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Posts posted by Ranovak

  1. ((OOC username)): Ranovak


    Name: Amras'Tullum


    Age: 629


    Research archetype: 

    Chemistry and geology


    Research Details: 

    Cataloging different substances and their reactions with one another. The study will delve into the process by which a substance is synthesized or how it reacts with a counterpart. Its purpose is to develop a further understanding of the natural phenomena of the origin of substances.


    Potential Danger (0-5):

    2- Some experiments will require the movement of heavy and/or sharp objects.

    4- Experimentation with various substances has a minuscule potential to result in hazardous reactions (poisonous gases, explosions, shrapnel, birth of diseases, severing of limbs, etc.)


    Space Preferred: Type B

  2. One's Name: Amras'Tullum


    One’s Area of Expertise: Geology and geochemistry; how natural substances/phenomena exist and how they interact with each other.


    One’s future projects (No time-wasters, please): Research into the synthesis and crystallization of different ore substances and how reactions can be used to manipulate the natural world. A hypothetical study would be investigating the product created from the synthesis of Arcaurum and Carbarum. A tedious and ambitious secondary project involves the development of a complete ore dictionary which classifies all naturally occurring substances as well as their unnatural compounds. 


    Will you uphold the regulations of this consortium, knowing fully that disobeying them will lead to you immediate rejection and, should your actions be particularly distasteful, punishment through the law of the Mali’aheral? I would be a fallacious fool to do otherwise.

  3. ((MC Name: Ranovak))


    Name: Amras'Tullum


    Gender: Male


    Age: Around 400


    Origin: I was conceived in Raven's Hold, lived out most of my young age in Laurelin, and was a prominent citizen of Haelun'or.


    Profession (if any): Archaeologist, steward, and student of rocks. 


    Time in Haelun'or or any other settlement of the blessed high elves you now reside with: Since the very establishment of Haelun'or.


    How many mali'aheral do you intend to live with? List their names: I live alone.


    What does the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you? The progress of wisdom and health in its literal meaning, and it is the foundation of mali'aheral philosophies. It insists that we must always move forward with what we learn, while maintaining our health in purity.


    How can you declare you are mali'thill? I have been with the mali'aheral since we first arrived on the shores of the Haelun'or ruins. I will declare that I am a mali'thill by my heritage and family, for all of them have enacted in pure conduct as mali'aheral.

  4. Amras'Tullum passes by the notice board on his routine walk around the mali'aheral district and something catches his eyes. He mutters something under his breath before quickly scribbling something on a piece of paper which he then pins to the notice board. It reads:


    "This criminal did not escape under the jurisdiction of the mali'aheral, but rather a secondary source, another mage to be exact. I, Amras'Tullum, was a direct witness to this, as I witnessed Ambros break apart the gate as if it were made of glass. Upon noticing me, he assaulted me sending myself into unconsciousness with a stroke of his staff. The memories may seem vague at best, but one thing is for certain, Goliath Orman has the aid of the ancient mage, Ambros under his likes."





    Truename ((MCName)): Ranovak

    Origin: My life has been quite an adventure. I began it in Ravenhold Port where I learnt most of my basic skills from my parents. We belonged to a noble family who owned a trading company, unfortunately my brother was the one to inherit the business upon the passing of my parents. I decided to embrace my skills and began to travel the realm in search of knowledge. I have seen many things and witnessed many wars, but the most important one of all was meeting Dio. He introduced me to the idea of a high elf society free of any interrupting policies. I joined him among other Mali'aheral and we formed the wondrous city of Haelun'or.

    How can you declare you are Mali'thill: I follow the law of Maehr’sae Hiylen’ehya as well as remain active in the outstanding culture of the Mali’aheral in Haelun’or.

    Why do you wish to become a citizen of Haelun'or: I wish to be by my kin as we journey together through the infinite passage of knowledge. I feel my accommodation in Haelun’or will satisfy my quenching thirst for knowledge.

    What is your personal vision for our blessed race: That we may one day be fully united and live under the perfect vision of the Maehr’sae Hiylen’ehya; that we can become the guiding star for the lesser races in the fields of knowledge.

    What does maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you: Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya is the philosophy I use for my life. It is the law which I abide by and feel I must live by. It means I must stay devoted to my studies and my search for knowledge as well as following a healthy code of conduct in my life. It represents who I am, and who I always will be as a Mali’thill.

    What Elven phrase do you particularly take to heart? Please explain why: (Ehier Fiern~ To Find the Beginning) It is a phrase I hold dear to my heart because it was a saying of an old tutor of mine. He told me this saying so that I may strive my best and find the origin of all things, such as my study is based upon.

    What is the subject of the first book you will submit to the college: A thesis upon the archaeological research on institutions around Haelun’or from the previous era. It shall be named “Ancient Ruins: In and Around Haelun’or”.

    What would be your reaction if you ever saw a human, orc and unknown Mali'aheral travel the roads from Alras together: I would observe the situation from a distance. My first focus would be identifying the Mali’aheral. I would make a note to report such behaviour to the Maheral. As I follow this odd circumstance I decide to intervene, questioning the act of the Mali’aheral. I would be curious as to what he was doing with these “other” races, most especially in the presence of an orc. I would not open into violence, however and upon finding what I needed I would immediately return to Haelun’or.

    What home would you like to receive: I request that I may be able to receive Maheral’leh kulin as my home.

    Are there any other details about yourself you wish to relay to the council: I have been acquainted with several of the council members for many tarum. I was there when Haelun’or was established; all I wish is to be among my kin until the end. It is also important that I nurture my studies as a Mali’aheral should and there is no better place to maintain such studies than Haelun’or.

  6. Looks at the human with inspired eyes and wonders about his time in Malinor

    It it time, my kin, that we settle for ourselves. We lived in the lands of Malinor for far too long. Far too long we have hiding our culture. From what? Ridicule? We are the high elves, we must have pride in what we do, not sit among the elves as we get assimilated into their culture.

    Feels he's added his two minas to the inspirational speech and walks off, only to sit in the distance to watch where this goes.

  7. Whenever I'm thinking about the high elven lore I always fear that the high elves are the lowest in population in comparison to the other elves. This could either hinder or aid the lore, mattering how we look on it. Of course I think I found a resolve to this. Off to the drawing board!

  8. *sees the message, stares at it in disbelief*

    Ebs? He...he...he's dead? How? I've known him for so long, such adventures we've had. How could his tragedy befall on such a noble elf as thou. You're soul is forever with us, elven brother, son of Malinor. Ebs, you will not die in vain. I swear it!

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