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Posts posted by awesomerer

  1. haha barin didnt do anything he said he did

    he didnt do any of the reconstruction like he said he did it was almost all sandonthefloor

    and why should a thief get a tomb. you give somebody a tomb to honor them and i dont feel like a thief should be buried next to kings

  2. i didnt mean you pilchar but you will not be getting permissions back anyway since youre switching races

    the army will definately be getting its permissions back and as for the jail there isnt really anything we can do with the levers. as soon as vaq implements the jailing system we will be sure that certain guards can jail people

    i think it would be a bad idea to give all guards the ability to jail though. it could get very easily abused

  3. all ooc

    the king reset all permissions for kal'urguan because too many people had them and didnt need them

    as for jailing people im not sure if you mean you cant attack people or not. if that is what you mean then im sorry to tell you that the guards, nor anybody else, will get that permission. its impossible to turn pvp on for certain people. so if we turned it on people would be killed in their homes and it would be chaos.

    hopefully vaq will implement the jailing system soon then we can properly jail people

  4. why does the army need permissions to the whole city

    theres no need for them to build anywhere

    and if its about killing people in the city it wouldnt matter

    even with permissions they couldnt do anything to them either pvp is on or off

  5. I kno' alot uv' us Dwarves want to 'ave taxes on homes and businesses, so I've decided finally create one. The system would work around a single High Tax Collector. This Dwarf would be in charge uv' making sure all taxes ar' paid to the kingdom(( all the minas would have to be sent to the king due to the fact that you cant have an actual banking account)). To do this i suggest that the High Tax Collector hire other collectors to collect from certain areas of the city, maybe even certain types of taxes (ex. shops, housing, or guilds). Uv' course all the tax collectors would be paid depending on if all the money was given to the Kingdom.

    The rest of this is all out of character

    I know that is is hard to always get the money in on time, so if we implement the tax system we will have some room for people to be late on taxes. punishment for missing taxes will all depend on how kind the tax collector's character is (although if the punishment is too outrageous we will stop it and replace the collector). If it is implemented we will make sure that homes and businesses will not be taken away the first times missing taxes, but after a while we will have no choice but to evict the owner.

    Now i dont want to make taxes outragious but i want to be able to use the taxes as a way for the kingdom to profit. If the taxes are too cheap we will not be able to pay the tax collectors and gain income for the city. the prices will have to be discussed by the high council and the tax collector will also have to be decided.

    if anybody has any questions about this or any comments please feel free to chare what you feel. im sure that this will be succesful and will add alot to the economy of Kal'Urguan

  6. IGN: awesomerer

    RP: Xavier

    Position: Lord Baron

    Small Bio: My name is Xavier, i'm a cave dwarf who owns a shop in outer Kal'Urguan. I'm very good at building amazing buildings and making things look nice in general. I've helped build much of the housing in all of Kal'Urguan, and most of the shops and marketplace. I've never actually held a position of power in Kal'Urguan but i strive to become part of the government. its my dream to make the city of Kal'Urguan the most recognizable and most powerful nation in aegis

    Reason: I feel I can help the kingdom thrive and become the most powerful nation in all of aegis. Ill help organize the city and help out all our citizens as much as possible.

  7. i think its a perfect size group to give it some mystery

    not everybody can be ascended i think thats dumb and i think its dumb for there to be like challenges that you have to face to become ascended. as for the city, i dont know where it is and im not sure if anybody else does youd have to ask one of them.

  8. i havent seen any screenshots of it so i figured id give everyone a treat

    some shots of the undead city:]

    i wont be posting cords because alot of you already know where it is and it also ruins the fun of having to find it


    back of what looks like a church


    side view of the city


    a house made nearby. made by the first person to find the city, an ascended.

  9. Application


    -Minecraft Account Name:awesomerer

    -How old are you?:16

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT-05:00 united states

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:im a good gamer. i learn things really easily. i work well in groups to get things done.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: probably between 12 and 18 hours a week depending on what im doing that day

    -How long have you played minecraft?: ive been playing for months but i just started really getting into it in the past 4 months

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:i know its fun :]. ive been doing it for a couple years on different

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:a fun place to have an adventure and mett some in game friends

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:no big servers. just my friends servers

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:yes yes yes and yes

    -Name the 4 races on this server. Orcs, Elves, Humans and Dwarves

    -How did you hear about us?: potatoorgys videos

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name? awesomerer


    -Character Name: Xavier

    -What is your Race?: dwarf

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: awesomerer

    -Biography:Xavier started off ,at a young age, mining with his father back in his home town. All Xavier had for a family was his father so they were extremely close. but one day while working in the mine some sort of monster exploded and collapsed the mine where his father was working. Xavier couldnt deal living at home without his father so he set off for a new village and some new people.

    -Character Age:19

    -Character Appearance:average height, very muscular for a young man, has alot of facial hair for one too always carried an extra pick axe with him for some quick mining

    -Character Personality:very friendly and helpful. always willing to lend a hand when possible

    -Your ambitions: to become an important member of the server

    -Can your character read or write?: yes

    -Can your character mine?: yes very well

    -Are you a capable builder? somewhat

    -Can you wield a sword?: yes

    -Enjoy Farming?: not very much but he can make do

    -Does your character have any special skills?: not really ]

    -A screenshot of your skin: http://tinypic.com/r/ifr4sj/7

    -Other Information:i like big builds and working with others. hope i get accepted

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