mention that in the OP

  10. Hello again Friends,

    Going on sale today is what has been my most profitable location in all of Aegis. We have invested in a new plot for our Alk'Hazar branch, and rather than having 2 shops so close together we have decided to sell.

    This large store can be modified to whatever style you like, you can keep it as a shop, or knock down the wall to the Stock Room and turn it into an open air tavern perhaps. The possibilities are endless. It is right near the King's Cross area.

    I couldn't possibly tell you exactly how many Mina this store has made me since opening, but it certainly would not be less than 100,000.

    Shop is on sale for 1 week. Going to the highest bidder.

    Good Luck!

    -Golden Richards


  11. I'll add the stock to the Wholesale Supply Office at my HQ when I get home this evening (about 3.5 hours time.)

    You can stop past whenever suits you after that. Present yourself to any of my staff that are on site and they'll show you where you need to go.

    (I have an auto store set up on my property specifically for private contracts.)

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