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Mini Mordie - Mafia

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Posts posted by Mini Mordie - Mafia

  1. Kaydovee_ is a seasoned roleplayer. One that roleplays right, and knows how to display maturity on the server. I'm positive my babe (Kaydovee_) can hold the responsibility of denying countless applicants who just want to roleplay as the Lord of Pimps, or had their parents killed by orcs. Then accepting the nerds who spent a week writing drafts of their Minecraft server application. 


    It's also his birthday, so, c'mon.. Give a homie a shot.

  2. Mordie steps up onto an empty crate to better heighten himself, and throws up his hand. "I want 'er! I shall offer ye' a handful o' pocket lint and'a crumpled up piece o' paper wiff a picture of male genitalia I drew on it!" He waves his little hand frantically around to beckon the slaver's attention, believing his deal is one that the slaver cannot miss out on.

  3. Mordie balances his small body on the toes of his over-sized work boots. He wraps his arm around Ford's arm, trying to assist him in staying balanced. He lets out a childish giggle. Looking up at Lorin. He nods enthusiastically, "Uh-huh! 'Tis 'ere is Ford!" Gestures to Ford with left hand. His right arm still hooked with Ford's.

  4. Mordecai Chivay pokes his head out from the Sarkozy tavern, looking to Lorin angrily fling rocks into the water. He inches outside and stands next to Ford, holding a puzzled expression. "Wot.. uhm.. wot she doin'?" He speaks to Ford, keeping his large purple eyes fixed on Lorin. 




    He watches Lorin approach Ford and him. His mouth curling up into a large grin as he begins to make out who the woman is. "Aha! Lorin! 'Tis me cuzzy!"

  5. Why can't this "Badlands" area work a lot like how the King's Road did in Aegis. The bandits just chose to wait on the road for unsuspecting civilians. I remember being absolutely terrified of King's Road back then, and it wasn't even made for the reasoning of being mugged. 

  6. n3CDW.png

    Within the depths of the White Rose keep, known as Krak du Rhoswen, a young child scrounges through his arbitrary selection of tools and gadgets. The child is no more than 14, and is dressed head-to-toe in purple clothing. A large grin is stretched across his small face, and his green-lensed goggles cover his purple eyes. He quickly spins away from his box of miscellaneous objects to a pile of metal and wood that resembles a man vaguely. Mordecai speaks with his innocent high pitched voice:

    "G'd news, me loyal engineer buddy!" He pulls up his goggles, letting them snap onto his forehead. "I've got an amazin' idea! Yer gonna like this, so.. remember when I nearly cut off th' finger next t' me middle finger. Not th' pointin' finger, th' other one.. What is tha' finger even called anyways? ... Eh, I 'unno.. Well anyways! I was thinkin', and I thought: What if I made'a artificial finger? Cut off th' useless one (who's name escapes me mind anyways), an' make one tha' can 'ave interchangeable tips! Like'a screwdriver on me finger?"

    A iron frying pan from the pile of scrap falls out of place. The entire pile collapses, and no longer resembles a being. Mordecai grumbles.

    "Errgh.. I know, it's a terrible idea.. I'm losin' me grip. Can't figure out what t' do.. An' Hadrien is up there buildin' god knows what. Gah! Tha' son'of'a b*tch! Thinkin' jus' 'cuz he's older means tha' 'e's smarter. DOWN WIFF DAH ADULTS!"

    Tanith's Elven ears perk up at the sound of Mordecai screaming again. She calls down to him, "Keep it down Mister Mordecai!"

    "Oh! Sorreh! It won't 'appen again!" Mordecai repeats what he last said in a more hushed tone, "Down wiff th' adults!"

    ((MUAHAHA! I named it something completely out of place and overly-dramatic. I'm so damn evil. :3))

  7. Count Merek Geminine and Baron Aleistor Geminine kneels before the Emperor

    Aleistor Geminine speaks: You're majesty, I am sorry to bother you with war on the horizon, but I fear if I do not address it will be to late to reverse. It has recently come to my attention that a prison being built outside my settlement of Simonia. Worse yet this prison will consist only of tents and arenas. Not only will this prison block our route back to Ildon and the rest of the Kingdom, it will the threaten the safety of my citizens and family. Even if we had a way to pass by, which the Imperial Justicar claimed he would try to prevent, we would still see no travel or trade with the threat of escaped prisoners on the horizon.

    Merek Geminine nods, then begins to speak: "Indeed, we've had some issues with Ser Lion. He said he would "tax the **** out of us". That is word for word what he said to our guard Malen, and young Kathryn Geminine when they tried to pass through the desert from Ildon. Ser Lion also threatened to kill Malen and Kathryn. Aiming a long ranged weapon at the two."

    Aleistor Geminine says "I fear for my family's safety."

    Merek Geminine continues "Yes, of course, but we still respect your needs for a prison. We were hoping we could compromise. Settle an agreement between Simonia and the prison, or perhaps have it moved to a suitable location that will suffice both parties' needs."

    Merek and Aleistor await the Emperor's response.

    (After approval by them: We have the support of both the Chivays and their White Roses and Artorus Elendil in this matter as they both feel they will be affected negatively by this prison)

  8. ((OOC Section))

    MC Name - JoeqMafia

    Do you have a VA? If so, give a link. - No Villain Application

    Skill Levels (Stats, do not show if it is 0) -

    Swords - 100

    Lumberjack - 100

    Blacksmithing - 70

    Sneaking - 5

    (Answer as if you were placed into this situation.)

    - A man is walking down a street in fine silks and exotic velvet, running up to him you see two goblins and a orc about to corner him in a dark alley by the tavern. You hear a yelp and rush in to find him dead, the three running down the alley.

    Charlie Geminine's strong-headed and naive mind would get the best of him. He would chase the group, but stay hidden. Charlie, after some time, would eventually decide on informing a higher ranked Gladiant. Telling him everything he witnessed or saw.

    IC Section

    What is your name? - Charles Geminine

    Why do you wish to join the Hightowers? - to help tha peepel of Solace. i wunt to try an make a diference an contribewt to th city an its peepel.

    What skills do you offer to aid Solace? - i am a craftor. I am allso handie with a ax. I can weeld a blayd.

    If anyone had convinced you to join, whom was it? - no one. i came to th guards meself.

    Have you ever lived in Solace before this time? - no. i hav not.

    ((Charlie can barely read or write. Mind the sloppy and incompetent English up there, but it's for the full immersion! :D))

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