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Posts posted by Grayslayer

  1. The problem I found when in the wardens was that all the leaders got on at one time. They never elected someone from other time zones to control the people in other time zones. as well as the lower ranks are not allowed to do much without an officer so even if they find a problem they may not be allowed to deal with it.

  2. If any of you read the signs that are up you will see that most of our leaders are at school and aren't on as much as before. that is why it is hard to find them as well as timezones as we are all from different timezones. That is one thing I would like to address at this upcoming meeting is haveing leaders from a few varied timzones so we run into this problem less.


  3. What about if we had a really big mother tree. I mean massive and it is hollow on the in side with lots of layers and on each layer something differn't like some would be housing or markets etc. then you could buildings on the tree branches and so on. as well as then having the smaller tree houses in like a circle around the mother tree.

    PS: what about those who have already bought a houses as a recently spent 10000 minas which took a lot of time to kill enough monsters.


  4. The Wardens are actually in great numbers and we are still growing and a guess we have about between 25-30 Wardens and initiates. some reasons that you may not have seen us is that our leaders are still very busy since we moved bases and have not been able to give us duties though some of us do some. As well as OOC: ((timezones I have to be on about 3am and later to be on when the majority of the wardens and our leaders are on so it may just be timezone problems)). Also there are some problems because of plugins before we could type a password and get to guard places with the new locking plugin we have to have names on signs. And that dosent work so well the front gate is locked by native so no wardens can get in without native there to open it to do gate dutie and when it is accdently left open we have people close it them selves. I have had the problem when a citizen locked me inside the gate and ran off so there are some complications. but the fact that you haven't seen us is that with moving base we are gathering resourses for our base and this takes up a lot of time but if you wont to see us more I am sure our senior officers would be glad if you donated resourses. Once we have gotten ready then hopfully you will see more of us around and I am sorry for any problems that this cuases. also as a side note doing guard duty isn't the most funnist thing in the world and I have done several IRL hours of it. also we dont get payed any fighting or guarding is voulantered work and while most people say thanks it isn't nice when you have people complain when they have to talk to a guard to get entry and others that say we dont do enough work. I hope this has been helpfull in letting you know why we arent around.


  5. Minecraft Name: vegan166

    Real Age: 13

    How long have you played Minecraft: bout a year now

    Character Info: Torak came into aegis as a dwarf, yet now he is an elf! He just couldn't resist the kind and peaceful elves that live in beautiful trees. over the days the forest changed his appearance, giving him pointed ears, making him taller and it also changed his ways. Over the years, Torak has stayed at his Inn being peaceful, and gathering some money. Yet things changed a lot since the undead have arrived in Aegis. He knows that it's only days now that the undead will try to take over most of Aegis and Torak wants to help defend Aegis, and most of all, Malinor.

    RP Name: Torak

    Character Age: 40s, I guess

    Length of time in Aegis: if that means the time I've played this server, then from the very first day

    Do you have a home within Malinor: I have an Inn on the path to ravenhold, and probably gonna buy a house in ravenhold

    Can a Member of the Elven Council for your purity and dedication to the forest: The high prince happens to be a friend of mine I bet if anyone asked him he would say I'm trustworthy.

    Sword and Bow skill level: Bow, think like 201 or 200, swords, 70 or 71

    Any other Skills of note: not really, I have an axe level of like 13 i think if axes are ever needed.

    Please accept me I really want to join this

    Sentinels do not exist no more Apply on the Wardens forums now

  6. Minecraft Name:Grayslayer

    RP Name:Turin

    Sword skill level:20

    Archery skill level:300

    Why do you want to join? Because Turin's ambiton is to help protect the people that took him in and helped him.

    PS I already posted here but it disaperaed dont know why but just in case I posted again.

  7. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name:Grayslayer

    How old are you?:18

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:+10 Australia

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Yes I do but I do slip up.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I am a kind person and very helpfull. Sometimes I can be very quiet and seem like I dont contribut but when I do have ideas I make sure they are heard.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:In a week maby 5 hours or more depending on what I have to do.

    How long have you played minecraft?:I think about a year now.

    What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:I now a lot about RP because I love RP games. I have RP since I started playing games and even as a kid. I have played a veriety of RP games and Read books because I find it really fun.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:I am hopeing that it is as good as the discription says it is. But I hope I will get to see for myself.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:I have played on a few other RP servers as well as some RP theme Building servers such as Minecraft middle earth.I am on some of them still but some I left because they wheren't what they clamied to be.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:Yes I have read through the rules and lore and I agree with them.

    Name the 4 races on this server.Elves, Humans, Dwarfes and Orcs.

    How did you hear about us?:I was told by one of the people that play on this server called Zevandir.

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?Grayslayer


    Character Name:Turin Aldaelon

    What is your Race?:Elven

    Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:Grayslayer

    Biography:As a young child Turin was seperated from his parents when a war broke out. He and his family had been fleeing when he had been hit and fallen uncounis. His family only relised when it was to late to go back for him. He was left there and never heard form again. When he had awoken he had found that a pack of wolves had taken him in as one of the mothers had lost her cubs resantly she had seen him and taken him with her. The wolf pack become his family they feed him and showed him how to hunt and survive in the wild. As he grew stronger he was able to protect his Pack from huntes trying to kill them. he also traveled further he wasn't very educated though and almost thought he was a wolf. He was scouting when a traveling gruop of elves found him and convinced him to follow them with his pack. He did and over time he learnt more and more always staying with his wolf pack though when after several months of travelling they came to the Holy Pricedom of Malinor Land of the elves. He had never seen such bueaty untill his eyes fell on it. He was entranced by it and it's glory and truly felt for the first time at a Place he could calle home. The Travelling group made there farwells and left him there to start his life.

    Character Age:20

    Character Appearance:He has long blonde flowing hair blue eyes abd fair skin. He is mostly always clad in his green cloak and top he wars a light blue shirt under neath. He has a black wrist bands with gold buttons and gray pants and black boots. he also wears a silver head band encrusted with a single blue gem that is all he has left of his parents.

    Character Personality:His is very kind as he has had many people be kind and genouros to him. He is also very stong and Determined and never gives up. All ways full of hopr rven in the darkest hours he well strive to reach his goal.

    Your ambitions:His one true ambition is to find his family or what became of them. And also to protect his home and friends no matter what.

    Can your character read or write?:Yes

    Can your character mine?:No he has never gone down to far beath the earth.

    Are you a capable builder?He can build structers to survive in but they never look the best.

    Can you wield a sword?:Yes as one of the things he can do he is very good with weapons.

    Enjoy Farming?:He enjoys farming and connecting with the earth and seeinf things grow.

    Does your character have any special skills?:Not really but growing up with wolfes his sences have been hightend

    A screenshot of your skin:


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