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Posts posted by Archmage_Cataris

  1. 2 hours ago, Lirinya said:

    hi cataris how do


    I do good. Nice to see you're still around. I have mostly stuck to forum RP these last 10 years but I enjoy coming back here to see the progress and what's changing

  2. 8 minutes ago, z3m0s said:

    Fascinating, I appreciate you sharing! I don't believe the wiki even states how your fall to the dark came about, only that it happened after a disagreement with the guild, making Cataris look like far more of a bad guy than it seems in reality he was. These little intricacies always fascinate me about stories before my time, there's always so much more nuance than is written for the history books. I appreciate you sharing very much and wish you all the best. The offer to welcome your return is always open!

    From memory his turning was a result of corruption by the Undead and Iblees during resurrection and no true intention of evil on Cataris' part while he was mortal. Although once he was corrupted any vestiges of good was utterly and completely gone.

    I've been reading up on bits here and there and I've found several discrepancies about Aegis history which makes it very fun in my opinion. Something about history being retold without any real primary source and the original stories are muddied and lost to time. Such an example is I found a post where someone refers to Cataris as being Ascended, or that he was a part of some sect that he had never actually been in.

    Another bit of history I remembered. Cataris had tracked Ambrose to a halfling village, where the halflings actually turned on Ambrose and joined Cataris' side. It was a very odd event but hilarious too that the halflings sided with the walking skeleton over the benevolent magician.

    I think I'll give a crack at returning, but who and how I have to think of

  3. 5 minutes ago, Ibn Khaldun said:


    Is it Geoboy66 or Tehlulu by chance?


    Speaking of Sci-Fi RP, you might like this olden-golden browser based Space MMO Pardus. A few of us play on Artemis universe and its been fun breaking up the monotony of remote work for me personally.

    I can't actually recall their MC name, I'll have to ask. We've been friends for so long and haven't played MC for so long that I only know them by their real name and can't remember their handle at all haha

  4. 10 minutes ago, Ibn Khaldun said:

    Well I'll be damned, another boomer emerges! How are you Cataris? This is gaiusmarius8.

    Good to see you're still around. I was actually just reading some of your older posts over the years, didn't realise you were Gaius though hah

    I've been good, I still do a lot of RP but it's mostly forum-based and all sci-fi. I haven't really delved back into fantasy or MCRP but another LOTC writer from way back who I still talk too daily is coming back to have a look around and figured maybe I might join him and create a character.

  5. 30 minutes ago, z3m0s said:

    Good to see you return! As a now long running leader of The Mages Guild, I thought I recognized your name! The history books (AKA the wiki) only usually tell one side of the story. I'd love to hear more about your original days in the guild, alongside the Cataris Treachery! Alongside any golden days of powerful magical events or creations that stick in your mind!

    P.S You're always welcome back if you ever wanna RP again, would be good to have another Aussie around.

    It has been so long that my memory of my time in the Mages Guild is faint. Cataris spent a lot of his time far from the guild tower and in the deep north operating against the Undead and at one point leading an army to fight them (There's actually a video of this on youtube I once found). He also spent some time with the Ascended near the Dwarf kingdom of Urguan(?), I can't quite recall the exact name.

    I do remember in the later days when Cataris' close friend was secretly working with the Undead and had convinced Cataris to allow him into the Mages Guild tower, which was forbidden for anyone but a member of the guild. Cataris did so and was betrayed by this friend. From memory it was this sneaking into the tower that caused Cataris to lose the favour of the guild and was thrown out. 

    It was shortly after that Cataris was murdered and then resurrected by the Undead as the first Lich. Unless things had changed he was the only Undead to survive the collapse of Aegis and make it to Asulon where he spent a lot of time in hiding or hunting down other magicians out of spite for his dismissal in the guild. He eventually died lonely, miserable and with an insignificant death to a lesser magician skilled in illusion magic.


    Edit: A memorable event was some players had created a cult and approached Cataris, worshipping him as the last living power of Iblees' magic left on Asulon. They eventually resurrected a giant and Cataris and this cult attacked an elven city with it


  6. Hi,

    I joined July 13, 2011, I have not played since around December 2012.

    I made a lot of great friends and I occasionally return to see what people are up too, what's changed or answer DM's that have attracted dust and cobwebs. There's a number of players I still talk too and write with today, and have even met some in person who have flown from the US to Australia. I may not have stayed on LOTC but the impact LOTC had has stayed with me.

    I wrote Cataris and later on Asulon I wrote Lysle Rigger of the Thieves Guild.

    I figured while I am logged in for my roughly annual check-in I would toss this in here if anyone wanted to chat or ask questions.

  7. https://youtu.be/PeFaWKvc_Vo?t=114

    Is that a swastika on the windshield?


    I know I know, cool video dude, am sure you had a great time.

    It is indeed. It is a symbol mostly associated with Hinduism, but is also associated with a few other religions. It just means 'good fortunes'



    Great video Luke, you already told me about the things you were going to be doing, but still amazing to see the actual footage.

    Thanks man

  8. Why did you choose Laos to set something up?

    There's a small town called Vang Vieng. It's nice and quiet during the summer (because tourists are wimps and it's too 'hot' for them), but it's a massive party central during the winter, when it's only mildly hot. It's surrounded by a beautiful range of mountains that look like they're straight out of Jurassic Park, and it's just perfect prime land. My dad and I split some land that is backed up against a mountain and right beside the river. We are planning on opening a resort there for partying tourists. While I would manage the resort, he will be buying more land in the capital and opening up a restaurant.

    But really, in the end, we just want to live comfortably in paradise, and buying land and starting a business is how we plan on doing so. Though my full-time move to Laos won't happen for 5 more years, until then, I'll be living in Australia while making annual visits to my plot.

    Laos is a beautiful country and the people are so lazy, it's majestic. I saw people in shops sleeping in hammocks. It was beautiful. I only aspire to be so lazy. 

    Edit: The land I bought is in the second video. It's with the rope swing.

  9. I said I was returning, and then I vanished for two months. Such a me thing to do.

    But I had a legitimate reason this time. I was doing this;
    Part One
    Part Two
    Part Three

    I thought I'd share my journey. It was pretty rad. Better yet, it wasn't all just holidaying. I was there on business too. I'm now the owner of an acre of land in Laos. Enjoy the vidyas

  10. Aside from Paul, I have met one other LOTC'er in person.

    It is possible I'll also be meeting Robin soon as he's travelling to Brisbane, Australia, and I'll be catching a plane up to Brisbane to hang out with him for a weekend of drinking.

    Otherwise, I have almost had a meet-up with two other LOTC'ers who lived in Sydney during a convention, but they cancelled last second when I was already there.

  11. I also sorta know GrimReaper98.

    You see, back in the hayday of Halo 3, Grim played Xboxlive under the gamertag 'DJMASTERX' or something similar. He was about 9 at the time, and I was 14. He added me, constantly tried to get me to play games with him. I hated him, I found him incredibly annoying.

    Speed up the clock, playing on Lord of the Craft, meet Grimreaper. We become pretty close friends. Then one day he asks me if I have xbox so we can play live together. "Yeah sure, Lukezo is my gamertag." There was awkward silence. Turns out he was DJMASTERX, and I used to hate his guts, and later unknowingly loved his guts.

  12. If you've had a glance over the Show Yourself thread, you'll see a recent post by me about a camping trip.

    I have a friend named Paul, we both go to University but we don't see each other often. We're the type of friends that we only talk and hangout when we stumble across each other. So I see him about once or twice a year, so we don't talk much but I still consider him a friend.

    Anyway, skip ahead to my camping trip. I'm about 3 hours north, in the mountains, away from where I live. Some friends and I are swimming in the river and I see Paul. Weird coincidence, but it gets weirder. Later that night our two campsites are drinking together, and Paul asks me how my writing is going. I tell him it's good and at the time I was on a Star Wars roleplaying community. He said that he used to do roleplay too on Minecraft. I ask him what server...

    Lord of the Craft.

    I accidentally met a fellow LOTC player IRL.

  13. 8PiuxFN.jpg

    The Magician

    "You too are an exile. You mourn for the broad open steppes where you have room to spread your fey wings. Here you feel stifled and constricted, like an eagle that cries and beats against the bars of its iron cage."

    -Cataris conDoin

    Born as Ricardt conDoin, he is a human male that is sensitive to the void, much alike to his father before him. He is known for his lineage to the near-extinct and former Oren Noble house of conDoin. House conDoin has shared much tragedy. During the Undead incursion of Aegis, many of house conDoin were felled due to their close proximity to the Undead Portal in the far northern reaches of the continent.

    Ricardt is noted as having an aura of calm that emanates from him. His aloof and enigmatic demeanour belie a ruthless nature, but he is not above helping others. His long life has been frequently attributed to his connection to the void, but is truly the product of a half-breed, human and elf. Ricardts location or place of residence is unknown, but he can be seen wandering the land.
    Early Life (Itnan of the Snows Maiden, 1320 > 1346)
    The young bub gazed from his mothers back as she fled, tears falling from her eyes. While she ran south, his head was facing north, yet years later he would never recall this memory for he was far too young. In the distance the child saw a city crumbling, Snowy Fields. A force of great Magicians battled Necromancers from what could only be perceived as a hellish domain. Bolts of tremendous ferocity echoed in the night, yet the screams of the peasants that fled flooded the night all the more with their cries. There the Magician was seen, the one in a brilliant emerald green robe with only a half head of brown hair, the other half was burnt away with burns, his left eyeball lazed and white, blinded. The Magician turned to his opponents as the baby watched, hurtling tremendous boulders at the skeletons, and wrought destruction within their ranks, but as his companions began to lose their ground, one by one the other magicians fell until only two remained, the emerald green robed man and a woman in all black, and at the point of what seemed their death, they vanished. The child remained silent as his mother continued to run, surrounded by a horde of fleeing civilians that made their way south.

    The baby now stood taller, six years had past and he was nearing his 8th birth-date. There was something about him other people didn’t like, his eyes were a deep sewage brown, his hair so dark it bordered on midnight black, his mother always insisted on cutting his hairline perfect all around, giving him a 'bowl cut'. He walked the streets of the capital of Oren, Al'Khazar, but any attempt to play with the other kids his age was met with rejection and hatred. He would make his circuit around the city each day, first he began near the barracks of the military, making a wide skirt to the market district, where the smell of freshly baked good enticed all, then towards the cathedral, people gathered silently within as the Archpriest lead them in their prayer, then towards the keep, a few paces before taking the first step to ascend to the fortress he turned left, down a long winding path past several shops including a fletcher, a tailors shop that always seemed to have shady figures hanging about outside and an odd magical store which contained magically controlled objects from replaceable limbs to triangle steel trinkets that spoke to you. He stopped his running and began to walk, panting heavily as he approached the gates, the guards nodding in his direction, he was always unsure if it was a nod of friendship or suspicion and they’re on to him, everyone was suspicious of him. He walked out the gates and stopped outside the VonSchlitchen Inn, a wealthy merchant and magical researcher owned the place, a jolly man that was always seen behind the counter.

    By the time the young child had left the company of the tavern, of which no one had ever dared start a brawl there, he found himself in the pouring rain, and night was descending upon the bright blue sky. He looked around and gazed upwards, it was staggering for him to see it, the tavern was tremendously tall but that was due to the fact it was built within the side of a cliff, it was five stories high, and at its highest peak was a balcony. He rubbed at his eyes, a droplet of rain splashing him and once more looking up he saw it, someone was leaning over the railing with his back turned, and suddenly he fell back, forcefully pushed, falling twenty metres until his back made contact with the cobblestone. Ricardt was traumatised, shocked and rooted to the ground in fear as he gazed at the corpse with wide eyes, its robes an emerald green, a half head of hair, the left half of his face covered in third degree burns and his left eye white, it felt so familiar, a tremendous overwhelming fear washed over him, he had seen someone die, and somehow, he knew him.

    The young child was in his middle adolescence with a handful of books pressed tight against his chest, he hurried his way through the gate, the guards nodding in his direction and now he knew what it meant, it was a friendly nod, they must have known of his troublesome time with making friends. He slowed down to a walk as he made his way past the tavern, gazing up to the balcony where the man had fallen but now two people stood by the railing, one was a man in a black mask, the other a woman with a red hood and a red bandana hiding the majority of her face but it couldn’t be mistaken, she was an Elf. His gaze remained locked on the two until he had mistakenly walked into a dwarf, releasing his books in fright at the sudden jolt, the leather bound parchment slamming the dwarf atop his skull, resulting in a furious bark of anger from the short legged humanoid. “F-forigve me mister! I hadn’t se-seen you, s-sorry” Ricardt barely managed to state, falling to his knees to pick up his books, the dwarf simply growled and made his way into the tavern. Ricardt picked up his books, sat in the gutter and flicked through the pages, to most they were simply scribblings and drawings but to him it meant more, it was a project he had been working on ever since he was apprenticed by the magician Baldwin, a practitioner that dabbled in mostly ‘lesser’ magic as fellow wielders called it, dealing in household magic from brooms that swept the floor to books that flipped their own pages, and a few defensive spells for measurement. When he gazed back up, the books tightly closed and pressed against his torso, he looked to the railing again, but now a third figure stood with them, the third being the dwarf. He frowned in wonder and mused quietly to himself 'who’re they..?', he picked himself up from the gutter and made his way down the road.

    The door creaked loudly as ever, Baldwins table sat right near the entrance, only enough space between the desk and the door so that they didn’t bump when the door swung open. His books rose high like miniature learning towers stacked atop his table. Ricardt moved and took a chair, gazing around the room, brushes were cleaning dishes as water seemed to splash itself up from the pot and against the plates, many things hovered and worked by themselves. A cup of tea sat across from him, a spoon moved around and around the edge of the cup, spinning the contents within, it seemed to have a mind of its own as it finished stirring it hovered out of the liquid, tapping itself against the edge and then dropping suddenly to the floor. Baldwin stood up from his table, sighing aloud and picking up the spoon, placing it on the table beside the tea. He poked his hairy head through the curtains, frowning deeply at Ricardt, his nose scrunched up, his long grey hair and beard dropped past his beltline. Another head then poked its self out from behind the curtains, rather than the tall 6ft 3” magician, it was a tiny 5ft 1” Monk garbed in the religious robes of Om’echan. A piece of cloth covered his head and only revealed his beady brown eyes, he spoke not a word and then hid himself behind the curtain once more. Ricardt knew not to question the old magician, some believed he was going insane but he was the only teacher Ricardt had. He flipped open the book titled ‘The Basics of Magical Entities by Nitholiak VonSchlitchen’ and lowered his gaze, delving deep into his book.

    He now closed the book, what was once a bright day was now a dark night, an old Baldwin slept on the floor with only a bit of hay between him and the floorboards, this wasn’t the first time he had zoned himself out from time, losing himself among the knowledge contained on the parchment. Baldwin claimed it was a special but also dangerous gift, one that may mean his death if he had enemies and he just so happened to be reading when they wandered in, or simply growing too exhausted from a lack of sleep, causing himself to faint while reading, which to note has happened once before.

    Adulthood (1346 > 1498)

    At the age of twenty-eight, he had yet to finish his project, and sadly in this time Baldwin and Ricardts own mother had passed away. Leaving himself alone and isolated to his studies, it had been eight years since the capital city was taken by a force of Necromancers, and had unleashed some new ‘weapon’ magician on the Sister City. The magician in hand wore a steel mask covering his face, he was a skeleton capable of magic unalike anything Ricardt had seen, truly regarded as a powerful magician. Ricardt lived in a small tavern room he rented each week on the Whispering Isles, his neighbour was a friendly fellow, a one Lysle Rigger, an aspiring tailor and excellent in his skill. On the topic of his neighbour, he had actually fashioned Ricardt his own robes, quite simple but he loved them regardless. Dark black with grey highlights, along with a simple tied brown rope as a belt, of course he would never leave home without his pair of sandals. He was regarded as one of the lesser magicians, but continued his studies in his field of expertise in arcane defensive constructs, but there was still something about his persona that no one liked and generally avoided. Ricardt felt innately suspicious about Lysle, and his friends, a red headed elven woman by the name Lily, a dwarf by the name Logan Boldshoulder and a sandy haired sailor coined Dash Rogers. Most days Ricardt found himself locked in his room, sifting through books, sometimes not leaving for days as he simply zoned out from the natural currents of time, losing himself in his studies, then falling exhausted in his bed for many hours. Some evenings he would spend it out on a balcony, drinking alongside his neighbour and the friends of his neighbour. One night he heard them comment on the magician wrecking havoc on the North, but Ricardt was quick to change the topic from such dreary tales.

    Thirty-nine was the age he was when he moved from his new home in Hanseti, Asulon, to Salvus. He pondered much on the fall of Aegis, and the mysterious magician. It seemed no matter how many times someone had ‘slain’ this beast, he returned from the dead once more to continue his chaos. Then again, that is why they were called the Undead. They were the undying. You could not truly kill something that was already dead. Nonetheless, this magician seemed more puppet than puppeteer, controlled by a more powerful foe and Ricardt had been proven correct, or so he believed. Rumors had been sprouting of this magician that when seen rather than throwing out bolts of energy at any poor sod, he flees in terror, and when attacked he often retreats rather than fought, and when it was not possible he was forced to kill his assailants. It was so contradictory to the once feared 'Lich', yet he wore the same mask. Ricardt was reminded that he had not seen his old neighbour nor his friends in some time, last he had heard Lysle and Lily were happily married and moved far south past high mountains and into deep snow, living in a small shack by a graveyard as gravekeepers in Hanseti.

    Fourty-six was truly a defining year for him, it was when he had abandoned his small time tricks and began to enhance his mental prowess. He had met a great magician by the name of Amas that spoke to him in confidence of the ‘aura’ that people felt around him, it wasn’t what people thought but an energy that emanated from him, a gift he was born with. There were many people in the world, it was so diverse but there were also ‘natural-born magicians’, himself being one of them. Some are born with bodies designed to gain muscle, some to be tall, but rather his body was fragile and his mind designed to work harder than others. Although it meant he was capable of great things, it did not mean he could already do it, much like those born with a body designed to lift heavy things, he had to work himself up with much practice and training before he could reach his full capacity, and yet he may die long before he ever reached it. Magic was not something you could click your fingers and vullah, you could lift mountains or call forth cyclones, no, it took decades of mental training, something not many magicians understood, or still understand. Ricardt had kept the same haircut his mother had always cut him, and now rather than a small tavern room he slept in a suitable bedroom adjoined with another magician, and down the hall were countless other practitioners. When gazing through the vast and seemingly endless library he found something, a book on the beginnings of the Guild he was now a part of. Flicking through the pages he recognised something, a drawing of the original members of the Guild. Four people, but the most notable was the green robes, and the scarred face, it was ‘him’. His finger trailed the page down below the figure, tapping the name twice and muttering ‘Cataris conDoin’. He flicked through the pages, losing himself to time as his mind became encompassed only by the writings of the book, and upon finishing, he was horrified. It had been discovered, this magician he had witnessed die was in fact the Lich of the North.

    A few years had past, and he had been walking to his newest home, a small cottage house on the border of a rather small Kingdom solely interested in the trade of harvests, the local nobles were House Perea that governed the land he lived upon. Most of whom he had known and had died several decades ago in Aegis, Amas had told him that due to his circumstance of birth as a half-breed, he aged far slower than most humans. A being stood hunched in the road, speaking to two others, but they were without flesh and the tallest of them wore a mask of steel. Instantly Ricardt began to gather the energies around him, building up his defences and magical constructs if any would dare attack him, while he was far from the most powerful being, he was still an opponent a few skeletons couldn’t handle, but he felt it, an aura that sent the hairs on the back of his neck on end. The same aura that surrounded Amas and his fellow guild members, but it was coming from these three, the leader of the three raised his hand, and to the churn of his stomach his defenses were instantly wiped out, completely unravelled and gone, the two others cackled and made their way into the forests, but the masked magician stood watching him, the mask had no eye slits, nor slits to breathe from. A face was carved into the mask, that of a crying man, could this be whom he thought it was? The magician stepped closer and closer, raised a skeletal finger to Ricardt’s chest, yet he stood rooted in fear, not turning to flee or even defend himself, the skeleton spoke in a voice hoarse and strained “I see the life you hold, strange that I would find you here.. Say, do you know your father?
    No..” Ricardt slowly responded, now once again nothing more than the scared boy in the rain that night many years ago.
    Ah, you have conDoin blood in you. I see it coursing through your body, a strong blood. A strange encounter, awkward in its truest form, but I must say my piece before I leave. You surely know of those crimes I committed, you are older than you appear.. Just know they were not of my choice.” his finger poked hard against Ricardts chest at that last word, the magician then turned his hunched spine and began to wander off into the forest, following the two other magicians that had walked off. He spoke lastly, "You too are an exile. You mourn for the broad open steppes where you have room to spread your fey wings. Here you feel stifled and constricted, like an eagle that cries and beats against the bars of its iron cage. Free yourself."

    That same year was the last time he visited Amas, taking a bagful of books and rations, giving his farewells. He had learnt much, and only wanted solitude from the world. He found it in the far south, making good friends with an Elf by the name of Gulamendis. They lived by themselves for many decades, until finally things took a change for the worse on Asulon. Ricardt had decided he would travel to Anthos, and later, Athera, and do what he could for the aid of the Greater Good. While he preferred not to dabble in the disputes of drunkards nor the wars of Kingdoms, he would do all in his capabilities to prevent any evil that threatened the population. Alas, his dearest friend dared to stay behind. He could not give up his home, and it was never known what ever happened to Gulamendis when Asulon fell.

    One-hundred and eighty-two, Ricardt stepped off the ship, gazing about the landscape, he let out a faint smile, pulled at the straps of his bag and began to walk down the road in his black robes and brown sandals.


  14. I do indeed remember, Alakabam. They weren't good memories, either, from what I can recall. Bad blood between myself and those White Roses.

    As to Skale, Oren has died before, and it will die again.

    Bart Yap, I'm glad I could be. Shame you won't see Cataris though, as from my understanding due to corrections on the Lich lore of the site, it would be impossible to have Cataris be played as a character nowadays.

  15. Greetings,

    I'm that guy who got banned and atoned for his sins.

    I haven't been on Lord Of The Craft in 2 years (aside from logging in once to say hey to a few people, so that doesn't count). I'm going to be EXTREMELY out of the loop. How's Asulon going? what's Dawn been up too? I hope the nefarious Master Thieves Guild hasn't been stirring trouble around Hanseti.

    I know they're all gone, but thats the thing. I know things are gone, I know things have changed. But changed into what? Is Oren dead again? What happened to the Teutonic Order? (R.I.P MTG). Who is the ruling human kingdom, and what other human kingdoms are there? What is the geo-politics like? what are the relations between noble houses, and who are the noble houses? If you guys can catch me up on that, I'd be eternally grateful. Eternally.

    Aside from that. Does my Gold donation still stand? Does that mean I get a plot? I don't know if Gold rank donation perms have changed. Is anyone willing to allow me to camp in their house until I find my own cottage? Or am I going into the deep end. I feel like Steve Rogers right now. Everything is going to be so confusing.

  16. Greetings,

    With my possible return, I was hoping for some help in the skin department. In the past I would create my own skins, but it has been many a year since I have needed to do so. My skills are diminished. I was hoping for the craftsmenship of you fellow Rp'ers to help me.

    If you can help me, I am willing to help you as a reward. As I am returning after a very long departure, I won't have any possessions on me. So what I am willing to do is do whatever you require of me. Whether that is as a bodyguard, courier, farmhand or any other handy thing you need.

    I have a reference picture of the image I want to be skinned.



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